VITA Stephen J. Lynch Phone: (401) 865-2233 (office)

Stephen J. Lynch
Department of English
Providence College
Providence, RI 02918
Phone: (401) 865-2233 (office)
(401) 294-6485 (home)
Ph.D. (English), Indiana University, July 1982
M.A. (English), Indiana University, December 1979
B.A. (English), State University of New York at Albany, May 1977
Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude (B.A.)
Professor, Providence College, 1998-present
Associate Professor, Providence College, 1994-98
Assistant Professor, Providence College, 1992-94
Associate Professor, University of North Carolina, Asheville, 1991-92
Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina, Asheville, 1985-91
Instructor, University of Georgia, 1982-85
Director, Liberal Arts Honors Program, 2004-present
Associate Director, Liberal Arts Honors Program, 1997-2004
Accinno Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2004
Director, Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale, University of North Carolina at Asheville, Feb.
27 - March 2, 1991
Marlowe’s Edward II with Related Texts. Cambridge: Hackett Publishing, 2015.
Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta with Related Texts. Cambridge: Hackett Publishing, 2009.
Shakespeare’s As You Like It: A Guide to the Play. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2003.
Shakespearean Intertextuality: Studies in Selected Sources and Plays. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1998.
“Marlowe’s Jew of Malta.” Critical Essays on Christopher Marlowe, eds. Sara Munson Deats and
Robert Logan, Ashgate Press [forthcoming, 2015].
“Turning Genre on Its Head: Shakespeare’s Reworking of His Sources in Richard III, King Lear, and The
Winter’s Tale.” Shakespeare and Genre, eds. Anthony Guneratne and Richard Vela. New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2011.
“Sin, Suffering, and Redemption in Leir and Lear.” Originally published in Shakespeare Studies in 1986,
this essay has been reprinted in Critical Essays on King Lear, ed. Jay L. Halio, New York: G.K. Hall,
“Christopher Marlowe,” Encyclopedia of British Humorists, ed. Steven Gale, New York: Garland Press,
1996, 719-724.
“The Authority of Gower in Shakespeare’s Pericles,” Mediaevalia 16 (1993): 325-42.
“Shakespeare among the Romantics,” Romanticism: Culture in Britain, 1780-1830, ed. Laura Dabundo,
Garland Press, 1992.
“Hector and the Theme of Honor in Troilus and Cressida,” The Upstart Crow: A Shakespeare Journal 7
(1987): 68-79.
“Sin, Suffering, and Redemption in Leir and Lear,” Shakespeare Studies 18 (1986): 161-174.
“The Idealism of Shakespeare’s Troilus,” South Atlantic Review 51 (1986): 19-29.
“Shakespeare’s Cressida: ‘A Woman of Quick Sense,’” Philological Quarterly 63 (1984): 357-68.
Director of Liberal Arts Honors Program, 2004-present
Associate Director of Liberal Arts Honors Program, 1997-2004
Core Curriculum Review Committee, 2005-07
Faculty Senator, 1995-97, 2004-06, 2007-09
Advisor for Undeclared Students, 1995-2010
Feinstein Public Service Program Committee 1995-96, 1997-98
Curriculum Review Sub-Committee for Interdisciplinary Programs, 1995
Freshman Experience Committee, 1995-96
Presentation for the Center for Teaching of Excellence: “Effective Teaching,” Spring 97
Fund Raising Volunteer for Providence 2000 Campaign, 1994
Leading role in film production of my Honors seminar class for the Admission Office,
1997 (to my dismay, no further film offers have come my way, not a single one)