The Millennial Generation Student: What K-12 Educators Need to Know Terri Manning Bobbie Everett Cheryl Roberts A Study Funded by the Workforce Development Board It May Take a Village to Raise a Child, but it Takes a Society to Raise a Generation Economic Conditions Societal Norms Political Events Major Crises Each Generation • Consists of approximately a 20-year span (not all demographers and generation researchers agree on the exact start/stop dates) • Has a unique set of values • Reacts to the generation before them • Looks at their generation as the standard of comparison • Looks at the next generation skeptically “these kids today…” • Those born on the “cusp” may have a blended set of characteristics • They are either idealistic, reactive, civic or adaptive The Veterans (also known as the Silent Generation or the Greatest Generation) 1925–1942 (adaptive) • Children of the Great Depression and WWII, this generation decided not to attack the institutions created by the generation before them, but instead, as global thinkers, they chose to focus on improving and refining them so that they could be good for everyone, not just a select few. • The overall goal was not to change the system, but to work within it. • While economically very successful, they were also the inventors of "the midlife crises" probably because they didn't get a chance to enjoy the freedoms of their youth. The Veterans Childhood • Raised by the GI Generation (civic) • Large families (3-5 children) • Strong sense of extended family Core Values (same town or home) Dedication Hard Work • Grandparents in the home Conformity • Average 10-year-old spent 4-6 Law and Order hours daily with a significant Patience adult role model Delayed Reward Duty before Pleasure • Rural society Adherence to Rules • Apprenticeship businesses and Honor farming • Perception of the world as “safe” The Veterans Important Events • Lindbergh Completes First Transatlantic Flight • Stock Market Crash • Depression • The New Deal • Social Security • Pearl Harbor • The End of WWII • FDR Dies • Korean War Cultural Memorabilia • Kewpie Dolls • Mickey Mouse • Flash Gordon • Radio • Wheaties • Tarzan • Jukeboxes • Blondie • The Lone Ranger • The McCarthy Era Veterans Came Home from World War II • And gave birth to the next generation • The Baby Boomers 1943–1964 (the largest generation, idealist) The Baby Boomers 1943–1964 (the largest generation, idealist) • Divorce reached a low in 1960 of 9% • Families moved due to GI Bill, GI housing and industrialization • First generation to live miles from Core Values extended family Optimism • Family size smaller (2-3 children) Team Orientation Personal Gratification • Few grandparents in the home Health and Wellness • Moms stayed home – no daycare Personal Growth Youth • Children spent significant time with Work adult role models (mostly mom) Involvement • Perception of the world as “safe” Baby Boomers Important Events • • • • • • • • Cultural Memorabilia Rosa Parks • Television First Nuclear Power Plant • The Ed Sullivan Show The Civil Rights Act Cuban Missile Crisis • Barbie Dolls John Glen Orbits the Earth • Fallout Shelters Martin Luther King Leads March on Washington, D.C. • Poodle Skirts President John F. Kennedy • Pop Beads Assassination • Slinkies National Organization for Women Founded • TV Dinners Martin Luther King Assassination • Hula Hoops Robert F. Kennedy Assassination Watergate • The Peace Sign Kent State Massacre • Laugh In • • • • • Vietnam War • Woodstock Baby-boomer Results • Very idealistic - banned together and walked through life with their fists held high • Generation gap occurred between them and their parents • Captured phrases like “why be normal” and “question authority” • They weren’t friendly toward authority figures • Did not get along with their parents and swore they would not raise their kids like they were raised • As adults - work an average of 55 hours per week A Changing Nation 100% 90% 87.9% 89.5% 89.8% 88.9% 80% 88.6% 89.8% 89.8% 83.1% 87.5% 74.7% 80.3% 70% 75.1% 60% White 50% African American Other Minority 40% 30% 5 20 0 20 0 0 12.6% 12.3% 7.6% 5.2% 0 0 19 8 0 12.1% 13.2% 12.1% 19 9 11.1% 0.5% 0.9% 1.4% 0 19 5 0 19 4 0 0 0.4% 0.4% 0.5% 0.4% 19 3 19 0 0 0% 0 0.5% 19 2 10% 10.0% 9.7% 0 10.7% 11.7% 10.5% 9.8% 19 7 9.9% 19 6 11.6% 19 1 20% The Late Veterans