18680 28-Jun-16 1 of 7 PRACTICAL AND PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FOR DISABILITY SUPPORT Support people with disabilities to access vocational opportunities level: 5 credit: 12 planned review date: December 2003 sub-field: Human Services purpose: People credited with this unit standard are able to: gather oral and written information on the vocational goals of a person with a disability; plan with a person with a disability to achieve their vocational goal; implement the vocational strategy; and evaluate the vocational strategy. entry information: Open. accreditation option: Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA, industry and teaching professional in the same field from another provider. moderation option: A centrally established and directed external moderation system has been set up by Community Support Services Industry Training Organisation. special notes: 1 The privacy of people with disabilities will be respected at all times. The decision for contact to occur will always be made in consultation with the person with the disability. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 18680 28-Jun-16 2 of 7 PRACTICAL AND PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FOR DISABILITY SUPPORT Support people with disabilities to access vocational opportunities 2 People awarded credit for this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of the meaning of the articles of the Treaty of Waitangi for human service purposes, and are able to apply this knowledge to the context of assessment for this unit standard. 3 The following apply to the performance of all elements of this unit standard: a All activities must comply with any policies, procedures, ethical codes and standards and requirements of the organisations involved. b All activities must comply with any relevant cultural, legislative and/or regulatory requirements including the rights and responsibilities of the disabled as outlined in the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights 1996, and the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, Human Rights Act 1993, Privacy Act 1993, and any subsequent amendments. c The rights of the person with a disability are paramount. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 18680 28-Jun-16 3 of 7 PRACTICAL AND PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FOR DISABILITY SUPPORT Support people with disabilities to access vocational opportunities 4 All communications with participants will be treated confidentially. The scope and limits of confidentiality are defined through negotiation, and informed consent of participants, and criteria established by legislation, ethical practice, and organisational guidelines. In the context of this unit standard, sources of ‘criteria established by legislation, ethical practice, and organisational guidelines’ include but are not limited to the Official Information Act 1982, Privacy Act 1993, organisations’ codes of conduct, codes of practice issued by the Privacy Commissioner, human services codes of ethics, and organisational guidelines, protocols, staff manuals, strategic plans, or kaupapa. 5 This unit standard cannot be assessed in a simulated environment. It is required that people seeking credit for this unit standard will demonstrate competence and be assessed in the workplace. This can be through paid or unpaid employment, or in placements in a service provider workplace negotiated by an education provider. An ability to integrate theory with practice in the workplace must be demonstrated. This will call for a variety of modes of assessment and forms of evidence. Evidence is required to show consistency of performance across a range of situations and to demonstrate knowledge, understanding, and skill in the principles and practices directly relating to the competent performance of the elements to the standard defined in the performance criteria. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 18680 28-Jun-16 4 of 7 PRACTICAL AND PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FOR DISABILITY SUPPORT Support people with disabilities to access vocational opportunities 6 The vocational goal must be an activity that is integrated into the community. For the purposes of this unit standard it should not be an activity that is set up for a group of people with disabilities. 7 Definition: The construct of self-determination ‘encompass[es] a wide variety of skills and opportunities in the areas of independence, self-expression, choice making, problem solving, self-management, and selfrepresentation.’ Abery, 1993; Hayden and Shoultz, 1991 cited in Lakin, K. C.; Hayden, M. F. and Abery, B.H. 1994. An overview of the community living concept. In M. F. Hayden and B. H. Abery, Challenges for a service system in transition: Ensuring quality community experiences for persons with developmental disabilities. (Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co). 8 All performances must meet the standards as set out in NZS 8134:2001 Health and Disability Sector Standards and any subsequent amendments. 9 Range: any one of - paid work, voluntary work, education, training, recreational programme. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 18680 28-Jun-16 5 of 7 PRACTICAL AND PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FOR DISABILITY SUPPORT Support people with disabilities to access vocational opportunities Elements and Performance Criteria element 1 Gather oral and written information on the vocational goals of a person with a disability. performance criteria 1.1 Information gathered is in accordance with the perspective of the person with a disability. 1.2 Information gathered establishes the goals of the person with a disability in terms of their skills. 1.3 Information gathered reflects the aspirations of the person with a disability. Range: 1.4 values, career plan. Information gathered establishes resource issues related to the aspirations of the person with a disability. Range: environment, skills, aids. element 2 Plan with a person with a disability to achieve their vocational goal. performance criteria 2.1 The plan encourages the self-determination of the person with a disability. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 18680 28-Jun-16 6 of 7 PRACTICAL AND PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FOR DISABILITY SUPPORT Support people with disabilities to access vocational opportunities 2.2 The plan establishes vocational options of the person with a disability in terms of their identified strengths and needs. 2.3 The plan addresses resource issues identified in 1.4. 2.4 The plan identifies strategies for the implementation of the plan. Range: 2.5 goals, timeframes, aspirations, networks, contingencies, support, evaluation. The plan is approved according to the organisation’s standards. element 3 Implement the vocational strategy. performance criteria 3.1 The implementation of the strategy is in accordance with the plan. 3.2 The implementation includes ongoing evaluation and is adapted to meet identified needs. 3.3 The implementation is approved according to an organisation’s policies and procedures. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 18680 28-Jun-16 7 of 7 PRACTICAL AND PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FOR DISABILITY SUPPORT Support people with disabilities to access vocational opportunities element 4 Evaluate the vocational strategy. performance criteria 4.1 The evaluation addresses the effectiveness of the strategy in terms of the goals. 4.2 The evaluation addresses the effectiveness of the strategy in terms of feedback from the person with the disability. 4.3 The evaluation is carried out in accordance with the plan and the organisation’s policies and procedures. Comments to: Community Support Services Industry Training Organisation Unit Standard Revision PO Box 160 WELLINGTON by December 2003. Please Note: Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority before they can offer programmes of education and training assessed against unit standards. Accredited providers assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those unit standards. [Please refer to relevant Plan ref: 0024] New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016