Qualification developer
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Approval date
Strategic purpose statement
Qualification type Certificate
Credits 40-75
Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies > Agriculture >
Wool and Fibre Harvesting
Primary ITO
April 2018
17 April 2014
The purpose of this qualification is to provide the wool harvesting industry with people who have gained entry level woolshed knowledge and the associated practical skills.
This qualification is targeted at new or potential entrants into the wool harvesting industry including seasonal workers, career changers and those not currently engaged in education, employment or training.
The trainee will benefit from having a qualification that will allow them to enter and progress through the industry into all areas of wool harvesting which includes shearing, pressing or wool handling.
The sheep farming and wool harvesting industries will benefit from having people who can work effectively in a wool shed.
Graduates will be capable of working under close supervision.
The qualification is stranded to reflect the specialist knowledge and skills required for crutching, wool handling or shearing.
To achieve the Crutching and Shearing Strand, graduates must be able to carry out shearing tasks relevant to one of the following contexts to meet the outcomes: in blade shearing, machine shearing crossbred wool, or machine shearing fine wool.
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Graduate profile
Education pathway
Employment pathway
Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
Work as part of a team in the woolshed.
Maintain health and well-being for consistent work output.
Graduates of the Crutching Strand will also be able to:
Assist with pressing wool.
Assist with shed set up, set up shearing gear, and clean up after crutching.
Crutch sheep.
Graduates of the Wool Handling Strand will also be able to:
Assist with wool shed set up.
Skirt at the board, throw a fleece, skirt at the table, and blend the stack as directed.
Graduates of the Crutching and Shearing Strand will also be able to:
Assist with pressing wool.
Assist with shed set up, set up shearing gear, and clean up after crutching.
Crutch sheep.
Combine stance, blow patterns and equipment to shear sheep.
The Shearing and Crutching strand can lead to the relevant context of the New Zealand Certificate in Shearing
(Blade/Crossbred/Fine) (Level 3) [Ref: 2400].
The Wool Handling strand can lead to New Zealand Certificate in
Crossbred Wool Handling (Level 3) with optional endorsement in
Fine Wool [Ref: 2402].
The completion of any strand can lead to the New Zealand
Certificate in Wool Pressing (Level 3) [Ref: 2393].
Graduates of this certificate will have the skills and knowledge to work in entry level roles in the wool harvesting industry.
Qualification award This qualification may be awarded by the Primary ITO as the qualification developer and the industry training organisation arranging training leading to the qualification under section 5 of the Industry Training Act 1992.
This qualification may also be awarded by an education organisation accredited under section 250 of the Education
Act 1989 to deliver an approved programme leading to this qualification.
The formal document certifying the award of this qualification
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Evidence requirements for managing consistency will display the NZQF logo and may also include the name and/or logo of the awarding education organisation.
All education organisations offering programmes leading to the qualification must engage with arrangements for managing consistency, including covering actual and reasonable related costs.
Each education organisation is responsible for deciding what specific evidence it will provide to demonstrate how well its graduates meet the graduate profile outcomes of the qualification.
Evidence of the following must be provided:
• Student feedback on course delivery and qualification achievement, their perception of the value of the training, and suggestions for improvements
• Feedback from employers on the level of skills, knowledge and behaviour demonstrated by graduates of the qualification
• Evidence of effective internal quality assurance systems
• Portfolios of work and/or assessment samples demonstrating the range of student performance within a programme
TEOs can also provide any other relevant evidence that supports the consistency review.
Credit transfer and recognition of prior learning arrangements
Education organisations must have policies and procedures in place for managing credit transfer, and assessing recognition of prior learning and recognition of current competency. These policies and procedures, and information about associated fees, must be available to the candidate prior to enrolment.
To facilitate credit transfer, education organisations must clearly demonstrate the equivalency or comparability between each of the outcomes in the graduate profile, and the assessment components of their programmes.
Minimum standard of achievement and standards for grade endorsements
The minimum standard of achievement required for award of the qualification will be the achievement of all graduate outcomes in the graduate profile through successful completion of an NZQA approved programme.
Entry requirements (including prerequisites to meet regulatory body or legislative requirements)
There are no mandatory prerequisites to meet regulatory body, or legislative requirements for this qualification.
Overarching conditions relating to the qualification
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Conditions for programme structure
Conditions for programme context
If learners are completing the Crutching and Shearing Strand, they must complete the shearing outcomes in one of the following contexts: blade shearing, machine shearing crossbred wool, or machine shearing fine wool.
