Marquette University College of Business Administration Student Business Card Order Form Complete the form electronically, print it, and take the completed order form to Print World (1528 W. Wells Street, Milwaukee, WI). You must pay for the cards when you place the order; under no circumstances will cards be printed without pre-paying for them when ordered. The price is $20 for 100 cards of $25 for 200 cards. Depending on the number of orders, you should receive your cards in no later than a week. NOTE: if you want an e-mail address, it is REQUIRED to be your Marquette email address as this is a Marquette University Business card! Please check the appropriate box: Student Classification (REQUIRED; these are your only choices: PICK ONE): Undergraduate Student Graduate Student FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS—Select Major. (You may select at most three-this choice is OPTIONAL) Accounting Human Resources Business Administration Information Technology Business Economics International Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Marketing Finance Operations and Supply Chain Management OR Finance, Applied Investment Management Real Estate *Select “Finance, Applied Investment Management” ONLY if you have been accepted into the program. If applicable, provide a minor: FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS—SELECT PROGRAM (REQUIRED—PICK ONE) Master of Arts in Corporate Communication Master of Science in Human Resources Master of Leadership MBA Master of Science in Accounting Executive MBA Master of Science in Applied Economics Other: ____________________________________ Anticipated Graduation Year (OPTIONAL—if selected pick only one!) ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ‘18 Anticipated Graduation Month (OPTIONAL—if selected pick only one!) May August December NAME PHONE NUMBER. List the number (home OR cell) where you can be reached most reliably. PHONE: ( ) (OPTIONAL) E-MAIL ADDRESS: (OPTIONAL) LinkedIn ADDRESS: http//