Qualification details Title New Zealand Certificate in Electricity Supply (Transmission Line Maintenance) (Level 4) with strands in Line Mechanics and Structure Maintenance Version 1 Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Credits 150-180 NZSCED 031311 Engineering and Related Technologies > Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Technology > Power Line Installation and Maintenance Qualification developer Connexis Next review December 2020 Approval date June 2015 Strategic purpose statement This qualification is for people entering into or currently employed in the electricity supply industry. It is designed to provide the industry with people able to work in transmission line maintenance as either a line mechanic or a structure maintainer. Graduates will be able to work safely to industry standards, taking responsibility for their work and that of others, and be capable of working independently whilst ensuring public safety. Graduates of the Line Mechanics strand will be able to work as a line mechanic on transmission lines and are eligible to apply for registration as a line mechanic with the Electrical Workers Registration Board (EWRB). Graduates of the Structure Maintenance strand will be able to perform maintenance on electricity supply structures. Graduate profile Graduates will be able to: - Ensure that health and safety requirements, theory, codes and legislation are met when undertaking work as a transmission line maintenance worker Outcome Statement - Perform condition assessment of electricity structures Qualification Reference 2705 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 - Apply a range of communication skills and procedures relevant to work in the field of transmission line maintenance. Graduates of the Line Mechanics strand will also be able to: - Apply theory, and industry standards and operating procedures in carrying out maintenance of transmission lines Graduates of the Structure Maintenance strand will also be able Page 1 of 5 to: Education pathway Carry out maintenance of electricity supply structures Candidates will already hold the New Zealand Certificate in Electricity Supply Introductory (Level 2) [Ref: 2136] or will gain it as part of this qualification. This qualification can provide a pathway to the following: - Employment pathway New Zealand Certificate in Electricity Supply (Line Mechanic Distribution) (Level 4) [Ref: 2197] National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Field Switcher) (Level 4) [Ref: 1117] National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Sub Station Maintainer) (Level 4) [Ref:1118] National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Line Mechanic Distribution Live Work Glove and Barrier up to 33kV) (Level 5) [Ref: 1625] National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Distribution Faultman) (Level 4) with strands in Line Mechanic and Electrician [Ref:1624] National Diploma in Electricity Supply (Level 5) [Ref: 0674] Graduates of the line mechanics strand will be eligible for EWRB registration and employment as a transmission line mechanic. Graduates of the structure maintenance strand will be eligible for employment as a structure maintainer. Qualification specifications Qualification award This qualification will be awarded by Connexis as the qualification developer, standard setting body and industry training organisation arranging training leading to the qualification under section 5 of the Industry Training Act 1992. This qualification may also be awarded by any Tertiary Education Organisation (TEO) accredited to deliver a programme leading to the qualification. The formal document certifying the award of this qualification bears Connexis and NZQF logos and, where applicable, the name and logo of the TEO offering the programme of training leading to the award of the qualification. In addition, it will have the full qualification title and the NZQF reference number, plus the date of award of the qualification. Evidence requirements for assuring consistency Qualification Reference 2705 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 TEOs that own and deliver programmes are responsible for ensuring the consistency of assessment within their programmes. They must be able to demonstrate the alignment of their graduates’ outcomes to the qualification graduate profile outcomes. They must be able to show alignment with the registration requirements with the classes of registration that a graduate of this qualification may be eligible for. Page 2 of 5 Evidence of consistency of graduate outcomes must include: - An audit trail of graduate programme results and subsequent employment outcomes. - Evidence of employer support of the graduates of the programme and their feedback that the graduates display the graduate profile outcomes. Use of existing programme data will be encouraged wherever possible. All TEOs either arranging training or delivering programmes that lead to the award of the qualification are required to participate in a consistency process scheduled by NZQA. The purpose of the managing consistency event is to: review evidence associated with achievement of qualification outcomes at the level of the qualification. identify issues or opportunities associated with outcome achievement. Further information can be found on the NZQA website. For full details of Connexis arrangements for managing consistency contact the Connexis Quality Assurance team. Minimum standard of achievement and standards for grade endorsements Achieved. Other requirements for the qualification (including regulatory body or legislative requirements) Candidates for this qualification require an EWRB Limited Trainee Certificate within three months of commencing the programme for their training, assessment and experience to be accepted for registration. General conditions for the programme leading to the qualification General conditions for programme TEOs offering programmes leading to this qualification must maintain currency with amendments to, and replacements of, relevant legislation, regulations, rules, and New Zealand standards for the electricity supply industry. Programmes must reflect industry best practice and currency. For detailed guidelines for programmes and any recommended unit standards, visit http://www.connexis.org.nz/qualifications Conditions relating to the Graduate profile Qualification outcomes Qualification Reference 2705 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Conditions Page 3 of 5 1 Ensure that health and safety requirements, theory, codes and legislation are met when undertaking work as a transmission line maintenance worker. Indicative credits: 55 2 Perform condition assessment of electricity structures Indicative credits: 45 3 Programmes must include the following areas: health and safety practices as applied to the electricity supply industry the theory of electricity, the network and plant and equipment used - a range of codes of practice, legislation and industry practice relevant to transmission line maintenance and structure condition assessment (these will include health and safety regulations, codes of practice, work instructions, safety signage, manuals, and the Safety Manual – Electricity Industry Part 1, 2, & 3 (SM-EI 1, 2 & 3), Electricity Engineers’ Association (EEA) guides, and primary works management (permit holders), work instructions and manuals). Apply a range of communication skills and procedures relevant to work in the field of transmission line maintenance. Indicative credits: 5 Line Mechanic strand 4 Apply theory, and industry standards and operating procedures in carrying out maintenance of transmission lines Programmes must ensure that the competencies required for registration with the EWRB as a Line Mechanic are met. Indicative credits: 75 Structure Maintainer strand 5 Carry out maintenance of electricity supply structures Indicative credits: 45 Programmes must include abrasive blasting, protective coating operations and the application of quality control concepts to the maintenance of electricity supply structures. Transition information Replacement information This qualification replaced the National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Line Mechanic Transmission) (Level 4) with optional strands in Optional Work Skills (E1 (O)), and Optional Deenergised Work Skills (E3) [Ref: 1389]. All existing candidates may either complete the requirements of the replaced qualification or transfer to this qualification according to programme availability. The last date for entry into programmes leading to the replaced qualification is 31 December 2016. The last date for assessments to take place for the replaced qualification is 31 December 2018. Qualification Reference 2705 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 4 of 5 It is anticipated that no existing candidates will be disadvantaged by these transition arrangements. However, anyone who feels that they have been disadvantaged may appeal to Connexis at the address below. Appeals will be considered on a case by case basis. For further information contact Connexis Qualifications PO Box 2759 Wellington, 6011 Email: qualifications@connexis.org.nz Qualification Reference 2705 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 5 of 5