Course Syllabi

NURS 261 Advanced Electrocardiogram
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Nancy Johnson, MSN, APRN
Course Description
Prerequisites: Previous or concurrent enrollment in NURS 259.
Develops advanced nursing theory related to interpretation of 12-lead
ECG. Focuses on ECG changes which occur with acute coronary
syndrome, myocardial infarction, axis deviation, artificial pacemaker,
defibrillation and cardioversion.
The following Maui Community College Student Learning Outcomes are a focus of the course:
2.1 Apply numeric, graphic, and symbolic skills and other forms of quantitative reasoning
accurately and appropriately.
Demonstrate mastery of mathematical concepts, skills, and application, using technology
with appropriate.
2.5 Define quantitative issues and problems, gather relevant information, analyze
that information, and present results.
5.4 Recognize and understand multiple modes of inquiry, including investigative methods based
on observation and analysis.
5.5 Evaluate a problem, distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant
facts, opinions,
assumptions, issues, and biases through the use of appropriate
5.6 Apply problem-solving techniques and skills, including the rules of logic and logical
5.7 Synthesize information from various sources, drawing appropriate conclusions.
Course Objectives
1. Delineate the electromechanics of the cardiac muscle.
2. Evaluate 12-lead Electrocardiograms and identify abnormalities.
3. Describe the ECG changes which occur with acute coronary syndrome and
myocardial infarction and identify surface area involved.
4. Identify ECG changes indicating myocardial ischemia and describe appropriate
therapeutic actions.
5. Describe the ECG changes which occur with axis deviation and indicate origin
these changes.
6. Describe ECG changes which occur with electrical stimulation therapies;
including artificial pacemakers and ablation therapy..
7. Evaluate pacemaker function and describe therapeutic management of
8. Discuss defibrillation and cardioversion as treatment modalities.
9. Utilize on-line computer technology to access information, collaborate with
colleagues, and complete evaluation procedures.
Course Outline
Introduction, Course Requirements, Cardiac
Conduction System & Electromechanics of
cardiac muscle.
Readings in Cardiac
Anatomy text.
Garcia Chapter 1,2
January 22
Normal 12 ECG, obtaining 12 lead ECG
readings & continuous ECG monitoring.
Garcia Chapters 4, 5, 6
January 29
Normal Axis & Axis deviation
Garcia Chapter 3, 12
February 5
February 12
Acute Coronary Syndrome & Myocardial
Garcia Chapter 14, 15
January 15
February 19
February 26
Review for Midterm Exam
Week of March
1-March 4
Midterm exam
Campus Testing
March 11
Garcia Chapter 8
March 18
Spring Break
March 25
Bundle Branch Block &
Garcia Chapter 13
April 1
Preexcitation Syndrome
Garcia Chapter 10 p.
April 8
Putting it all together
Garcia Chapter 17
April 15 & April Electrical stimulation- pacemaker & ablation
See Medtronic Website
Special Assignments
April 29
Chamber enlargement
Garcia Chapter 9, 11
May 6
Review for final
Week of May
10-May 14
Final exam
Campus Testing
Course Evaluation
Weekly on-line quizzes-40%
Mid-Term Exam - 30%
Final Exam - 30%
REQUIRED TEXT: Garcia, Tomas, Holtz, Neil, 12-Lead ECG The Art of
Interpretation, Jones and Barlett, Mississauga, 2001.
Selected on-line articles as indicated.
Learning Activities
Class lecture/discussions, completion of in class exercise, on-line tutorial.