Houston Community College System COURSE SYLLABUS CRN 29621 AND 30087 Humanities 1301: Introduction to the Humanities Professor: Dr. James A. Ross-Nazzal, Co-Director Africana/African American Studies Program Office Hours: Online ONLY M-TH 12-2pm. EO 2.0: https://eo2.hccs.edu Learning Web: http://m.se.hccs.edu/Users/james.rossnazzal/web/ HCC Blog: http://secollege.hccs.edu/drjrn/ Comms: All electronic communications will be through the EO QuickMail system. Each email must contain the course name, number, and CRN as well as your full name in the Subject line (HIST 1301 29740). Without that information I will NOT be able to respond. Please take the QM tutorial immediately if not sooner! Only personal, private matters will be sent through QuickMail. All questions on the class will be posted in the Questions Forum. Do NOT contact me directly at my HCC email address as I will not be able to respond to anything sent there directly. CATALOG DESCRIPTION Prerequisite: COMPLETION of ENGL 1301 Credit: 3 (3 lecture) This course provides an introduction to the arts and humanities. It investigates connections between individual human lives and a broad range of culture, aesthetics, and philosophy. Core Curriculum Course. HUMA 1301 DE Sumer 2013 Dr. Ross-Nazzal COURSE PURPOSE To develop student thinking, seeing, reading, writing, and listening skills and expand his/her knowledge of the human condition as portrayed in works of the human imagination and intellect. DESCRIPTION OF COURSE CONTENT Students focus on the connections between their own lives and the ideas and values expressed in works of human imagination and thought. Through inquiry into selected literature, philosophy, and the visual and performing arts, students will engage in critical thinking, form aesthetic judgments, and develop an appreciation of the arts and humanities and their pivotal role in the health and survival of any society. Students will attend and respond to museum and gallery exhibitions and performances (live theater and film). They will be introduced to readings in several genres from a variety of cultures. Students will respond to the work they study in a variety of ways including oral presentations, formal written assignments, and informal journal responses. TEXTBOOKS Sayre, Henry. The Humanities: Culture, Continuity and Change, Vol. 1, Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2013. (2nd edition). Student Learning Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. Recognize a variety of works in the arts and humanities. Understand those works as expressions of individual and human values within a historical and social context. Analyze objectively works in the arts and humanities. Articulate a personal (subjective) reaction to works in the arts and humanities. HCCS Humanities in the Core Curriculum Humanities 1301 may be taken to fulfill the core curriculum requirement for 3 semester hours in Cross/Multicultural Studies. Critical Thinking Skills (HUMA 1301 and HUMA 2319)—to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information Communication Skills (HUMA 1301 and HUMA 2319)—to include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication Personal Responsibility (HUMA 2319)—to include the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision-making Teamwork (HUMA 1301)—to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal Social Responsibility (HUMA 1301 and HUMA 2319)—to include intercultural competency, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities Learning Outcomes: HUMA 1301 DE Sumer 2013 Dr. Ross-Nazzal Upon successful completion of this course, students will: 1. Demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities. 2. Articulate how these works express the values of the individual and society within an historical and social context. 3. Articulate an informed personal response and critically analyze works in the arts and humanities. 4. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the influence of literature, philosophy, and the arts on cultural experiences. 5. Demonstrate an awareness of the creative process and why humans create. The objective of the humanities and visual and performing arts in a core curriculum is to expand students’ knowledge of the human condition and human cultures especially in relation to behaviors, ideas, and values expressed in works of human imagination and thought. Through study in disciplines such as literature and the visual and performing arts, students will engage in critical analysis, form aesthetic judgments, and develop an appreciation of the arts and humanities as fundamental to the health and survival of any society. Students should have experiences in both the arts and humanities. The objective of the cross/multicultural component of the core curriculum is to introduce students to areas of study which enlarge their knowledge and appreciation of the multicultural and multiracial world in which they live. Graded Work: I. Exams. The Midterm covers the first half of the material and the Final covers the second half of the material. I will post the exams at least two weeks before they are due. Follow the directions on the exams. You will upload them as Word files to the EO Unit. You are required to use evidence from the assigned textbook and assigned lectures. Students who use sources that I did not assign will receive a zero on the assignment. II. Culture Assignments. Draft 750 word essays examining the major characteristics of Mesopotamian (1) and Greco-Roman (2) culture. Upload your essays in the EO classroom as Word files. You are required to use evidence from the assigned textbook and assigned lectures. Students who use sources that I did not assign will receive a zero on the assignment. Scholastic Dishonesty: The Houston Community College System Student Handbook 1999/2000 defines the following criteria: "Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion." Plagiarism means the appropriation of another's work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one's own written work offered for credit. Collusion means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit. Students who engage in scholastic dishonesty will be given an F in the class. HUMA 1301 DE Sumer 2013 Dr. Ross-Nazzal Participation. Participation is required if you want to succeed (i.e., pass): Remember, you have something due each week. ADA: Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the beginning of each semester. Faculty is authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. Student Attendance: Life is too short to repeat in lecture what is available in your readings, thus relentless attendance is