and Early Boomers Gave Birth to the Next Generation • The Gen Xers 1965–1982 • A Lost Generation… A Nomadic Generation….. • Half the Size of the Baby Boom (reactive) The Gen X Childhood • Divorce reached an all-time high • Single-parent families became the norm Core Values • Latch-key kids were a major issue Dedication of the time Hard Work • Children not as valued – looked at Conformity as a hardship Law and Order • Families spread out (miles apart) Patience • Family size = 1.7 children (many Delayed reward only-children) Duty before • Perception of the world as “unsafe” pleasure • Average 10 year old spent 14 ½ Adherence to minutes a day with a significant adult role model rules • Parents looked around and said – Honor we need to do this better Gen X Important Events • Women’s Liberation Protests • Watergate Scandal • Energy Crisis begins • Tandy and Apple Market PCs • Mass Suicide in Jonestown • Three Mile Island • US Corporations Massive Layoffs • Iran Hostage Crisis • John Lennon Killed • Ronald Reagan Inaugurated • Challenger Disaster • Exxon Valdez Oil Tanker Spill • HIV Cultural Memorabilia • The Brady Bunch • Pet Rocks • Platform Shoes • The Simpsons • Evening Soaps (Dallas and Dynasty) • ET • Cabbage Patch Dolls • Super-hero Cartoons on TV (He-man) Generation X • This is the conscientious, extremely pragmatic, self-sufficient generation that has a ruthless focus on the bottom-line. • Born and raised at a time when children were at the bottom of our social priorities, Gen Xers learned that they could only count on one thing themselves. As a result, they are very "me" oriented. • They are not active voters, nor are they deeply involved in politics in general. The Echo Boom/Millennials… The Millennials are almost as large as the baby boom-some say larger - depending on how you measure them (approx. 81M). The Millennials are the children born between 1982 and 2002 (Civic), a cohort called by various names: Echo Boom Generation Y Millennials Net Generation Things Began to Change for This Generation • Abortion rates peaked in 1980 and began a slow decline. • Poverty rate for children peaked in 1983 and began a slow decline (Medicaid began). • US divorce rate peaked in 1981 and began a decline. • Homicide rate against children peaked in 1982 and began a decline. • They were born into a better world, a more optimistic world than the generation before them. Millennials • This generation is civic-minded, much like the previous GI Generation. • They are collectively optimistic, long-term planners, high achievers with lower rates of violent crime, teen pregnancy, smoking and alcohol use than ever before. • This generation believes that they have the potential to be great and they probably do. We are looking to them to provide us with a new definition of citizenship. The Millennial Childhood • The most monumental financial boom in history. • Steady income growth through the 1990’s. • Still great disparity between races. • Saw their parents lose all their stocks and mutual funds (college funds) during the early 2000’s. Demographic Trends The Baby Boomers chose to become older parents in the 1980s while Gen X moms reverted back to the earlier birth-age norm, which meant that two generations were having babies. In 1989, 29 percent of the 4.4 million live births were to women aged 30 and older. Millennials have older largely Baby Boomer parents: Average age of mothers at birth at an all time high of 27 in 1997. Demographic Trends, cont. Smaller families: Only children will comprise about 10% of the population. More parental education: 1 in 4 has at least one parent with a college degree. Kids born in the late ‘90s are the first in American history whose mothers are better educated than their fathers by a small margin. Demographic Trends – Changing Diversity Increase in Latino immigration Latino women tend to have a higher fertility rates than nonLatino women. Nearly 35% of Millennials are nonwhite or Latino. Twenty percent of this generation has at least one parent who is an immigrant. Millennials have become the most racially and ethnically diverse generation in US History. Safety Issues The Safest Generation • This generation was buckled up in car seats, wore bike helmets, elbow and knee pads when skating, and were the inspiration for “Baby on Board” signs. The Well-Being of