2008.01 - ATP BAS Applied Engineering, Budget 3

Budget Justification for Applied Engineering ATP
Annual Headcount is calculated using a cohort of 16 students entering the upper division
each year. The graduation rate starts at 50% and increases to 75% as retention improves.
Some students will take more than two years to complete the upper division. The Annual
Headcount is the number of majors in the upper division classes each year. These majors
are comprised of residents and non-residents. The initial cohort is 100% resident. In year
6 15% of the majors are non-resident. The Applied engineering degree will draw nonresident majors because of the world-class instrumentation available for these
undergraduate students at the Institute for Astronomy advanced technology research
center, at the summit of Haleakala, at the Maui research and technology park and at the
Maui High Performance Computing Center.
Annual SSH is calculated using the number of majors and adding a small number of nonmajors in the upper division classes. We also take into account that some students may
not be taking a full course load and therefore will not complete the degree in two years.
We project that students in the first year will take on average 14 credits. In year 2 this
grows to an average of 18 credits. In subsequent years the average student will take a
course load of 24 credits per year.
Instructional cost w/o Fringe is based on 2 FTE FT Rank 3 Step 5 Faculty at $61,824
annual salary for a total of $123,648. This annual salary cost is increased by 4% per year.
These positions have already been allocated to the Maui Community college general fund
and do not represent new funding requests.
In year one we account for the first cohort taking upper division gen ed classes at a cost
of 3 credits at $1,518 per credit. In year 2-6 there are two cohorts taking upper division
gen ed classes, so the cost is increased to 6 credits with a 4% per credit cost increase to
Other Personnel costs are based on current extramural funded positions. We expect this
funding to continue and the need for these personnel to continue. Costs are based on a ¼
FTE clerical, ½ FTE student lab technician, and a FT student programs coordinator.
Current salary baselines are used and 4% per year are projected.
Unique Program costs are calculated using projections from National Science Foundation
funded research into engineering program expansion for Maui Community College. The
program will use extensive laboratory exercises and hands-on projects based on the
technology used in local high technology companies. Computers and specialized software
licenses, optics and electro-optics supplies, optics and electro-optics workstations and
other costs have been estimated. There is a table in the packet outlining these expenses.
Total costs are the summation of the Direct and incremental program costs without
Tuition is calculated using the proportion of resident and non-resident majors previously
described in the Annual Headcount section. Resident tuition starts at $169 per credit and
climbs to $235 per credit. Non-resident tuition starts at $524 per credit and grows to $713
per credit. These per credit rates are combined proportional to the number of resident and
non-resident majors to give an estimate average tuition rate.
Other revenue is identified from a variety of extramural sources. A National Science
Foundation grant is currently under review. This grant was originally submitted last year
and was funded for one year. The NSF asked the proposers to make some adjustment and
to re-submit this year. We expect this 5-year proposal to be awarded in the fall of 2008.
There are several other proposals that are currently funded and are expected to continue.
The funding agencies have been contacted and have indicated that these year-long
proposals will be continued. The revenue for the 2 faculty positions in the Instructional
Costs line is shown. The revenues for these salaries will increase with the 4% of the
salary cost increase projections.
Total revenue is the summation of the individual revenue line items.
Net cost is projected to show income to the campus. Some of the cost structure is tied to
grant award obligations. If some of the grant revenue does not become realized there will
be corresponding decrease in costs. The program will be self-sustaining and produce a
number of graduates that will match the number of local jobs in Maui’s high technology
industry. Thus program will provide the state with the applied engineering technology
training required for a number of industries on Maui, Hawaii, and Kauai.
Program cost per SSH with fringe is determined to be 8% higher than the campus average
of $385 per SSH. This higher cost is due to the focus on applied hands-on laboratory
exercises. Very valuable resources will be available to students at no cost, such as access
to millions of dollars of research grade instrumentation at the Institute for Astronomy, the
Faulkes telescope, and an IBM super computer at the Maui Hog Performance computing