Qualification details

Qualification details
New Zealand Certificate in Stonemasonry (Level 4) with strands in
Monumental Masonry, Construction Stonemasonry, and Natural Stone
Fixtures and Fittings, with optional strands in Banker Masonry and
Conservation and Preservation
Qualification type
(160-300 with optional strand(s))
040309 Architecture and Building > Building > Bricklaying and
Qualification developer
Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation
Next review
December 2020
Approval date
June 2015
Strategic purpose statement
This qualification is for people working or wishing to work as
stonemasons in the stonemasonry industry.
The qualification is designed to provide the stonemasonry
industry with trained people who have achieved the practical
skills and knowledge required to work unsupervised, to complete
stonemasonry work to the level required of a commercially
competent stonemason.
The strands in this qualification allow graduates to specialise in
different areas of stonemasonry including: Monumental Masonry,
Construction Stonemasonry, and Natural Stone Fixtures and
The optional strands cover the knowledge and skills involved in
Banker Masonry and in Conservation and Preservation work,
allowing graduates to specialise in one or more of these areas as
related to their chosen specialisation.
Outcome Statement
Graduate profile
Qualification Reference 2737
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
Understand and apply a broad practical, working knowledge of
the fundamentals required in the stonemasonry trade.
Self-manage on-going learning and supervise the learning of
others with a responsibility to maintain the professional standards
of the stonemasonry industry.
Operate to the required safety, technical, quality, and productivity
standards expected in a commercial stonemasonry environment.
Additionally, graduates of the strands will be able to:
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Monumental Masonry strand:
Plan and carry out all aspects of monumental masonry work
including consents and permits, design, creation, installation, and
repairs and refurbishment of memorials.
Construction Stonemasonry strand:
Plan and carry out all aspects of construction stonemasonry work
including consents, creation, installation, and repair and
refurbishment of different stonemasonry elements.
Natural Stone Fixtures and Fittings strand:
Plan and carry out all aspects of natural stone fixtures and fittings
including design, creation, installation, and repairs and
refurbishment of different natural stone elements.
Banker masonry optional strand:
Plan and carry out all aspects of banker masonry including
designs and techniques used to deep carve elements.
Conservation and preservation optional strand:
Plan and carry out all aspects of conservation and preservation
including designs, and techniques used to preserve and restore
stonework of historical, cultural or design significance.
Education pathway
People undertaking this qualification may:
be a school leaver
have attained the Construction and Infrastructure
Vocational Pathway for NCEA level 2
have a background in an area related to the building and
construction sector.
Holders of this qualification may choose to continue their
education with the following:
New Zealand Certificate in Construction Related Trades
(Supervisor) (Level 4) [Ref: 2381]
New Zealand Certificate in Construction Related Trades
(Main Contract Supervision) ( Level 5) [Ref: 2382]
Employment pathway
New Zealand Diploma in Construction (Level 6) with strands
in Construction Management and Quantity Surveying [Ref:
Graduates of this qualification will be qualified stonemasons.
They may go on further to roles such as site management, subcontracting, business ownership, landscape architecture, sales
and stone procurement, or sculpture.
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Qualification specifications
Qualification award
This qualification may be awarded by the Building and
Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO) as the
qualification developer and the industry training organisation
arranging training leading to the qualification under section 5 of
the Industry Training Act 1992.
This qualification may also be awarded by an education provider
recognised as a programme owner accredited under section 259
of the Education Act 1989 to deliver a programme leading to this
The formal document certifying the award of this qualification will
display the NZQF logo and may also include the name or logo of
the qualification developer and/or other awarding body.
Evidence requirements for
assuring consistency
All education organisations delivering programmes that lead to
the award of the qualification are required to participate in a
consistency process scheduled by NZQA.
This will involve review of evidence associated with graduate’s
achievement of outcomes, and agreeing acceptable thresholds
for qualification outcome achievement, and areas for
To demonstrate how graduates are achieving the qualification
graduate profile outcomes, TEOs are required to produce their
own evidence in a high level report.
Evidence may include the following:
Programme statistics such as completion data and
graduate destination data
Evidence from internal and/or external moderation
Documentation of processes that ensure programmes
continue to meet current industry needs.
Regular feedback gathered from learners and employers
Any other relevant evidence as appropriate.
Further information about the consistency process can be found
at http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/providers-partners/consistency-ofgraduate-outcomes/.
Minimum standard of
achievement and standards for
grade endorsements
Achievement of all outcomes.