U.S. Teens • Mortality Rate for US teens aged 15–19 declined from 1960 to 1997. -Teens are having fewer accidents than Boomers Youth Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths (rates per 100,000) 50 45 43.6 42.3 Ages 15-19 38.4 40 33.5 35 33.1 30 25 25.8 20 26 25.2 15 10 5 0 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Source: 2004 % of Children Who Reported Having Worn Seatbelts Almost All the Time 110 100 90 80 93 92 82 87 76 68 67 70 60 99 94 83 81 98 98 98 93 93 84 81 78 73 77 73 75 49 50 40 30 33 89 84 78 76 <1 year 1-3 years 4-7 years 8-15 years 16-24 years 31 1985 1990 2002 2004 2005 Source: 2006 Carry Weapons to School (reported carrying a weapon at least once within 30 days) 29 29 27 27.5 26.8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 25 22.6 23 21.3 20.3 21 19.8 21.1 19 16.8 17 16.1 15 1991 1995 16.7 15.1 2001 Source: 19.9 19.4 17.1 16.9 2005 Children (9th -12th Grade) Who Have Gotten in a Fight in the Last Year 55 50.5 50 45 40 47.3 43.1 43 39.5 40.4 36.9 35 33.9 31 30 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade 43.5 34.7 36.6 29.1 31.6 29.1 26.5 25 1991 1995 2001 Source: 2005 Violent Crime Percentage of students ages 12–18 who reported criminal victimization at school during the previous 6 months, by type of victimization and selected student characteristics: 1995 and 2005 1995 Student characteristic 2005 Total Theft Violent Serious violent1 Total Serious Theft Violent violent1 Total 9.5 7.1 3.0 0.7 4.2 3.1 1.2 0.3 Male 10.0 7.1 3.5 0.9 4.5 3.0 1.6 0.3 Female 9.0 7.1 2.4 0.4 3.9 3.2 0.7 0.3 White 9.8 7.4 3.0 0.6 4.6 3.4 1.3 0.3 Black 10.2 7.1 3.4 1.0 3.9 2.7 1.3! Hispanic 7.6 5.8 2.7 0.9 3.8 3.0 0.9 Other 8.8 6.5 2.5 2.2! 1.6 Source: 0.4 Percent of children watching 4 or more hours of TV a day 45% 8th graders 10th graders 12th graders 40% 36.4% 36.7% 32.9% 35% 30% 29.0% 28.2% 24.8% 25% 22.8% 24.1% 22.0% 20% 19.3% 20.1% 19.6% 15% 1991 1995 2000 Source: 2006 Percentage of Students who Reported Substance Free in the Past 30 Days 75.0% 70.00% 69.1% 78.7% 64.7% 59.0% 51.9% 50.00% 60.3% 49.3% 48.1% 40.0% 38.6% 47.0% 30.00% 1990 1999 2003 Source: 8th graders 10th graders 12th graders 2007 Percentage of Children Age 3-17 Who Have Been Diagnosed ADHD by a Doctor Total ADHD 16.00% Boys ADHD Girls ADHD 14.00% 12.00% 10.00% 8.3% 8.5% 9.3% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 5.5% 2.6% 5.9% 3.2% 5.6% 2.7% 9.3% 6.6% 9.1% 6.4% 10.3% 9.0% 7.2% 3.8% 3.5% 4.0% 2000 2001 2002 6.4% 3.6% 2.00% 0.00% 1997 1998 1999 Child Trends Databank, 2003 Things Going Up Obesity Children 6-11 20.00% 18.00% Asthma Children 5-10 16.00% Asthma Children 11-17 14.00% 12.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 16.1% 17.4% 15.8% 11.3% 10.00% 8.00% 18.8% Obesity Children 12-19 10.5% 6.5% 5.0% 3.4% 5.1% 5.8% 6.0% 6.0% 6.2% 4.5% 3.2% 0.00% 1980 1990 2000 2004 Source: Major Influencing Factors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Their parents The self-esteem movement The customer service movement Gaming and technology Casual communication Parenting Millennials • This generation is being parented by welleducated, over-involved adults who participate in “deliberate parenting.” They have outcomes in mind. • Boomers were the first generation to be thrown out in to an unsafe world as adolescents. • The 60’s and 70’s were very scary and many of us felt unprepared for it. • We were naïve and didn’t have enough tools in our tool box to deal with it. Baby Boomers as Parents • Boomers rebelled against the parenting practices of their parents. • Strict discipline was the order of the day for boomers. • They made conscious decisions not to say “because I told you so” or “because I’m the parent and you’re the child.” • Boomers became more “friendly” with their children. They wanted to have open lines of communication and a relationship with them. Baby Boomers as Parents • They explained things to their children, (actions, consequences, options, etc.) – they wanted them to learn to make informed decisions. • They allowed their children to have input into family decisions, educational options and discipline issues. • We told them “just because it is on television doesn’t mean it’s true” or “you can’t believe everything you read.” • We wanted them to question authority. The Result • Millennials have become “a master set of