ATTENTION TO ALL CIVIL ENGINEERING STUDENTS Please be informed that, as off today, your academic advisor is the lecturer placed opposite to your student number. It will be your duty to visit your advisor during the first week of each month either to discuss any problems or just to say that everything is fine. You need to see your advisor for the academic matters, such as, withdrawal, add/drop from courses etc. You could also make an appointment to see your advisor at any other time. ADVISOR LIST ACADEMIC ADVISORS STUDENT NUMBERS Room NEW STUDENTS Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa ERGİL Students at Preparatory but registered ENGL185 or ENGL183 CE 127 New Transfer Students (External & Internal) 070975-109542 128207-128736 131105-132813 Yrd. Doç. Dr. Giray ÖZAY 138004-138369 CE 234 147726-148045 148540-148702 Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet M. KUNT 109564-128155 148345-148538 CE 233 Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim YİTMEN 128207-137993 CE 225 148069-148228 138371-142120 Assoc. Prof. Dr . Khaled MARAR 148246-148311 Changiz AHBAB 142921-148045 148703-15701742 Dr. Tolga ÇELİK Doç. Dr. Zalihe SEZAİ CE 132 CE 124 CE 240 991475 ALL Graduate Students (MS and PhD) Civil Engineering Department Spring 2015-16 CE 122