2010.02 - Electronics (ETRO) 475: Advanced Instrumentation, Course Outline

Maui Community College
Course Outline
1. Alpha
ETRO Number
Course Title
Advanced Instrumentation
STEM Author Dr. Dave Harrington (ECET/ENGT lecturer), and Lisa Hunter
and Dr. Jeff Kuhn (Institute for Astronomy). Consulted with: Dr. Jung Park and Mark Hoffman.
Date of Outline
Effective Date spring 2011
5-year Review Date spring2016
2. Course Description:
Covers imaging, spectroscopic and polarimetric optical techniques in specific
applications. Investigates and documents remote sensing systems, hardware, fabrication, detectors, active /
passive illumination and software mechanical control. Includes laboratory exercises and inquiries utilizing
advanced / novel instruments. Covers system design, tolerancing, implementation, alignment, calibration
and characterization. Utilizes software tools to explore instrumental origins of measurement, precision,
accuracy and origins of noise. Develops ability to communicate findings orally and in written reports.
Contact Hours/Type
3. Pre-requisites
4 hr. lecture/lab
MATH 219 or 232, PHYS 219, ETRO 305 and 320, all with grade C or better.
Pre-requisite may be waived by consent
Recommended Preparation
4. Function/Designation
AS Program
AAS Program
BAS Program
AA Category
List Additional Programs and Category:
Additional Category
List Additional Programs and Category:
List Additional Programs and Category: Engineering Technology
Other/Additional: Explain:
Approval Date
Revised 6/28/2016
Course Outline, page 1
See Curriculum Action Request (CAR) form for the college-wide general education student learning
outcomes (SLOs) and/or the program learning outcomes (PLOs) this course supports.
This course outline is standardized and/or the result of a community college or system-wide agreement.
Responsible committee:
5. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): List one to four inclusive SLOs.
For assessment, link these to #7 Recommended Course Content, and #9 Recommended Course
Requirements & Evaluation. Use roman numerals (I., II., III.) to designate SLOs
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
I. Optimize the design performance of instruments, through alignment, tolerancing, and calibration,
using modern instrument tools.
II. Identify requirements, select instrument designs, and evaluate trade-offs to meet specified
measurement goals.
III. Characterize and communicate technical details of instrument designs and performance
characteristics using current techniques and graphical standards.
IV. Communicate diverse viewpoints related to Hawai`i instrumentation, that relates facilities,
workforce needs, and organization type, and identifies the societal and cultural impacts of Hawai`i
instrumentation facilities.
V. Design and maintain instrument and control systems.
6. Competencies/Concepts/Issues/Skills
For assessment, link these to #7 Recommended Course Content, and #9 Recommended Course
Requirements & Evaluation. Use lower case letters (a., b.…zz. )to designate competencies/skills/issues
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
a. Assemble and align an instrument based on technical documents.
b. Trouble-shoot a misaligned system.
c. Articulate different perspectives on the use of technology in various settings.
d. Create, characterize and optimize a re-imaging system.
e. Diagnose system faults / errors using existing documentation.
f. Identify potential performance upgrades enabled by new technology.
g. Evaluate existing instruments for multiple / novel applications.
h. Describe optical specifications such as scratch dig, hardness specifications, coatings.
i. Specify parts to purchase from a catalog.
j. Estimate measurement precision or instrument capabilities from instrument performance.
measurements, specifications and characteristics.
k. Operate and maintain instruments (Fourier transform spectrograph, optical / infra-red camera systems,
and telescope control systems (Coelostats / Guiders).
l. Demonstrate technician-level proficiency (optical alignment, focusing, installation, calibrating).
m. Collaborate on writing technical reports for publication and presentation.
n. Use software to demonstrate optical concepts and optimize designs (Zemax, ArcGIS, IDL).
o. Describe trade-offs and diverse perspectives of telescopes and related technologies.
p. Generate connections between projects and society.
7. Suggested Course Content and Approximate Time Spent on Each Topic
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course outline
Linked to #5. Student Learning Outcomes and # 6 Competencies/Skills/Issues
2-4 Weeks:
1-2 Weeks:
1-2 Weeks:
1-2 Weeks:
1-2 Weeks:
2-3 Weeks:
2-3 Weeks:
1-2 Weeks:
Optical systems: imaging, spectroscopy, polarimetry, spectropolarimetry (II f, h, i, j, n, o).
Detection systems: CCD, photodiode, CMOS, etc… (II, d, f, i, j, k, l, n).
Instrument packages: Combined optical / detector systems ( I, j, k, n).
Measurements and characterization (I, III, V, e, f, h, k, l).
Documentation & description (II, f, g, h, m, n, p).
System performance, limitations & tradeoffs ( II, III, V, a, b,e, j, k, l, n, o).
Instrument case studies, such as HiVIS, AO demonstrator ( I, II a, b, d, k, l, n).
Hawai`i high-tech instrumentation (IV, c, g, o, p).
8. Text and Materials, Reference Materials, and Auxiliary Materials
Appropriate text(s) and materials will be chosen at the time the course is offered from those currently
available in the field. Examples include: Materials, examples, and/or exercises will be handed out by
the instructor.
Appropriate reference materials will be chosen at the time the course is offered from those currently
available in the field. Examples include:
Documentation for the instruments used in the course.
Such as Ocean Optics spectrograph, FTIR manual,
Examples of instruments such as the ATST Instruments:
Google Books to be used as examples:
"Handbook of CCD Astronomy" by Howell
"Remote sensing: models and methods for image processing" by Schowengerdt
Appropriate auxiliary materials will be chosen at the time the course is offered from those currently
available in the field. Examples include: Software such as Zemax, ArcGIS, IDL.
Documentation and tutorial for software used in the course:
Zemax manual, Oslo manual, Edmund Optics Design Examples, etc
9. Suggested Course Requirements and Evaluation
Linked to #5. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and #6 Competencies/Skills/Issues
Specific course requirements are at the discretion of the instructor at the time the course is being offered.
Suggested requirements might include, but are not limited to:
Class participation:
Projects/ research:
Quizzes (In class & pre-class):
Written examinations:
40-60% (I, II, III, IV, V, a-p)
10-15% (I, II, III, IV, V, a-p)
10-20% (I, II, III, IV, V, a-p)
10-20% (I, II, III, IV, V, a-p)
10-30% (I, II, III, IV, V, a-p)
10. Methods of Instruction
Instructional methods will vary considerably by instructor. Specific methods are at the discretion of the
instructor teaching the course and might include, but are not limited to:
Revised 6/28/2016
course outline
Inquiry lab experiences.
Lab activities and exercises.
Group projects or team challenges.
Audio/visual presentations (pre-prepared or internet-based).
Class discussions.
Guest speakers or field trips.
11. Assessment of Intended Student Learning Outcomes Standards Grid attached
12. Additional Information:
Dr. Dave Harrington, Postdoctoral fellow, Institute for Atronomy (IfA), and ECET/ENGT lecturer at
Lisa Hunter, Director, Akamai Workforce Initiative, IfA & Institute for Science & Engineer Educators.
Dr. Jeff Kuhn, Astronomer, Associate Director, Maui Operations, IfA.
Revised 6/28/2016
course outline