Qualification details Title New Zealand Certificate in Primary Products Food Processing (Level 4) with strands in Laboratory Skills, Environmental Systems, and Product Quality Auditing Version 1 Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Credits 45-60 NZSCED 030399 Engineering and Related Technologies > Process and Resources Engineering > Process and Resources Engineering not elsewhere classified Qualification developer Primary Industry Training Organisation Next review December 2020 Approval date Strategic purpose statement The purpose of this qualification is to provide the primary products food processing sectors with competent employees who have the skills and knowledge to carry out laboratory, environmental, or quality assurance technical tasks in a primary products food processing operation. The qualification will support career opportunities for those individuals who are working in experienced positions in either laboratory operations, environmental systems, or product quality auditing. The qualification is stranded to recognise the specific skills and knowledge to work in either laboratory operations, environmental systems, or product quality auditing, and further reflect the requirements of their specific job role. The primary products food processing industries and the community will benefit from the establishment of standards of specialist technical performance for specific primary products food processing operations, which will provide domestic and international markets with confidence in a quality range of primary food products. Graduates will be capable of working in a self-managed capacity and may have some responsibility for the performance of others. Outcome Statement Graduate profile Qualification Reference 2918 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Graduates of this qualification will be able to: Plan and manage work priorities to provide workplace information for a primary products food processing operation. Monitor the implementation of health and safety practices and quality requirements in a primary products food processing operation. Page 1 of 4 Graduates of the Laboratory Skills strand will also be able to: Carry out a range of advanced laboratory activities related to primary food products. Graduates of the Environmental Systems Strand will also be able to: Carry out a range of environmental systems processes in a primary products food processing operation. Graduates of the Product Quality Auditing Strand will also be able to: Audit food products for certification in a primary products food processing operation. Education pathway This qualification can lead on from the New Zealand Certificate in Primary Products Food Processing (Level 3) with strands in Laboratory Skills, Environmental Systems, and Product Quality Implementation [Ref: 2917] and on to further study. Employment pathway This qualification may lead to employment as a laboratory technician, environmental officer, or quality assurance person in a primary products food processing operation, such as meat processing, dairy processing, seafood processing, baking yeasts manufacturing, or food and beverage manufacturing. Qualification specifications Qualification award This qualification may be awarded by any organisation with NZQA programme approval and accreditation, or an NZQA approved industry training programme, with which a candidate is enrolled. The certificate will display the title of the qualification, the logo of the NZQF and the name and/or logo of the awarding education organisation. Evidence requirements for assuring consistency All education organisations offering programmes leading to the qualification must engage with arrangements for managing consistency, including covering actual and reasonable related costs. Each education organisation is responsible for deciding what specific evidence it will provide to demonstrate how well its graduates meet the graduate profile outcomes of the qualification. Evidence of the following must be provided: Qualification Reference 2918 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Student feedback on course delivery and qualification achievement, their perception of the value of the training, and suggestions for improvements Feedback from employers on the level of skills, knowledge and behaviour demonstrated by graduates of the qualification Page 2 of 4 Internal quality assurance systems Portfolios of work and/or assessment samples demonstrating the range of student performance within a programme TEOs can also provide any other relevant evidence that supports the consistency review. Minimum standard of achievement and standards for grade endorsements The minimum standard of achievement required for award of the qualification is the achievement of all outcomes. There are no grade endorsements for this qualification. Other requirements for the qualification (including regulatory body or legislative requirements) It is recommended that people complete the New Zealand Certificate in Primary Products Food Processing (Level 3) with strands in Laboratory Skills, Environmental Systems, and Product Quality Implementation [Ref: 2917] prior to undertaking this qualification. General conditions for the programme leading to the qualification General conditions for programme Candidates undertaking programmes leading to the award of this qualification will be required to complete the generic graduate outcomes and one of the strands. TEOs arranging training or delivering programmes towards this qualification must ensure that the training arranged and programmes of learning are kept up-to-date with regard to amendments to, and replacements of, Overseas Market Access Requirements (OMARs) and General requirements for export (GREXs) outlined by the Ministry for Primary Industries. All tasks are to be carried out in accordance with the Health and Safety in Employment (HSE) Act 1992, the Animal Products Act 1999, and all company quality, environmental and hygiene requirements. Conditions relating to the Graduate profile Qualification outcomes Conditions 1 N/A Plan and manage work priorities to provide workplace information for a primary products food processing operation Credits 15 2 Monitor the implementation of health and safety practices and quality requirements in a primary products food processing operation N/A Credits 10 3 Laboratory Skills Strand: Programmes may include the following topics: Carry out a range of advanced laboratory Qualification Reference 2918 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Microbiology Page 3 of 4 4 activities related to primary food products Chemistry Credits 30 Sensory evaluation Environmental Systems Strand: Programmes may include the following topics: Carry out a range of environmental systems processes in a primary products food processing operation Environmental management requirements Irrigation systems Biological water treatment Credits 35 5 Product Quality Auditing Strand: N/A Audit food products for certification in a primary products food processing operation Credits 20 Transition information Replacement information This qualification replaces: National Certificate in Dairy Manufacturing (Laboratory Technology) (Level 4) with optional strands in Chemistry, Microbiology and Sensory Evaluation [Ref: 0581]. National Certificate in Dairy Manufacturing (Environmental Systems) (Level 3) [Ref: 1062]. National Certificate in Dairy Manufacturing (Environmental Systems) (Level 3) [Ref: 1062], and the National Certificate in Meat Processing (Halal) with strands in Halal Slaughter, and Halal Audit (Level 3) [Ref: 1516]. Candidates currently enrolled in programmes leading to the replaced qualifications may either complete the requirements as specified below, or transfer to this replacement qualification. The last date for entry into programmes leading to the replaced qualifications is 31 December 2016. The last date for assessments take place for the replaced qualifications is 31 December 2018, when they will be designated as discontinued. It is the intention of Primary ITO that no existing trainee should be disadvantaged by these transition arrangements. Any person who considers they have been disadvantaged may appeal to the Primary ITO. PO Box 10383 The Terrace Wellington 6143 Ph: (04)801 9616 Email: standards@primaryito.ac.nz Qualification Reference 2918 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 4 of 4