Maui Community College Course Outline 1. COURSE TITLE Hist 242 Civilizations of Asia II NUMBER OF CREDITS Three (3) ABBREVIATED COURSE TITLE: Asian Civ II DATE OF OUTLINE September 13, 2000 2. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Surveys the impact of western civilizations upon the major civilizations of Asia and the Asian response to this impact. 3. CONTACT HOURS PER WEEK: Three (3) hours each class or forty-five (45) hours per week. 4. PREREQUISITES: English 100 or concurrent enrollment, or consent of instructor. COREQUISITES: None RECOMMENDED PREPARATION: None Approved by _____________________________________ Date________________ 2 5. GENERAL COURSE OBJECTIVES History 242 is the second half of a two-semester sequence of courses which generally covers the history of Asia from earliest times to the present. History 242 deals with the contact of western societies upon Asiatic societies and their responses to that contact. Emphasis will be placed on an examination of the cultures of China and Japan and their specific responses to western pressures and the development of a unique history as a result of their responses. 6. SPECIFIC COURSE/STUDENT COMPETENCIES AND OBJECTIVES: a. Distinguish the characteristics of the major Asian civilizations in their specific geographical settings. b. Develop a sense of historical time c. Describe the interconnective roles which social, religious, political, economic, and technological forces have played among the major Asiatic Civilizations d. Evaluate such historical theories as the “great person” in history e. Trace the development of modern Asiatic societies and role in global politics from 1800 to the present f. Describe the global processes as they appear in the major Asiatic civilizations (agricultural and urban revolutions, growth of civilization, human migrations, the rise and fall of dynastic houses, empire) g. Compare and contrast responses of the Asiatic peoples and cultures as a result of intercultural contacts and the diffusion of ideas, inventions and institutions h. Analyze cause and effect relationships in Asiatic history i. Recognize the interpretative explanations for important historical events in modern Asian history 3 7. RECOMMENDED COURSE CONTENT: Week 1 Introduction to modern Asian history The geography of the modern Asiatic continent Week 2-3 China and early western contacts Marco Polo to Mateo Ricci Week 4 Japan and early western contacts The Portuguese and the Jesuits Week 5 China : The Canton Era: The Opium War and consequences Week 6 The invasion of China and stubbornness to change: 1850-1900 The Taiping and Boxer Rebellions Week 7 Japan: The Tokugawa Era 1600-1853 Isolation and Peace Week 8 Commodore Matthew Perry and the opening of Japan 1653-1860 Week 9 The demise of the Tokugawa and the Meiji Movement of 1868 Week 10-11 The Chinese Revolution of 1908-1911 Sun Yat-sen and Chinese Republicanism Week 12 Chinese Communism and Warlords: The rise of Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Tse-tung 1920-1941 Week 13 Communist China : The early years to the Cultural Revolution 19401970 Week 14 Japan 1900-1930: The rise of Japanese Fascism Week 15 The road to Pearl Harbor and aftermath: Hiroshima and Nagasaki Week 16 Postwar Japan: 1945 to present 4 8. RECOMMENDED COURSE REQUIREMENTS Specific course requirements are at the discretion of the instructor at the time the course is being offered. Suggested requirements include but are not limited to: Written or oral examination Map quizzes Projects or research (written reports and/or oral class presentations) Attendance and/or class participation 9. TEXT AND MATERIALS An appropriate text and materials will be chosen at the time that the course is to be offered from among those currently available In the field. Examples include: Texts: Murphey, Rhoad. A History of Asia. New York: Longman, 2000. Reischauer, E.O. and Fairbank, J.K. East Asia: The Great Tradition and Transformation. (New York: Knopf, Pub. 1995) Materials: Text may be supplemented with: Articles and/or handouts prepared by the instructor Magazine or newspaper articles Appropriate video or internet sites and television programs Guest speakers Other instructional aids 10. EVALUATION AND GRADING Examinations (written and/or oral) Map quizzes Project/Research Attendance/Class participation 50-80% 0-20% 0-30% 0-20% 5 11. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION Instructional methods vary considerably with instructors and specific instructional methods will be at the discretion of the instructor teaching the course. Suggested techniques might include, but are not limited to: Lecture Class discussions or guest lectures Audio-visual presentations involving the internet Student class presentations based on group or individual projects