required. If miss “just one day” you truly miss a lot because my lectures, like history, are tightly integrated. Successful students attend class with a tenacity of purpose. Grades The grade of A (100-90) reflects excellence. The A work offers a well-focused and organized discussion appropriate to the instructor's assignment, reflects critical use of all relevant materials, and demonstrates effective and formal writing requirements. Work must demonstrate outstanding efforts to identify and use varied and pertinent evidence from all available sources, to employ those materials critically in the text of the papers, and to provide error-free citations of those resources. A work is handed in on time. The grade of B (89-80) represents work beyond satisfactory and indicates the work was completed in an appropriate and competent manner and, in general, demonstrates a strong attempt at original and critical analysis, writing, and research. Work must demonstrate beyond satisfactory efforts to identify varied and pertinent evidence from all available sources. The B paper may contain a number of minor errors of grammar or citation, and its thesis or its conclusions may be undeveloped or too weakly supported. B work is handed in on time. The grade of C(79-70) indicates that the work was done in a satisfactory or appropriate fashion and represents the average work expected for university courses. In order to obtain a C grade, your work must adhere to all of the assignment’s minimum requirements to include but limited to page/word requirements, number of sources, types of sources, and proper citation method. The work is organized around a central idea with arguments supported by relevant examples from the available sources. The work is structured into correctly written paragraphs and sentences. Although fulfilling the assignment, the C work may exhibit one or more weaknesses including, but not limited to, errors of punctuation and grammar, imprecise or incorrect word use, inaccurate or uncritical use of materials, occasional inconsistency of organization or development, and lack of direct relevance of the selected research materials to the topic. C work is handed in on time. The grade of D (69-60) indicates that the work may have a poorly defined topic or thesis, lacks clear focus or organization, and contains unsupported generalizations or conclusions. Research support (citations) is inadequate, not clearly relevant, or improperly documented. A less-than-minimal research effort is evident. D works fails to obtain the required page or word minimum requirement. The work may also suffer from numerous or major formal writing errors. D work fails to adhere to any of the assignment’s minimum requirements. D work is handed in on time. HUMA 1301 DE Sumer 2013 Dr. Ross-Nazzal The grade of F (59-1) indicates that the work is not clearly relevant to the assignment and that its topic and thesis are poorly focused or defined. The work may display inadequate organization or development, unsupported generalizations, and nonstandard formal features (including language usage, sentence structure, and paragraphing). Research support (citations) is absent, or irrelevant to the assignment. F work is handed in on time. The grade of 0 indicates that the work was not submitted at all or submitted after the due date/time. Remember any cheating whatsoever will result in an F for the course. Do you remember what happened to SMU in 1987? http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/spe/2004/feb25football/smu.html Late Work. I do not accept late work, for any reason. Do not ask me to accept late work. If any holidays, parties, work, vacations, family obligations, legal matters, or secular or religious responsibilities prevent you from completing the work when it is due, please do not take this class as I do not negotiate assignments or due dates. In order to pass you must have submitted all work. Students who fail to submit just one assignment will receive the final grade of F/X. Missed Assignments. I do not allow make ups for any reason. Do not ask me if there are any make up assignments. Extra Credit. I do not offer such a thing, for any reason, thus please do not ask me to entertain such a thing. Please leave all high school thoughts behind. Please note that this is not an independent study class. There are required, weekly interactions among class members and myself, and every assignment has a due date that I will not negotiate. Thus, please do not ask for me to accept late work or to make up missed work. You are responsible for your academic careers, so take charge and be the boss of you. EXTENSIONS. Sometimes students cannot, for whatever reasons, get their work submitted on time so they ask me for an extension. The answer is no. Everything has a specific due date which I will not negotiate, extend, or alter. Never ask me for an extension, you will not like my response. HCC Grading Scale: A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 D = 60 – 69 F = 59 and below HUMA 1301 DE Sumer 2013 Dr. Ross-Nazzal In order to pass, you must submit all graded and non graded assignments, assessments, and work. Failure to submit just one assigned work will result in you being awarded the grade of F/X for the class. A Final Thought on Grades – Getting good grades is easy. All you have to do is to keep up with the readings, attend class with a tenacity of purpose, take full and complete notes as I lecture and as you read, review your notes on a daily basis, take advantage of my office hours, and put forth the required efforts on all class assignments. No one has more control over your grades than yourselves. You will do well (i.e., pass) when you decide that studying is what is important and if you take the necessary steps to do well. Ultimately, you are responsible for your success or failure W. Students who fail to submit the first graded assignment will be withdrawn from the course. Students who fail to submit any additional assignments will be withdrawn from the course. HUMA 1301 DE Sumer 2013 Dr. Ross-Nazzal HUMANITIES 1301 - WEEKLY CALENDAR DATES MATERIAL TO BE COVERED 8/25-9/21 Read chapters 1-3; Listen to all lectures covering chapters 1-3; and submit the first Culture Assignment NLT 11:59pm 9/21. 9/22-10/19 Read chapter 4; Listen to all lectures covering chapter 4; submit the Midterm Exam.Due NLT 11:59pm Sun 10/19. 10/20-11/16 Read chapters 5-7; Listen to all lectures covering chapters 5-7; Submit second Culture Assignment.Due NLT 11:59pm 11/16. 11/17-12/7 Read chapter 8; Listen to all lectures covering chapter 8; DEC. 8th Final Exam. Due NLT 11:59pm HUMA 1301 DE Sumer 2013 Dr. Ross-Nazzal