Other conditions None.
Specific conditions relating to the Graduate profile
Qualification outcomes Conditions Mandatory or Optional
1 Work as part of a team in the woolshed.
Credit 2
Programmes may include these topics:
contributing to team performance
maintaining personal effort.
2 Maintain health and well-being for consistent work output.
Credit 3
Programmes may include the following topics:
hydration and nutrition
causes and prevention of fatigue
drug and alcohol use.
Crutching Strand
3 Assist with pressing wool.
Credit 5
Assessment may be carried out using the following unit standards:
15050 (L2, C5) Describe wool pressing, press wool as directed, and assist with penning up of sheep
15053 (L2, C5) Describe the operational requirements of a woolshed environment
20119 (L2, C5) Describe and demonstrate wool harvesting procedures.
4 Assist with shed set up, set up shearing gear, and clean up after crutching.
Credit 10
Programmes may include the following topics:
shed skills
assemble handpiece and crutching blades.
5 Crutch sheep.
Credit 20
Programmes may include the following topics:
positioning of self and sheep
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combs and cutters
footwork and blows
techniques and types of crutching i.e. full belly, half belly, ring crutch, full crutch, pizzle crutch, eye wig.
The quantity of sheep crutched over the required period of time may vary according to wool characteristics and should meet industry standards.
Wool Handling Strand
6 Assist with wool shed set up.
Credit 10
7 Skirt at the board, throw a fleece, skirt at the table, and blend the stack as directed.
Credit 25
Programmes may include the following unit standard:
20120 (L2, C20) Prepare the wool clip in the wool harvesting industry (Outcomes 2,
3 and 4).
Crutching and Shearing Strand
Programmes may include the following unit standard:
20120 (L2, C20) Prepare the wool clip in the wool harvesting industry (Outcome 1).
8 Assist with pressing wool.
Credit 5
Assessment may be carried out using the following unit standards:
15050 (L2, C5) Describe wool pressing, press wool as directed, and assist with penning up of sheep
15053 (L2, C5) Describe the operational requirements of a woolshed environment
20119 (L2, C5) Describe and demonstrate wool harvesting procedures.
9 Assist with shed set up, set up shearing gear, and clean up after crutching.
Credit 10
Programmes may include the following topics:
shed skills
assemble handpiece and crutching blades.
10 Crutch sheep.
Credit 20
Programmes may include the following topics:
position self and sheep
combs and cutters
footwork and blows
techniques and types of crutching i.e. full
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11 Combine stance, blow patterns and equipment to shear sheep.
Credit 35 belly, half belly, ring crutch, full crutch, pizzle crutch, eye wig.
The quantity of sheep crutched over the required period of time may vary according to wool characteristics and should meet industry standards.
Programmes may include these unit standards relevant to the learning context.
Refer to the explanatory notes in the unit standards for industry definitions and industry standards.
All contexts:
25853 (L2, C6) Shear sheep under supervision.
Blade context:
20108 (L2, C15) Prepare, and sharpen shearing blades under supervision
20109 (L2, C30) Blade shear sheep under supervision.
Cross bred context:
15041 (L2, C5) Grind shearing combs and cutters for machine shearing
15042 (L2, C5) Set up a machine shearing handpiece, and maintain downtube of shearing plant
20101 (L2, C30) Machine shear crossbred sheep
20113 (L2, C6) Describe a kit of shearing gear, and maintain and rectify faults in combs.
Fine Wool context:
15041 (L2, C5) Grind shearing combs and cutters for machine shearing
20102 (L2,C30) Machine shear fine wool sheep
20113 (L2, C6) Describe a kit of shearing gear, and maintain and rectify faults in combs.
Replacement information This qualification replaced the National Certificate in Wool Harvesting (Entry)
(Level 2) with strands in Learner Shearer, and Learner Wool Handler
[Ref: 1546] and the National Certificate in Wool Harvesting (Junior Shearer)
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(Level 2) [Ref: 1547].
Trainees currently enrolled in programmes leading to the one of the replaced qualifications should complete its requirements rather than transfer their results to this replacement qualification.
The last date for entry into programmes leading to the replaced qualifications is 31 December 2016. The last date for award of the replaced qualifications is 31 December 2018 at which time they will be designated as discontinued.
It is the intention of Primary ITO that no existing trainee should be disadvantaged by these transition arrangements. Any person who considers they have been disadvantaged may appeal to the Primary ITO.
Version 1 of this qualification was republished In February 2015 to update the Evidence requirements for managing consistency
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