Qualification details

Qualification details
New Zealand Certificate in Utilities Maintenance (Level 4) with strands in
Water, and Wastewater and Stormwater
Qualification type
Engineering and Related Technologies > Civil Engineering > Civil
Engineering not elsewhere classified
DAS classification
Engineering and Technology > Infrastructure Works >
Infrastructure Works Utilities
Qualification developers
Infrastructure ITO and Primary ITO
Next review
December 2019
Approval date
February 2015
Strategic purpose statement
Communities and the environment benefit from a safe and well
maintained infrastructure.
This qualification is designed to provide the infrastructure works
industry with people who have the practical skills, knowledge and
aptitude to maintain New Zealand’s water, wastewater and
stormwater utilities systems and safely and efficiently respond to
Graduates of this qualification will be capable of working with
limited supervision in a variety of work contexts.
Graduate profile
Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
communicate and maintain safety on the worksite and for
the community
apply knowledge of the maintenance and installation of
pipes, fittings and structures using industry standards and
Outcome Statement
Graduates with the Water strand will also be able to:
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© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
identify and repair water reticulation faults within the
underground utility network, including scheduled and
reactive works
apply knowledge of pumping and water systems.
Graduates with the Wastewater and Stormwater strand will
also be able to:
identify and repair wastewater reticulation faults within the
underground utility network, including scheduled and
reactive works
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Education pathway
apply knowledge of pumping, waste water and stormwater
apply knowledge of the composition of wastewater, and
unblock, clean and maintain wastewater systems and pump
This qualification builds on the New Zealand Certificate in
Infrastructure Works (Level 3) [Ref: 2523], and the New Zealand
Certificate in Plant and Equipment (Level 3) [Ref: 2521].
It can lead to the New Zealand Certificate in Civil Infrastructure
Trades (Utilities maintenance) (Level 4) with strands in Water,
and Stormwater and Wastewater [Ref: 2967] and the New
Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Site Supervision)
(Level 4) [Ref: 2617].
Employment pathway
Graduates of this qualification will likely be employed in the
infrastructure works industry where the focus is on the installation
and maintenance of underground water services. This work can
be undertaken in the context of a variety of stakeholders i.e.
municipal/local authority contracts, government agencies, water
utility network owners and private developments (such as
Likely contexts of work would be:
Planned and reactive maintenance work
Maintenance of existing water, wastewater and
Qualification specifications
Qualification award
This qualification will be awarded by the accredited organisation
with whom the graduate has been enrolled.
The certificate will display the logos of the NZQF and the
accredited organisation.
Evidence requirements for
assuring consistency
Each TEO is responsible for deciding what specific evidence it
will provide to demonstrate how well its graduates meet the
graduate profile outcomes at the appropriate threshold.
The following is core evidence which may be provided for
NZCCW L4 consistency reviews:
 Internal and external moderation processes and results
relating to the assessment of graduate outcomes
 Feedback and actions taken by the TEO in response to
 Programme completion data and course results
 Post graduate surveys (which must include survey of
graduates and employers)
 Any other relevant evidence
For more information on evidence for consistency relating to this
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qualification, contact the Quality Assurance team at
info@connexis.org.nz>; and refer to Guidelines for approval of
New Zealand qualifications for listing on the New Zealand
Qualifications Framework at www.nzqa.govt.nz.
Credit transfer and recognition of
prior learning arrangements
TEOs delivering programmes that lead to the award of this
qualification may transfer credit and recognise prior learning in
accordance with their own recognition policies and procedures.
Credit transfer will be automatic where assessment standards
are used for assessment within programmes of study or training
leading to this qualification.
Recognition of current competence (RCC) acknowledges the
skills and knowledge from work and experience, or from courses
of study undertaken. Assessment of RCC may be conducted by
an assessor appointed by Infrastructure ITO, or by an
organisation with consent to assess.
Minimum standard of
achievement and standards for
grade endorsements
Achievement of all core components of this qualification, and one
of the two strands.
There are no grade endorsements for this qualification.
Entry requirements (including
prerequisites to meet regulatory
body or legislative requirements)
It is recommended that people achieve the New Zealand
Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Level 3) [Ref: 2523], or
demonstrate equivalent knowledge and experience, before
attempting this qualification.
Qualification conditions
Overarching conditions relating to the qualification
Conditions for programme
Included below are mandatory conditions (must include) which
have been agreed by industry to reflect best practice and must
be included in the programme. Further optional conditions (may
include) have been included to further assist in fulfilling the
requirements of the graduate profile outcomes.
For more detailed guidelines for programme development
(including recommended and mandatory unit standards), contact
the qualification developer(s) at: qualifications@connexis.org.nz
or standards@primarytito.ac.nz .
Conditions for programme
TEOs offering programmes leading to this qualification must
maintain currency with amendments to, and replacements of,
relevant legislation, regulations, rules, and Australia/New
Zealand standards.
This qualification includes the skills and knowledge required for
the maintenance of utility owned assets; it does not include
works covered by the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Act
2006. Utilities maintenance for the purposes of this qualification
therefore generally excludes work inside the private property
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Other conditions
A minimum of TC Level 1 must be attained and candidates must
attend confined spaces and pathogens training.
Specific conditions relating to the Graduate profile
Qualification outcomes
or Optional
Communicate and maintain
safety on the worksite and for
the community.
Working safely in the utilities environment is
critical to ensure the safety of people,
infrastructure and the environment.
Credits 30
Must include:
planning, entering and working in a
confined space
knowledge of pathogens, diseases, and
their controls in the water industry
testing for gas and related hazards, and
interpreting and responding to gas test
communicating and liaising with the
general public and others affected by
worksite activities; communication must
include the nature and extent of works.
Apply knowledge of the
maintenance and installation
of pipes, fittings and
structures using industry
standards and specifications.
Credits 40
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May include:
HSE requirements, and working safely
around people, plant and equipment and
working safely at heights
problem solving skills
notifiable works and permits.
Must include:
interpretation of infrastructure plans and
set-out information
determining the line and level of existing
pipes and structures and reinstating nonaligned pipes or structures to the correct
line and level
water supply mains materials and fittings,
and the causes and prevention of pipe
quality assurance requirements for
infrastructure works activities
protection and support systems used in
May include:
position of services, and procedures for
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managing and reporting damage to
placing and removing protection and
support systems for excavation
excavating, backfilling and compacting,
and preparing for surface reinstatement
applied knowledge of equipment and
operations for jointing polyethylene pipe
electro fusion, and butt fusion jointing on
polyethylene pipe
installing a thrust block, anti- scour pad or
anchor block
process of making and placing concrete
slinging and lifting loads using mobile plant
cleaning and disinfecting of water
reticulation systems
procedures for CCTV survey, and
preparing and setting up CCTV
single-point groundwater control
pump systems for dewatering
bypass pumping and the installing,
commissioning, and decommissioning of
bypasses for pipe installations.
Water Strand
Identify and repair water
reticulation faults within the
underground utility network,
including scheduled and
reactive works
Must include:
Credits 13
rehabilitation and replacement of existing
water pipe lines
cleaning and disinfection of water
reticulation systems
servicing, cleaning, disinfecting, and
restoring reservoirs or reticulation mains.
May include:
Apply knowledge of pumping
and water systems.
Credits 12
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water supply mains materials and fittings,
and causes and prevention of pipe failure
water quality monitoring and preventative
measures in water supply reticulation
water supply and reticulation systems
shutting down and re-commissioning a
drinking water supply
preparing for and installing fittings, charging
up a pipe line, checking for leaks and
Must include:
hydraulics, pressure and backflow
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leak detection and leak detection
pressure zones and backflow prevention in
water reticulation
pumps used in water reticulation.
Wastewater and Stormwater Strand
Identify and repair wastewater
reticulation faults within the
underground utility network
including scheduled and
reactive works.
Must include:
Credits 10
blockage clearance and wastewater
carrying out wastewater pipe unblocking
and chamber maintenance
wastewater systems and materials, and
causes and prevention of pipe failure
sewer cleaning, blockage removal, overflow
management and clean-up.
Apply knowledge of pumping,
wastewater, and stormwater
Must include:
systems include - hydraulics, pressure and
backflow prevention
Credits 8
stormwater and drainage systems and their
flows in wastewater and flow measurement
Apply knowledge of the
composition of wastewater
and unblock, clean and
maintain wastewater systems
and pump stations.
Credits 7
Must include:
rehabilitation and replacement of existing
wastewater pipe lines
cleaning, performing routine maintenance,
and reporting on the condition of pump
Transition information
Replacement information
This qualification and the New Zealand Certificate in Pipe Installations
(Level 4) with strands in Trenched, and Trenchless [Ref: 2694] replace
National Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Infrastructure Pipelaying
Technician) (Level 3) [Ref: 1282]
New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Works Excavation and
Reinstatement (Level 3) [Ref: 1708]
National Certificate in Water Reticulation (Planned and Reactive
Maintenance Technician) (Level 3) [Ref: 0962] - PrimaryITO
National Certificate in Water Reticulation (Supervisor) (Level 4) [Ref: 1259]
- Primary ITO
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National Certificate in Infrastructure Works Supervision with optional
strands in Asphalt Surfacing, Chipseal Surfacing, Civil Works and Utilities,
Road Works, Water, and Wastewater (Level 4) [Ref: 1658]
People currently working towards the replaced qualifications may either complete the requirements for
that qualification by 31 December 2018 or transfer to this qualification or [Ref: 2694]. It is important to
note that the replaced qualifications are substantially different to the new qualifications, and may be
represented in more than one qualification.
The last date for entry into programmes leading to replaced qualifications is 31 December 2015.
It is the intention of the Infrastructure ITO and Primary ITO that no existing trainee should be
disadvantaged by these transition arrangements. Any person who considers they have been
disadvantaged may appeal to the Infrastructure ITO and/or Primary ITO.
Republication information
Version 1 of this qualification was republished in October 2015 to update the Education Pathway.
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