Qualification details Title New Zealand Certificate in Rail Operations (Train Driver) (Level 4) with strands in Electric Multiple Unit, and Locomotive Version 1 Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Credits 75–90 NZSCED 039907 Engineering and Related Technologies > Other Engineering and Related Technologies > Rail Operations Qualification developer Competenz Next review December 2020 Approval date July 2015 Strategic purpose statement The purpose of this qualification is to provide the New Zealand Rail Industry with personnel who have the skills and knowledge required to drive trains on the rail network. The qualification is intended for persons wishing to enter the rail industry or people already working in the industry who wish to move to a train driver role. Graduates will be capable of working independently under broad guidance to drive trains on the rail network. Graduates of the Electrical Multiple Unit (EMU) strand will be able to operate passenger services on the electrified urban networks. Graduates of the Locomotive strand will be able to operate locomotive hauled services across the wider network. Outcome Statement Graduate profile Qualification Reference 2886 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Graduates will be able to: - Obtain, interpret and communicate information required for the safe and efficient operation of the train. - Interpret and comply with rail operator rules, signals, train running systems and standard operating procedures. - Work safely when in or near the rail corridor to protect self and others. - Apply a detailed knowledge of route features, their risks and implications for drivers, to ensure the safe operation of the train. Graduates of the Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) strand will also be able to: - Prepare an EMU for service and conduct end of shift procedures version 1 Page 1 of 7 - Implement emergency procedures and conduct passenger evacuations. - Operate an EMU in various combinations across a range of routes and different environmental conditions. Graduates of the Locomotive strand will also be able to: Education pathway - Inspect and prepare a mainline locomotive for service and conduct end of shift procedures. - Operate a mainline locomotive across a range of routes, environmental conditions and loadings. Graduates of the New Zealand Certificate in Rail Operations (Train Manager) (Level 3) [Ref: 2885] who wish to move to a train driving role may progress to this qualification on acceptance as a trainee driver. There are no specific higher level qualifications for train driver roles but graduates of this qualification may complete the second strand if they wish to move from urban passenger to locomotive hauled services or vice-versa. Graduates may also consider engineering, general management and other logistics and transport industry qualifications. Employment pathway Graduates of this qualification are equipped to work as train drivers on either urban passenger or locomotive hauled services, depending on the strand completed. On completion of additional relevant training, graduates could move to crew training or operational management roles in the rail industry. They could also consider roles in the wider logistics and transport industry. Qualification specifications Qualification award This qualification can be awarded by an organisation which has an approved programme of study, or industry training programme leading to the qualification. The certificate will display the logo of the NZQF and may display the name and/or logo of the awarding body. Evidence requirements for assuring consistency All Tertiary Education Organisations (TEOs) either arranging training or delivering programmes that lead to the award of the qualification are required to participate in a consistency process scheduled by NZQA. This will involve reviewing evidence associated with graduate’s achievement of outcomes, and agreeing acceptable thresholds for qualification outcome achievement and areas for improvement. To demonstrate how graduates are achieving the qualification graduate profile outcomes, TEOs are required to produce their Qualification Reference 2886 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 version 1 Page 2 of 7 own evidence in a high level report. Evidence will include the following: - Employer surveys to determine if graduates of the qualification meet graduate profile outcomes - Evidence of effective processes to ensure programmes continue to meet current industry needs - A range of workplace evidence demonstrating that graduates meet the graduate profile outcomes - Any other relevant evidence as appropriate Further information can be found on the NZQA website. Minimum standard of achievement and standards for grade endorsements Achievement of all outcomes. There are no grade endorsements for this qualification. Other requirements for the qualification (including regulatory body or legislative requirements) To complete this qualification, learners must have been accepted as trainee drivers by a Rail Operator. General conditions for the programme leading to the qualification General conditions for programme TEOs arranging training or delivering programmes towards this qualification must ensure that the training arranged and programmes of learning delivered, are kept up-to-date with regard to amendments to, and replacements of relevant legislation and regulations. Current legislation and regulations can be accessed at http://legislation.govt.nz Conditions relating to the Graduate profile Qualification outcomes Conditions 1 Programmes must include coverage of the following topics: Obtain, interpret and communicate information required for the safe and efficient operation of the train Credits: 5 2 Interpret and comply with rail operator rules, signals, train running systems and standard Qualification Reference 2886 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 - Interpretation and application of bulletins, operating instructions, rosters and work schedules - Prepare written communications including on-board reports and incident reports - Electronic communications using Radio Telephone (RT) and phone - Face to face communications with rail staff and the public Programmes must include coverage of the following topics: - General rules and regulations version 1 Page 3 of 7 3 operating procedures - Signals and signalling Credits: 15 - Signalling and interlocking (S&I) diagrams - Train running and control systems i.e. Train Control, Automatic Signalling Rules (ASR), Centralised Train Control (CTC) - Professional driving standards Work safely when in or near the rail corridor to protect self and others Programmes must include coverage of the following topics: - Credits: 10 - - 4 Apply a detailed knowledge of route features, their risks and implications for drivers to ensure the safe operation of the train Credits: 10 Qualification Reference 2886 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 General rail safety, including: - Risk assessment, environment and equipment - Actions to maintain the safety of self and others - Electrification awareness - Track safety - Fire extinguisher use - Tunnel safety awareness Managing factors affecting personal performance, including: - Health, nutrition and hydration - Sleep and fatigue - Managing the effects of shift work - Stress, alcohol and drugs - Team work (including communication) - Understanding own capabilities and limitations Application of cognitive skills to maintain rail safety, including: - Situational awareness and decision making - Assumption traps - Task prioritisation Programmes must ensure a comprehensive route knowledge which enables drivers to identify all relevant route features, explain their risks and the implications for drivers. Features must include: - Route name - Train running system e.g. Centralised Traffic Control (CTC) Track Warrant Control (TWC) - Ruling gradients and curvature - Speed restrictions (temporary and standing) - Signal types and locations (e.g. home, multi-aspect) - Features on the route (e.g. stations, level crossings, sidings) version 1 Page 4 of 7 - Local instructions - Working procedures in yards and sidings: joint operating plans and depot briefings - Operational exceptions - Generic and specific route risks - General and specific driver distractions Programmes must also cover basic service features: - Passenger and/or goods services, type and identifier - Timetables, route distance and travelling times Electric Multiple Unit Strand 5 Prepare an EMU for service and conduct end of shift procedures Credits: 10 6 Implement emergency procedures and conduct passenger evacuations Credits: 5 7 Programme must include coverage of the following topics: - Equipment settings and start up - Inspection testing and fault diagnoses - Brake tests - Final judgement that all equipment is operational and fit for service - Coupling and uncoupling - Shunting and stabling - Equipment shut down - Train checks – people, equipment, damage, faults, vandalism Programme must include coverage of the following topics: - Section evacuations - Platform evacuations - Tunnel evacuations - Passenger initiated emergencies Operate an EMU in various combinations across a range of routes and different environmental conditions Programme must include coverage of the following topics: Credits: 20 Qualification Reference 2886 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 - Train handling - Minimum to maximum multiples/combinations of units - Response to varied environmental conditions - Irregular movements - Day and night driving - Driving all track conditions - All designated routes - Response to signals and other train running advice notices version 1 Page 5 of 7 - Incident response - Identification and diagnosis of faults - Managing faults and breakdowns - Operating in degraded mode - Communication with staff and public during operation Programme may also include: - Running on European Train Control System (ETCS) Locomotive Strand 8 9 Inspect and prepare a mainline locomotive for service and conduct end of shift procedures Programme must include coverage of the following topics: Credits: 10 - Equipment settings and start up - Inspection and fault diagnoses - Brake tests - Final judgement that all equipment is operational and fit for service - Locomotive splitting - Shunting and stabling - Equipment shut down - Train checks (people, equipment, damage, faults, vandalism) Operate a mainline locomotive across a range of routes, environmental conditions and loadings Programme must include coverage of the following topics: Credits: 40 - Train handling - Operating a single (unladen) locomotive - Operating with combinations of loadings — size of consist, empty and laden - Operating single and multiple locomotive power sources - Response to varied environmental conditions - Day and night driving - Driving all track conditions - All designated routes - Response to signals and other operational signage - In-route shunting and intermediate brake tests - Management of faults and breakdowns - Identification and diagnosis of faults - Incident response Transition information Qualification Reference 2886 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 version 1 Page 6 of 7 Replacement information This qualification replaces the National Certificate in Rail Operations (Locomotive Engineer) with strands in Network Freight Train, Network Passenger Train, and Network Multiple Unit/Railcar (Level 4) [Ref: 1109]. The last date for entry into the replaced qualification is 31 December 2016. The last date for assessments to take place for the replaced qualification is 31 December 2018. It is recommended candidates currently enrolled in a programme leading to the replaced qualification complete their existing programme by 31 December 2018. They may, however, choose to transfer into a programme leading to this qualification. It is anticipated that no existing candidates will be disadvantaged by these transition arrangements. However, anyone who feels that they have been disadvantaged may appeal to Competenz at the address below. Appeals will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Competenz, PO Box 9005, Newmarket, Auckland 1149 Qualification Reference 2886 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 version 1 Page 7 of 7