negotiators” who are capable of rational thought and decision-making skills at young ages. • They will negotiate with anyone including their parents, teachers and school administrators. • Some call this “arguing.” Helicopter Parents • Helicopter Parent (n) A parent who hovers over his or her children. • Or Snowplow parent: Parents who clear the way for their children • ……these (echo) boomers are confident, achievement-oriented and used to hovering "helicopter" parents keeping tabs on their every move. (Anthony DeBarros, "New baby boom swamps colleges," USA Today, January 2, 2003) Baby Boomer Parents have been their Biggest Cheerleaders • Millennials expect and need praise. • Will mistake silence for disapproval. • Millennials expect feedback. Parental Care in the Millennial Era • Today’s typical family is spending more, not less, time with kids. • Smaller families mean more time with each child. • Fathers are spending more time with children. • Less housework is being done. • There is a strong connection between the social lives of parents and kids. • They get along with their parents and share their parents’ values. Who are your heroes? • An Associate Press/MTV poll asked millennials who they looked up to as heroes? – 50% said their parents (29% mom, 21% dad) – 11% named a friend – 10% said God – 8% named a grandmother – 7% a brother – 5% a teacher or professor CNN 8/20/07 Focus on Self-esteem • This generation was the center of the “self-esteem” movement. • 9,068 books were written about self-esteem and children during the 80s and 90s (there were 485 in the 70s). • The state of California spent millions studying the construct and published a document entitled “Toward a State of Self-esteem.” • Yet they can’t escape the angst of adolescence – they still feel disconnected, question their existence, purpose and the meaning of life. They want to feel valued and cared about. Focus on Customer Service • Expect access (24/7) • Expect things to work like they are supposed to • If they don’t “that is your problem” • They want what they have paid for • Everything comes with a toll-free number or web address • Want “Gateway Go Back” in classes Add the Impact of Gaming • Gaming has impacted children – The game endings changed based on the decisions children made (Role Playing Games [Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Chronotrigger]) impacting locus of control. – Involves a complex set of decisionmaking skills. – Teaches them to take multiple pieces of data and make decisions quickly. – Learning more closely resembles Nintendo, a trial and error approach to solving problems. We navigated our way through….. They navigated their way through….. Technology • This generation has been plugged in since they were babies. • They grew up with educational software and computer games. • They think technology should be free. • They want and expect services 24/7. • They do not live in an 8–5 world. • They function in an international world. Millennials Want to Learn With technology With each other Online In their time In their place Doing things that matter (most important) Source: Achievement and the 21st Century Learner. Technology In School • Students are increasingly savvy when it comes to technology. • In general, students expect faculty to incorporate technology into their teaching and be proficient at it. • At the very least, communication via e-mail, access to online resources, PowerPoint presentations, Internet activities, discussion boards and electronic classrooms are expected. • Faculty will need to balance the use of technology with their own philosophies of teaching. Characteristics of Today’s Children • 76% want to learn more about the world. • 28% of high school students access foreign news sources via the Internet. • 90% percent of children between ages 5 and 17 use computers. • Teens spend more time online using the Internet than watching television. From: A Nation on the Move, Characteristics of Today’s Children • 24% have created their own web pages. • 16% of teens are shareholders in the stock market. • 33% use “Facebook”, “Twitter”, IM, “Myspace” or other social networking contexts or formats daily. • Teens and college students combined spend nearly $400 billion a year. • The largest group of new users of the Internet from 2000-2002 were 2-5 year olds.34 From: A Nation on the Move,, and Just Kid Inc. KID Formation Series, July 2008, “Meet the Millennial Generation: An Explosive New Consumer Force.” 