Other requirements for the
qualification (including regulatory
body or legislative requirements)
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General conditions for the programme leading to the qualification
General conditions for
TEOs arranging training or delivering programmes towards this
qualification must ensure that the training arranged and
programmes of learning delivered are kept up-to-date with regard
to amendments to, and replacements of, relevant documentation
including: Acts of Parliament, Regulations, Rules, Codes,
Standards, Approved Codes of Practice and best/good practice
guidelines. Current standards can be accessed at
http://standards.co.nz. Current legislation and regulations can be
accessed at http://legislation.govt.nz. Approved Codes and
Practice and best/good practice guidelines can be accessed at
Programmes must ensure that graduates are able to
demonstrate professional growth and leadership.
Programmes must ensure that graduates are able to display
commercial competence in all the Stonemasonry trade skills
contained in the Stonemasonry specifications.
Programmes must fully recognise all aspects of the
Stonemasonry specifications which are published on the BCITO
website http://bcito.org.nz/schools-and-providers/qualificationspecifications/. Aspects include:
Provision of opportunities for learners to demonstrate
knowledge and skill to cover all skills sets within the
An appropriate balance of content to ensure that the scale
and proportion of individual specifications and skill sets are
Ensuring that the level of complexity of knowledge and skill
requirements are those of an industry practitioner
demonstrating ability to meet NZQF Level 4 descriptors.
Conditions relating to the Graduate profile
Qualification outcomes
Programmes must include all knowledge and skills covered in the
Fundamentals section of the Stonemasonry Specification,
including: tools and equipment, the legislative requirements,
drawings and specifications, planning and communication,
selecting and processing of stone, materials, and building
Understand and apply a broad
practical, working knowledge
of the fundamentals required
in the stonemasonry trade.
Credits: 45
Self-manage on-going learning
and supervise the learning of
others with a responsibility to
maintain the professional
standards of the stonemasonry
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Graduates must demonstrate continual learning for themselves
and the ability to supervise and pass on knowledge and skills to
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Credits: 7
Operate to the required safety,
technical, quality, and
productivity standards
expected in a commercial
stonemasonry environment.
Graduates must be able to demonstrate the skills required by this
qualification in a commercially competent manner.
Credits: 8
Monumental Masonry strand
Plan and carry out all aspects
of monumental masonry work
including consents and
permits, design, creation,
installation, and repairs and
refurbishment of memorials.
Programmes must include all knowledge and skills covered in the
Monumental Masonry section of the Stonemasonry Specification.
Credits: 100
Construction Stonemasonry strand
Plan and carry out all aspects
of construction stonemasonry
work including consents,
creation, installation, and
repair and refurbishment of
different stonemasonry
Programmes must include all knowledge and skills covered in the
Construction Stonemasonry section of the Stonemasonry
Credits: 160
Natural Stone Fixtures and Fittings strand
Plan and carry out all aspects
of natural stone fixtures and
fittings including design,
creation, installation, and
repairs and refurbishment of
different natural stone
Programmes must include all knowledge and skills covered in the
Natural Stone Fixtures and Fittings section of the Stonemasonry
Credits: 60
Banker Masonry optional strand
Plan and carry out all aspects
of banker masonry including
designs and techniques used
to deep carve elements.
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© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
Programmes must include all knowledge and skills covered in the
Banker Masonry section of the Stonemasonry Specification.
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Credits: 40
Conservation and Preservation optional strand
Plan and carry out all aspects
of conservation and
preservation including designs
and techniques used to
preserve and restore
stonework of historical, cultural
or design significance.
Programmes must include all knowledge and skills covered in the
Conservation and Preservation section of the Stonemasonry
Credits: 40
Transition information
Replacement information
National Certificate in Stonemasonry (Level 5) [Ref: 0336]
National Certificate in Masonry with strands in Monumental
Masonry, Natural Stone Fixtures and Fittings, and Banker
Masonry (Level 4-5) [Ref: 1482]
Certificate in Stonemasonry (Level 4) [Ref: =OT4984]
People currently enrolled in programmes leading towards the National Certificate in Stonemasonry (Level
5) [Ref. 0336] and the National Certificate in Masonry with strands in Monumental Masonry, Natural
Stone Fixtures and Fittings, and Banker Masonry (Level 4-5) [Ref. 1482] may either complete the
requirements of the said qualifications, or transfer to this qualification. The final date of enrolment for
these programmes is 31 December 2016. The final date for assessment is 31 December 2020.
It is not intended that anyone be disadvantaged by this review. However, anyone who feels they have
been disadvantaged can appeal to BCITO at the contact details below:
Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO)
PO Box 2615
Wellington 6140
Telephone 64 04 381 6430
Republication information
Version 1 of this qualification was republished in November 2015 to amend a spelling error in a web
address in the ‘General conditions for programme’ section.
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