17109 28-Jun-16 1 of 6 PACIFIC ISLAND SOCIAL SERVICES Assess the presenting needs of a user of Pacific Island social services level: 4 credit: 6 planned review date: June 2002 sub-field: Social Services purpose: People credited with this unit standard are able to gather information on the presenting needs of a participant in Pacific Island social services, and assess the information gathered on the presenting needs of a participant in Pacific Island social services. entry information: Open. accreditation option: Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA and industry. moderation option: A centrally established and directed national moderation system has been set up by Community Support Services ITO Limited (Careerforce). special notes: 1 People awarded credit in this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of te tino rangatiratanga and kawanatanga of the Treaty of Waitangi, and are able to demonstrate knowledge of how to apply the articles of the Treaty of Waitangi to social services. They are able to apply this knowledge to the context of assessment for this unit standard (for further clarification, please refer to Unit 7927, Demonstrate knowledge of the application of the Treaty of Waitangi in the social services). New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 17109 28-Jun-16 2 of 6 PACIFIC ISLAND SOCIAL SERVICES Assess the presenting needs of a user of Pacific Island social services 2 Pacific Island refers primarily to the main island groups represented in New Zealand, namely Samoan, Tongan, Cook Island, Niuean, Tokelauan, Fijian, Tuvaluan, Solomon Islands, Kiribati. 3 Participant is used as a generic term to denote people from Pacific Island user groups in the social services. 4 Presenting needs include but are not limited to needs for: advice, health care, information, protection, referral, shelter, cultural needs, emotional support, financial support, material support, signs of crisis or distress. 5 Signs of crisis or distress may include but are not limited to: indicators of disturbed behaviour, disorders of physical or mental health, personal withdrawal and disassociation, family ostracism, poverty, homelessness, relationship crises or difficulties, suicidal behaviour, substance abuse, violence, gambling addiction. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 17109 28-Jun-16 3 of 6 PACIFIC ISLAND SOCIAL SERVICES Assess the presenting needs of a user of Pacific Island social services 6 Agreement with the participant and/or people of significance to the participant reflects the desirability of the Pacific Island social service worker first attempting to achieve agreement with the participant and her/his family on accuracy of information and any processes to be undertaken. In some instances this may not be possible because of intervening factors such as physical or mental health conditions, or incapacities caused by alcohol or drug usage. In those situations, agreement is judged in terms of information and opinions held by other people of significance, who first include members of the participant's family; and secondly, health and social service workers, ministers of religion, police officers, solicitors, and others who have current knowledge about the participant and her/his/their situation. 7 Available resources include but are not limited to resources available to the participant from: the social service worker, the social service worker's agency or organisation, Pacific Island social services, other social services, community groups, the participant's family, church, the participant's own resources. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 17109 28-Jun-16 4 of 6 PACIFIC ISLAND SOCIAL SERVICES Assess the presenting needs of a user of Pacific Island social services 8 All communications with participants are treated confidentially. The scope and limits of confidentiality are defined through negotiation, and informed consent of participants, and criteria established by legislation, ethical practice, and organisational guidelines. In the context of this unit standard, sources of criteria established by legislation, ethical practice, and organisational guidelines include but are not limited to: Official Information Act 1982, Privacy Act 1993, service provider codes of conduct, codes of practice issued by the Privacy Commissioner, Pacific Island social service codes of ethics, and organisational guidelines, protocols, staff manuals, strategic plans, kaupapa. 9 In carrying out all elements of this unit standard, actions are documented according to enterprise standards. Enterprise standards include but are not limited to: service provider strategic plans, kaupapa, governing legislation, staff manuals, and service provider protocols. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 17109 28-Jun-16 5 of 6 PACIFIC ISLAND SOCIAL SERVICES Assess the presenting needs of a user of Pacific Island social services Elements and Performance Criteria element 1 Gather information on the presenting needs of a participant in Pacific Island social services. Range: information may be oral, written, or a combination of oral and written. performance criteria 1.1 Information gathered is accurate according to agreements with the participant and/or people of significance to the participant. 1.2 Information is gathered according to cultural protocols and criteria established by legislation, ethical practice, and organisational guidelines. element 2 Assess the information gathered on the presenting needs of a participant in Pacific Island social services. performance criteria 2.1 Assessment identifies presenting needs according to agreements with the participant and/or people of significance to the participant, and cultural protocols. 2.2 Assessment identifies presenting needs according to cultural protocols and criteria established by legislation, ethical practice, and organisational guidelines. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 17109 28-Jun-16 6 of 6 PACIFIC ISLAND SOCIAL SERVICES Assess the presenting needs of a user of Pacific Island social services 2.3 Assessment of presenting needs is accurate according to agreements with the participant and/or people of significance to the participant. 2.4 Assessment identifies recommendations for action according to relevant criteria. Range: action - by the participant, by people of significance to the participant, by the Pacific Island social service worker; evidence is required of one of the range; relevant criteria - assessment of presenting needs, participant abilities and means, available resources, input from other people of significance to the participant; evidence is required of one of the range. Comments to: Careerforce PO Box 2637 Wellington 6140 Please Note: Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority before they can offer programmes of education and training assessed against unit standards. Accredited providers assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those unit standards. [Please refer to relevant Plan ref: 0222] New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016