2003 - All Persons 3 Years and Older in the US White Black Hispanic Other % using the internet anywhere 65.1% 45.2% 37.2% 61.6% 84.8% 71.1% 41.4% 50.2% 69.6% 43.0% 83.3% 39.5% % purchasing products and info 74.4% 59.7% % looking for health information 41.1% 33.6% % conducting finance trans 31.3% 22.3% 57.2% 30.1% 26.6% 68.4% 37.6% 35.2% 21.5% 21.5% % using email and messaging % playing games % looking for jobs online 17.4% 25.6% Source: SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Current Population Survey (CPS), October 2003, unpublished tabulations. (This table was prepared May 2005.) 2003 - All Persons 3 Years and Older by Income Level $10<$10K 19K % using the internet anywhere % using email and messaging $2029K $3039K $4049K $5075K $75K+ 31.5% 32.5% 43.8% 54.3% 64.8% 71.8% 82.9% 69.3% 70.6% 75.5% 79.4% 80.2% 83.6% 87.3% % playing games % purchasing products and info % looking for health information % conducting financial transactions 48.0% 45.0% 46.1% 44.9% 43.7% 42.7% 39.7% % looking for jobs online 34.5% 26.1% 23.6% 21.2% 18.5% 18.2% 15.9% 60.6% 60.4% 64.3% 67.0% 70.6% 72.9% 77.7% 33.8% 33.4% 35.8% 36.3% 37.6% 39.7% 44.0% 22.9% 20.7% 24.8% 26.3% 27.3% 31.3% 38.4% 2003 Children's Computer Use by Age and Race White 3-4 yrs 5-9 yrs 10-14 yrs 15+ yrs % using the internet anywhere % using email and messaging % use for school assignments % playing games 26.8% 24.1% 23.9% 63.5% 87.4% 87.2% 92.9% 63.4% % using the internet anywhere % using email and messaging % use for school assignments % playing games 3-4 yrs 15.0% 32.5% 51.6% 56.8% % using the internet anywhere % using email and messaging % use for school assignments % playing games 3-4 yrs 15.6% 16.2% 41.4% 71.0% 49.6% 78.2% 35.4% 68.5% 49.7% 87.4% 65.5% 67.8% African American 5-9 yrs 10-14 yrs 33.1% 53.6% 27.1% 45.5% 58.2% 83.8% 65.6% 68.6% Hispanic 5-9 yrs 10-14 yrs 30.3% 51.9% 26.6% 48.2% 53.6% 78.5% 59.9% 54.9% 15+ yrs 63.6% 62.7% 98.2% 60.4% 15+ yrs 63.2% 69.8% 87.6% 53.7% By age 21….. • It is estimated that the average child will have: – – – – – Spent 10,000 hours playing video games Sent 200,000 emails Spent 20,000 hours watching TV Spent 10,000 hours on their cell phone Spent under 5,000 hours reading • But these are issues of income. Will a child who grows up in a low income household have these same experiences? The “Information Age” Mindset • Students have never known life without the computer. It is an assumed part of life. • The Internet is a source of research, interactivity, and socializing (they prefer it over TV). • Doing is more important than knowing. • There is zero tolerance for delays. • The infrastructure and the lecture tradition of colleges may not meet the expectations of students raised on the Internet and interactive games. Cell Phone Technology • They all have cell phones and expect to be in contact 24/7. • Not a phone – a lifestyle management tool • Staying “connected” is essential. • Communication is a safety issue for parents. • Communication has become casual for students (IM, email and cell phones. What About 1st Generation Students? • Not all students will be proficient; first-generation and students from low income or working class families may have less experience. • Their experience with technology has been in arcades and minimally in school (poorer districts.) • They have not had the exposure to educational uses of technology. • We need a way to low technology skills in about 1/3. • Huge digital divide between the “haves” and the “have nots” based on income levels (class). • Digital divide is appearing in pre-K. In School • They need to understand why they are doing what they are doing – objectives of classroom activities and projects. • They want to have input into their educational processes. • They want to be involved in meaningful activities, not mundane work. • They think it is cool to be smart. • They will respond well to peer-lead programs and group-oriented activities. Millennial Expectations • Clear expectations, explicit syllabi, and well structured assignments. • They expect detailed instructions and guidelines for completing assignments. • K-12 systems are actively involving children in learning and classroom activities change