Revolutionary Ideas:  The View from My Window in DC

Revolutionary Ideas
The View from my window in DC
Sept. 14, 2008
Dr. Pat Stanley
Deputy Assistant Secretary
for Community Colleges,
Office of Vocational and Adult
U.S. Department of Education
1st DAS
CC Priority in OVAE
“Real and Adjunct” Staff
Other’s tell the CC story
“It is critical that the nation better
prepare its workers. The alternative is
a workforce increasingly divided
between those able to earn and compete
and those struggling to get by.”
Alan Greenspan
Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve
Why Revolution?
High School Imperative
Fewer than half of our high school graduates are
ready for college-level math and science (ACT)
Nearly 30% of all undergraduates must take
developmental coursework during their college
career (National Center for Education Statistics)
Among all ninth-graders, approx three in 10 do not
graduate on time, number is closer to five in 10 for
African American and Hispanic students (Manhattan
Why Revolution?
Career Changers
Limited English Proficient
Adults will change careers between 3-11 times in a life-time
Workers with Limited English proficiency earn upwards of 90% less than
workers who were proficient in English (NAAL)
The immigrant population is projected to account for more than half of our
nations population growth between now and 2015 (U.S. Census Bureau)
Adult Literacy Skills
U.S. business and industry leaders spend nearly $600 million per year on
remedial reading, writing, and math skills for training employees (NIFL)
Over half of adults with “below basic” literacy skills are not employed
Approximately $73 billion a year is spent on unnecessary health care costs, a
majority of which can be attributed to adults with low literacy skills (AHIP)
Why Revolution?
American Competitiveness
While 90% of the fastest growing jobs require some form of postsecondary
education, 60% of Americans have no postsecondary credential
Thirty-two states do not have enough traditional students in the education
pipeline to reach levels of international competitiveness
Out of 200,000,000 adults in America, 43,000,000 have not completed high
Forty-five percent of the adult population are in jeopardy of not being able to
fully participate in family, work, and community opportunities
Action Plan for Higher
A Test of Leadership:
Charting the Future for
Higher Education
The Community College:
More Options…
More Opportunities
The Role of the
Office Of Vocational and Adult
OVAE’s Mission
for Community Colleges
Our mission is to serve as the national source for
information and leadership required to improve
accessibility, affordability, accountability, and
quality in community college education
OVAE’s Vision for Community Colleges
OVAE will assume a leadership position on all
matters related to community colleges within the
U.S. Department of Education and the education
community at large.
OVAE will be viewed as an authority in national
dialogues on high school reform, postsecondary
education, adult education, workforce
development and related transition strategies.
OVAE had a Plan for Serving
Community Colleges
Goal #1
To establish widespread public support for community
colleges as centers of innovation and providers of superior
education and training that are affordable and accessible to
all Americans.
• DAS @100 speeches + 150 meetings w/stakeholder groups
• CC State Director calls, Compendium, listserve, Serving
CC plan, PP., speeches + more, webcasts of Symposium +
Virtual Summit
• National projects
OVAE had a Plan for Serving
Community Colleges
Goal #2
To serve as a portal for timely and actionable guidance on
community college education for teachers, administrators,
students, parents and employers.
• Website etc. as in Goal 1
• Fact sheets
• Articles, CD, Chronicle etc.
• CCCan project
OVAE had a Plan for Serving
Community Colleges
Goal #3
To develop a structure and culture within the U.S.
Department of Education that values and promotes the role
of community colleges in postsecondary education.
• Briefing on CC to USDE staff
• Collaboration/partnerships with HHA, DOL, OPE + more
• Input to Secretary’s speeches
• Transition preparation
OVAE Projects Underway for Community
College and Career Transition Initiative
▪16 career clusters to 81 pathways
• Pathways
▪ Multiple entry points, postsecondary “chunks”
Community College Curriculum Project
OVAE Projects Underway for Community Colleges
Virtual Summit
June 28, 2007
2 to 4 yr transition – cost of higher education including costs of developmental education
Adult and non-traditional Students
Affordability, Accessibility, and Accountability in Higher
Education: A Dialogue With Rural Community College
January 15, 2008
Link to Virtual Summit Video and Proceedings:
OVAE Projects Underway for Community Colleges
“Issues That Matter”
Fostering Career Pathways in High Growth Industries
Integrating Developmental Education Workforce
Development Institute
Establishing Statewide Articulation Agreements
Innovations Conference
Serving Low Literacy Adults
OVAE Projects Underway for Community Colleges
2008 Community College Symposium
Webcast – Link:
Academics, Practitioners, and Policy Experts
Student Transitions
Community Colleges Can: Institutions
Sharing Success
Cabrillo College: Digital Bridge Academy
El Paso Community College: EPCC-UTEP Partnership
Monroe Community College: Collegiate Science and
Technology Entry Program
Parkland College: Center for Academic Success
Pasadena City College: Teaching and Learning
Salt Lake Community College: Innova Bio and
Biotechnology Technician
Community Colleges Can: Institutions
Sharing Success
Skagit Valley College: Counseling-Enhanced
Developmental Learning Communities
Southwestern Oregon Community College: Career
Disseminate Information
Nursing Meetings
Sept. 2007
October 1, 2008
Summit – DOL
State Teams
MOU Denmark
Faculty and student exchanges
Regional Summit
Adult Basic Education (ABE)
Ready for College
Focused on improving the quality of Adult
Secondary Education (ASE) so that out-of-school
youth could successfully transition to
postsecondary education
Projects to enhance curricula, teacher training, and
student support strategies
Four demonstration grants totaling $2.8 million
All CC Systems
Adult Basic Education (ABE)
Career Connections
Funds five local sites to demonstrate how
ABE programs can operate within an
existing postsecondary pathway
Develops new solutions for assisting adults
to transition into postsecondary pathway
programs and begin careers in high-demand
4 of 5 sites funded are CC’s
National Center for Research (includes
Longitudinal backward mapping/South Carolina
Career Developmental Critical
Articulation Agreements (statewide)
6 states funded
- Indiana
- Hawaii
- New Hampshire
- Nebraska
- South Carolina
- Florida
Federal Legislation
Career and Technical Education
• Programs of Study (POS)
• Academic Achievement
• Dual Enrollment
• Accountability
• Community College Communication
Federal Legislation
Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
Literacy Act (Title II) Proposal
Synthesis Project
Federal Legislation
Higher Education Act (HR 4137)
Some major provisions (over 1,100pp)
• Pell Maximum $8000
• Streamline FAFSA
• Fed Program: supports state articulation agreements
• Colleges must provide textbook information
• Provide information on 26 data items related to federal
financial aid
• Programs to help CC students: remedial coursework + nontraditional academic and career goals
• Secretary publish “transparency lists”
Your Role
The view from my window in DC
Change transform CC with Revolutionary
Pat Stanley
Deputy Assistant Secretary
(202) 245-6683
Until Jan, 2009