Team = 2,3, or 4 folks instrument

Team = 2,3, or 4 folks
Subject =
1. An interesting and unusual instrument (Ex. bagpipes, oud, etc.)
2. A singer or musician that is not at the top of his or her popularity,
but was an influence on someone who is. (Example – Carl Perkins >
Beatles, Bonnie Raitt)
3. A songwriter or composer who is not well known, but who has a
highly regarded body of work and is respected by other writers.
4. Music style from another country that is unusual and interesting.
5. Music relating to a historical period or event (Civil War, WWII,
campaign songs)
What to do: See Worksheet in Course Documents
Find interesting information.
Find sound clips or movie clips to illustrate the subject.
Divide the work.
Practice! Do NOT read your part.
PowerPoint or some visual aid to help get your info across.
Make out questions for the class.