often. • Teachers are helpers and facilitators of learning. • Rude awakening when they get to college. Issues for Schools in an Information Age • • • • Plagiarism (consumer/creator blurring) Cheating (must define it) Cell Phone Policies Typing vs. Handwriting (cursive) From: The Information Age Mindset: Changes in Students and Implications for Higher Education. By Jason L. Frand. Educause. Sep/Oct 2000. How are Millennials doing in school? • Teachers report that students are doing better academically. • The largest gains have been in math and science for ages 9 and 13. • Verbal skills show less clear trends. • Millennials have corrected a late 80s decline in writing proficiency. • Reading scores show modest gains through the 90s. SAT Scores – a Twenty Year Reversal Millennials Taking SAT Highest SAT Scores in 35 Years What Do Businesses and Colleges/ Universities Need to Know about the Millennial Generation Here Come the Girls Boys Issues in K-12 For Every 100 Girls Who…. Number of Boys Enroll in Kindergarten 116 Enroll in Ninth Grade 101 Enroll in Twelfth Grade 98 Are Suspended from K-12 250 Are Expelled from K-12 335 Diagnosed with Learning Disability 276 Enroll in the gifted and talented program 94 The Boys Project. Boys and Their Educational Choices For Every 100 Girls Who…. Number of Boys Graduate from High School 96 Enroll in College 77 Earn an Associates Degree 67 Earn a Bachelors Degree 73 Earn a Masters Degree 62 Earn a Doctorate 92 The Boys Project. College Graduation Projections (numbers in thousands) (61% of degrees will go to women) 1050 (62.6%) 950 850 Assoc. Degree Male Assoc. Degree Female Bach. Degree Male Bach. Degree Female 750 650 (37.4%) 550 (60%) 450 350 (40%) 250 6 50 20 7 60 20 8 70 20 9 80 20 0 -1 9 0 20 1 -1 0 1 20 2 -1 1 1 20 3 -1 2 1 20 4 -1 3 1 20 Ambitions Most • • • popular college majors: Medicine Education/teaching Business and marketing • • • Engineering Law and politics Computer science Most sought after qualities in careers: • • • Responsibility Independence Creativity Most • • Source: Industry Week, March, 1998. • Idealistic and committed co-workers common job trends : Multi-taskers Change Careers • • Seek security & benefits Stay with company that offers a challenge Difference in Values • They have witnessed their baby boomer parents coming home from stressed jobs, exhausted, falling asleep at the dinner table; and don’t want that for themselves. • They are a generation who is interested in a life with value and meaning – they do not aspire to what the “boomers” aspire to – they want something different. True Multi-taskers • Millennials have lived programmed lives and are already quite capable of learning several jobs simultaneously and performing them admirably. • Millennials will change careers many times. • Retooling and recycling their skills and talents will become common. • To retain them, smart employers will encourage Millennials to try out different careers within the same company. Need for Services • It is estimated that 3 million Millennials have been diagnosed with ADHD and have been medicated (80% are boys). • Within student populations, the number with disabilities has jumped from 3% to 9%. – – – – Many have had individual education plans. Many need testing services (quiet, separate). Need to self-advocate to teachers. Major transition from high school to college. 2004 Research Study • Central Piedmont Community College’s Center for Applied Research was contracted to do this study by the Workforce Development Board. – Focus Groups were conducted. – An Online Survey was administered. – Data collected January–March 2004 from the University of NC at Charlotte, Central Piedmont Community College and Johnson C. Smith University. Characteristics They Look for in Teachers • At least 50% said: – – – – – – Enthusiastic about the course/teaching Are fun to be around Provide intellectual challenges Have flexible class policies Are sensitive to your needs/feelings Emphasize preparing for future career Working in Teams • How do you feel about working in teams? – I like it – Have no feelings about it – I don’t like it 44.7% 25.9% 29.4% Working in Teams • In the classroom, do you do the following? 