ACCREDITATION AND MODERATION ACTION PLAN for NZQA Māori Qualifications Services – Whakaruruhau Tourism and Whakaruruhau Funeral Services (version 2) Māori Qualifications Services NZQA PO Box 160 Wellington 6140 Telephone: 04 463 3000 Facsimile: 04 463 3087 Contact Māori > Te Ara Nunumi - Bereavement Pathways Māori Domain Standard IDs Te Ara Nunumi - Ā-Wairua 27143 Māori > Tourism Māori Domain Standard IDs Tourism Māori Issues 17395 Tourism Māori Practices 17387, 17389, 17392, 17394, 25954 ACCREDITATION a b Accreditation options Level 1 and 2 Evaluation of documentation by NZQA. Level 3 to 4 Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA and industry. Level 5 to 8 Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA, industry and teaching professional in the same field from another provider. Waiver of visit Circumstances under which Whakaruruhau involvement in an accreditation visit will be waived: when the scope of the application involves accreditation to deliver programmes for a small number of unit standards and the Chairperson of the appropriate Whakaruruhau agrees that given the particular nature of the unit standards a visit is not necessary; or when the application for accreditation has been developed in consultation with the appropriate Whakaruruhau and is supported by them; or when the applicant’s history of teaching and assessment, and training facilities are well known to the appropriate Whakaruruhau. ref:0177 28 June 2016 2 of 5 c Areas of shared responsibility Responsibility for subfields of the field Māori, designated in the Scope of Accreditation of a proposal, must be referred by the Quality Assurance Analyst assigned, to the Māori Qualification Service in the first instance for confirmation. d Accreditation fees i Fees for administration of process $50.00 plus GST ii Participation in document evaluation and an accreditation visit of up to one day $300.00 plus GST iii Where additional time is required for an accreditation visit $100.00 plus GST Actual and reasonable travel and accommodation arrangements and costs will be made and met by NZQA and charged accordingly. e Implementation The Māori Qualification Service will facilitate the availability of competent personnel to service the requirements of the accreditation option for the unit standards from these subfields. f Specific industry requirements The following specific requirements apply to the criteria to be met by an applicant’s Quality Management System. This is to ensure that the provider is responsive to Māori language and cultural requirements, to Māori learning and teaching styles, and Māori aspects of spirituality. Criterion 1 Development and evaluation of the teaching programme The provider will have policies and procedures for the development and evaluation of teaching programmes which ensure that: Māori pedagogy is accommodated in terms of Māori teaching styles, language, culture and spirituality; the Māori community is involved and consulted; the teaching resources are culturally authentic and appropriate; evidence is produced of a holistic and integrated approach to curriculum design, delivery and assessment. Criterion 2 Financial, administrative and physical resources No special requirements. ref:0177 3 of 5 Criterion 3 Staff selection, appraisal and development The provider will have policies and procedures that ensure that: the selection process of staff recognises culturally appropriate protocols; kaitohu have been endorsed by their whānau and/or hāpu to assess these unit standards; ongoing mentoring is provided for kaiako/kaitohu. Criterion 4 Student entry There are no special requirements. Whānau and/or hāpu support is desirable. Criterion 5 Student guidance/support systems The provider will have policies and procedures which ensure support for students in Māori and English languages and in local tikanga and kawa. Criterion 6 Off-site practical/work-based components Harvesting of natural materials requires the consent and, if possible, the participation of local hāpu. Criterion 7 Assessment The provider will have policies and procedures that ensure a range of culturally appropriate assessment methods. Competence demonstrated in these unit standards must comply with local tikanga and kawa. Criterion 8 Reporting No special requirements. ref:0177 4 of 5 MODERATION NZQA manages moderation systems for schools and tertiary providers1 assessing against the standards covered by this plan. Accredited schools and tertiary providers intending to assess against these standards need to make contact as below so that external moderation of assessments can be arranged. Secondary providers contact Operations Officer NZQA Assessment PO Box 160 WELLINGTON Telephone: 04 463 3000 Facsimile: 04 463 3113 Internet: Tertiary providers contact Operations Officer Tertiary Assessment and Moderation NZQA PO Box 160 WELLINGTON Telephone: 04 463 3000 Facsimile: 04 463 3114 Email: System Structure A centrally established and directed national moderation system has been set up by NZQA. Moderation is post-event, ie approval of assessment material and verification of assessor judgements are completed simultaneously after assessment has occurred. Coverage and Intensity of Moderation The level of moderation required and selection of standards, which forms the moderation plan, depends on a combination of: * the amount of assessment being carried out * the number of standards used * the moderation history of the organisation * NQF assessment and other moderation commitments, and * any other contributing quality assurance factors or requirements; and will focus on: * the highest level at which assessment is occurring * newly registered standards and/or areas of accreditation * high ‘risk’ standards * targeted moderation systems, if applicable. 1 Tertiary Provider means a New Zealand polytechnic, college of education, wananga, private training establishment, industry training organisation or government training establishment. ref:0177 5 of 5 Material required for Moderation Assessment material (assessment activities and assessment schedules) and a sample of assessed candidate work will be required to be submitted for moderation. Outline of Responsibilities and Reporting Each school and tertiary provider should have a named person for moderation contact with NZQA. NZQA will confirm standards for moderation and allocate moderator(s) to the school or tertiary provider. The school and tertiary provider is required to submit materials to the moderator(s) by the due date in the moderation plan. Moderators complete moderation reports and send them to the school or tertiary provider, and a copy to NZQA. A final annual report, summarising moderation outcomes, is provided to the school or tertiary provider at the conclusion of each complete moderation cycle, ie when all moderation requirements within the moderation plan have been met. Comprehensive details Comprehensive details of the Moderation System and relevant documentation can be accessed through the following links: Secondary Providers: (also Tertiary Providers assessing against achievement standards) Tertiary Providers: Review and Evaluation NZQA reviews all moderation systems on an annual basis. NZQA reports annually to the NZQA Board on the moderation systems it manages. Disputes NZQA has a disputes procedure in place for situations where differences concerning moderation decisions cannot be resolved in the first instance. Non-compliance Schools and tertiary providers not meeting moderation requirements, that are ongoing and unresolved, will be referred to the relevant Quality Assurance Body. ref:0177