Arkansas Tech University Department of Mathematics MATH 0903: Beginning and Intermediate Algebra Instructor: Susan Jordan Office: Corley 225 Office phone: (479) 968-0295 e-mail: Office hours: MW: 2 – 4 p.m. Thurs: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Other times by appointment Purpose: The purpose of this course is to prepare for college level mathematics those students whose mathematics background is inadequate. Content of the course is the language of algebra, fundamental operations, signed numbers, various equations, problem solving, special products and factoring, fractions, functions, graphs, exponents, and systems of linear equations. Note: The grade in the course will be computed in semester and cumulative grade point averages, but the course may not be used to satisfy general education requirements nor provide credit toward any degree. Note: A student must achieve a grade of A*, AQ, B*, BQ, C*, or CQ to satisfy the requirements to enroll in Math 1003. A student must achieve a grade of A*, B*, or C* to satisfy the requirements to enroll in Math 1113. A student earning a grade of AN, BN, CN, D*, F*, or FE will be required to reenroll in MATH 0903. Required Student Materials: Workbook – Beginning/Intermediate Algebra book by Trigsted, Gallaher, & Bodden. This is a custom book, and therefore is only available in the Arkansas Tech bookstore and Textbook Brokers. This will come packaged with a MyLabsPlus Access code. Pencil and paper – If more writing space is required than what is included in the workbook, additional notebook paper should be brought to class, and a pencil will be needed every day! MyLabsPlus Access – MyLabsPlus ( is the online platform which can be accessed from anywhere via the internet. It contains the e-text, homework, study plans, class announcements, videos, and tutoring. The Browser Check must be run on all personal computers. Technical Support: 1-888-883-1299. Headphones – Headphones will be necessary to watch the videos that correspond with the course. Graphing Calculator – A graphing calculator, such as the TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84, or TI-84 plus is recommended for this course. Any calculator that the student currently owns is acceptable for doing homework, but for testing, one of the classroom calculators must be used. Grade Calculation – Attendance Workbook Homework Goal Completion Tests 10% 10% 15% 15% 50% Final grades—while based on the above, the number of modules completed in a semester is also taken into account in determining the final grade. As a general rule, a student completing 1 module earns an F for the semester, a student completing only 2 modules earns a D for the semester, a student completing 3 or more modules may receive the calculated grade. **Note: There is not a specific Final Exam for this Class. Finals week is used to finish the Module you are working on. Please see your instructor for the Finals week schedule for this course. **A student passing all 8 modules in one semester will automatically earn an A for the course. **This course must be completed in consecutive semesters. In the event a student withdraws from the course, earns an F, or takes a break (not enrolling the next consecutive Spring or Fall semester), the student must start over in either Module 1 or 5. If a student is working on Modules 1 – 4 when they stop progress in the course (withdraws or earns an F), then upon re-entry, they must begin in Module 1. If the student is working on Module 5 – 8 (or completed Module 4) when they stop the course (withdraws or earns an F), they must begin working in Module 5 when they re-enroll. Students earning a D or above will begin in the Module after their last completed Module (earning a 75% or better on the Post Test) during the next consecutive semester. **Not enrolling during the summer does not count as a break. Goal Completion Grades: Each week, students will be given a set of assignments to complete to earn their goal completion grades DURING that week. The student’s starting point and ending goals will determine their assignments due each week. It will differ per student as students begin at many different starting points at the start of each semester. It is the student’s responsibility to work outside of class to make sure they stay caught up with their assignments. Explanation of the Modules – The course content is organized into 8 modules. Students whose major requires College Algebra (Math 1113) must complete all 8 modules. Those requiring College Math (Math 1003) must complete the first 6 modules. Based on an optional pre-test, a student’s level of knowledge on a subject is assessed. From that pre-test score, the student will either continue on into the homework for that module (if score is below 75%) or proceed to the next module (if score is 75% or above). Pre-test – This OPTIONAL test can be taken only ONE time and must be taken in the classroom. Allow 50 minutes to complete the entire test. If the score is 75% or above, inform the instructor. This score will be recorded for that module. If the Pre-Test score is below 75%, students must follow a series of homework assignments, a practice test, study plan, and then a Post-Test. Before taking a pre-test, students may read through the e-text for that module and work through the workbook. However, the pre-test should be taken within 2 class days of passing the previous posttest. All work must be shown on the testing form. Homework – If a score is lower than 75% on the pre-test, students must proceed to the homework. The homework consists of assignments over each section within a Module. Each assignment must be passed with a 90% or better to move on to the next assignment. Practice Test – Once all homework has been completed in the Module, the practice test can be taken either at home or in the classroom. The practice test may be taken multiple times, but a score of 75% is required. After taking the practice test, the student must remediate using the generated study plan, and a score of 90% is required on the study plan before proceeding to the Post-Test. Post-Test – Each Module will contain a Post-Test, which must be taken in the classroom. This test must be completed in 50 minutes, and must be passed with a 75% or better in order to proceed to the next module. All work must be shown on the testing form. Policies – Attendance/Lab Time – Students are expected to attend class regularly. In order to get credit for attendance, students should arrive on time and remain in class, working, for the entire period. The advising center’s Early Warning staff may be notified when a student has 3 absences. After the 6th absence (MWF class) or 4th absence (TR classes) or 5th (Summer), students may be dropped from the course with an FE. The only absences which are considered “excused” absences according to Tech’s Faculty Handbook are “absences that result from participation in officially sanctioned University activities”. Instructors should be contacted in the event of an absence. It will be imperative that assignments are worked on outside of class also in order to successfully complete the course – Goal Completion Grade. Module Progression – Students not making progress in MyLabsPlus by the 7th day of the Spring/Fall term (5th for Summer) may be dropped with an FE. After the 7th day of the Fall/Spring term (5th day for Summer), students not progressing in MyLabsPlus for 10 consecutive days (5 for Summer) may be dropped with an FE. Progress is defined as completing a section and moving on to the next section. Cheating – Cheating is not tolerated and may result in anything from a zero on the assignment or test, charges being filed, or even expulsion from the course or the university. See pages 115-119 of the Faculty Handbook and 68 – 69 of the Student Handbook. All Exams MUST have correct work shown on the test paper to receive full credit on an exam. A score on an exam that has incorrect work or no work shown will not be counted and may result in a zero on that exam. The instructor reserves the right to make you re-test or have the student work the problems for the instructor if there are any questions. E-mail is the official mode of communication between instructors and students, so please check your OneTech e-mail regularly. Cell phones, iPhones, iPods, laptops, etc. (Technology) – Cell phones and other technology MUST be turned off or placed on silent and put away at all times. Students should not send or receive text messages during class time. The use of cell phones or other technology as calculators is prohibited. Academic Misconduct - An Instructor reserves the right to ask a student to leave the class if they are being disruptive to the learning environment. (See pages 115-119 of the Faculty Handbook). Student ID – A photo ID will be necessary when taking a test. It must be a clear picture and resemble your current look. You may be asked to give a second ID if you are not recognizable in your picture. Class Computers - The computers may be used ONLY for homework and testing. Facebook, email and other web sites are not permitted. Testing Calculators – Students may use personal calculators for homework, but for all testing, students must use a calculator provided by the instructor. Midterm grades will be assigned based on the number of modules completed during the first half of the current semester as follows: 4 or more modules —A 3 modules—B 2 modules—C 1 module—D 0 module—F If a student does not complete the course in one semester, they must continue to enroll in the course in consecutive semesters until it is completed. Resources for help The Math Help Room is located in Doc Bryan 247. This lab offers free tutoring to ATU students. No appointment is necessary and there are computers available to work on homework assignments. The MyLabsPlus software has built-in features that can assist students to understand the assigned topics with a book, videos, “Help me solve this” button, and an “Ask my instructor” button. It also has free tutoring through Pearson. Your instructor is always available during class or during office hours for any questions that you may have concerning the material you are learning. Important Dates: January 18 (Monday)—Martin Luther King Day holiday February 29 (Monday)—Midterm March 19-27—Spring Break April 15 (Friday)—Last day to drop courses with a “W” or change from credit to audit April 25 (Monday)—students follow regular Monday class schedule April 26 (Tuesday)—Last day of class--students follow regular Wednesday class schedule April 27 (Wednesday)—Reading Day—no class April 27 – May 3—Final Exams