1 = never 2 = rarely 3 = sometimes 4 = often Mean (sd) Are given “team grades” on working with others Write papers/do projects with others Study/do research in teams 2.62 (.89) 2.41 (.79) 2.35 (.80) Salary Expectations • Realistically, what do you expect your starting salary will be when you begin working? – – – – – – $15-20K $21-30K $31-40K $41-50K $50K+ Not sure Millennials 7.7% 29.3% 27.0% 15.9% 7.0% 12.5% Approximately 65% felt they would earn $40K or less Jobs in Lifetime • How many jobs do you think you will hold in your lifetime? – 1-3 35.7% – 4-6 41.5% – 7-10 16.5% – Over 10 6.2% 64% expect to have 4 or more jobs Quality of Life? Rank order of items that contribute to a good quality of life (% ranking item in top 3 on a scale of 1-8) – – – – – – – Having a secure future for my family Time to enjoy family/children Having family/children Having a great job Having good friends Having plenty of money Having plenty of free time 71.5% 68.7% 63.2% 60.4% 55.2% 45.5% 40.2% Your Generation in the Future • Someday, your generation will be raising kids, running corporations and occupying high political office. When that day comes, which areas of American life will be better, the same or worse than today because of your generation? – 3 = better – 2 = same – 1 = worse Areas they felt they would do better: Technology Race Relations Areas they felt they would do about the same: Economy Schools Arts/Culture Foreign Affairs Areas they felt they couldn’t improve on: Government Family Life Religion Crime/Public Order How They Will Push Us… • • • • • More independence in the workforce Consumer-based fairness Better technology Enhanced professional development Get rid of “that’s the way we’ve always done it” • Have more life balance • Re-establish priorities So How Do We Work With Them? • Because they have grown up in a different world, never assume that they know certain things like: – You don’t want to talk to their mother when they are having problems. – You don’t get points for showing up or an A for effort. – The definition of plagiarism and cheating. – It’s not appropriate to call you at home (especially after 9pm.) – They can’t use IM language in papers. – It’s not okay to email you 10 times a day. – That when they email you at 3am, you’re not sitting on the other end waiting to respond to them. Some Major Issues Worth Addressing • Some of them have been performing below grade level all their lives… and they may not know it (age of social promotion). • You may be the first strict grader they have encountered (will discourage them). • Many are not very “hardy.” Will quit or drop out because “it’s hard.” • They are very good consumers and will figure out a way to stay “under the radar.” • They are not good planners and will do everything late if allowed. What Should Institutions Do (In the Classroom)? • Develop policies and practices around appropriate communication. • Give them electronic access to as much as is philosophically possible. • Draw a line on negotiations. • Give them definitions, boundaries and rules. What Should Institutions Do? • Create alterative ways for the low-tech students to come up to speed. – Basic keyboarding skills. – Special workshops or lab sessions on the basics. – Help them master software that “will do work for them.” – Get access to computers (refurbished, community projects, grants, etc.) One Final Word • In case you're worried about what's going to become of the younger generation, it's going to grow up and start worrying about the younger generation. (Roger Allen) Who Are They? • This year all over America, a new generation will be showing for kindergarten. • A new “Silent Generation” referred to as Generation Z, Generation Alpha or the Homeland Generation. • Starts mid-2000’s until about 2017 to 2020 and will be considered an artist generation: up Generation Z • Will be raised on technology, they will not be scared of anything, they will be open to new ideas. • They will be into truth and loyalty and they will not be not afraid to voice their opinion. • They will be flexible and open to change. • They will be fearless and fun. • They will be the ‘new’ hope for our own future. • Their great-grandparents belong mostly to the Silent Generation and the Baby boomers form the core of their grandparents. • Their parents are seen as being roughly evenly divided between Generation X and Generation Y. For a copy of this presentation: http// Click on: “presentations and workshops” Contact: