QUALIFICATION DETAILS Qualification Title New Zealand Certificate in Scaffolding (Level 3) with strands in General and Suspended Scaffolding Version 1 Qualification type Certificate Level 3 Credits 100-180 NZSCED 040329 Architecture and Building > Building > Scaffolding and Rigging DAS Classification 965 Service Sector > Lifting Equipment Strategic purpose statement The purpose of this qualification is to provide the scaffolding sector with people who have attained scaffolding erection and dismantling skills in either general or suspended scaffolding. The General Scaffolding strand prepares people for entry into the New Zealand Certificate in Scaffolding (Level 4) [Ref: 2362]. The Suspended Scaffolding strand is a pre-requisite for the award of the New Zealand Certificate in Scaffolding (Level 5) [Ref: 2363]. Graduates of the respective strands will be ready to apply for the following scaffolding competence endorsements as specified in the Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995: General Scaffolding strand Basic Certificate A. B. C. D. E. A fall arrest system A free standing modular scaffolding system A gin wheel A rope A static line Advanced Certificate O. Tube and coupler scaffolding Suspended Scaffolding Strand Suspended Certificate A. Bosun’s chair – handheld or mechanical B. Swinging stage – handheld or mechanical. Outcome Statement Graduate profile Graduates will be able to: Comprehend and act on instructions, communicate information within a team and outside groups, complete basic workplace documentation Maintain personal safety while working at heights in accordance with health and safety legislation and the best practice guidelines for scaffolding systems Sling and prepare scaffolding and equipment for lifting by crane and communicate the lift requirements. Graduates of the General Scaffolding strand will be able to: Assure compliance of straightforward, proprietary and tube scaffolding structures Qualification Reference 2361 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 1 Base-out straightforward, proprietary and tube scaffolding structures from given plans Demonstrate, at height, safety procedures for the erection and dismantling of scaffolding Erect and dismantle straightforward, proprietary and tube scaffolding structures from given plans. Graduates of the Suspended Scaffolding strand will be able to: Education pathway Assure compliance of proprietary suspended scaffolding structures Erect and dismantle proprietary suspended scaffolding structures, including; hand haul and powered bosun’s chairs; and swinging stages. This qualification is the first step in the New Zealand scaffolding qualification pathway. The General Scaffolding strand will prepare the candidate for entry into the New Zealand Certificate in Scaffolding (Level 4) [Ref: 2362]. The Level 4, Ref: 2362, is a prerequisite for candidates enrolling in the New Zealand Certificate in Scaffolding (Level 5) [Ref: 2363]. Candidates who have not completed the Level 3 strand in Suspended Scaffolding may undertake programmes leading to that strand and Ref: 2363 concurrently. The award of this qualification via the Suspended Scaffolding strand is a pre-requisite for the award of the Level 5 Ref: 2363. Graduates of this qualification will have achieved unit standard 3789. Achievement of this unit standard represents 22 credits required for the New Zealand Certificate in Cranes (Dogman Operations) (Level 3) [Ref: 1786]. This unit standard is also included in the New Zealand Certificate in Rigging (Level 3) [Ref: 2355]. Employment pathway Graduates of the General Scaffolding strand are likely to gain employment as a scaffolder erecting and dismantling elementary scaffolds for construction, events and industrial purposes. They will be able to work for companies providing scaffolding services, performing all basic scaffolding tasks – in accordance with the Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995 competence endorsements as listed in the strategic purpose statement. Graduates of the Suspended Scaffolding strand will be able to erect and dismantle proprietary suspended scaffolding structures. They will be able to work for companies in the window cleaning or maintenance sectors – in accordance with the Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995 competence endorsements as listed in the strategic purpose statement. Further training in the New Zealand Certificate in Scaffolding (Level 4) [Ref: 2362] and New Zealand Certificate in Scaffolding (Level 5) [Ref: 2363] will extend their employment opportunities as they will obtain endorsement towards the advanced scaffolding competencies as specified in the Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995. Qualification Developer The Skills Organisation Qualification Specification Qualification award This qualification may be awarded by The Skills Organisation as the qualification developer and the industry training organisation arranging training leading to the qualification under section 5 of the Industry Training Act 1992. This qualification may also be awarded by a tertiary education organisation (TEO) accredited under section 250 of the Education Act 1989 to deliver an Qualification Reference 2361 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 2 approved programme leading to this qualification. The formal document certifying the award of this qualification includes the full qualification title, the date of award, and the logos of The Skills Organisation, the accredited TEO, and the NZQF. As the qualification developer, The Skills Organisation will maintain a list of graduates of this qualification. The TEO will annually report the names of all graduates awarded the qualification to The Skills Organisation. Review period By 31 December 2019 Any person or organisation may contribute to the review of this qualification by sending feedback to the qualification developer at reviewcomments@skills.org.nz. Evidence requirements for assuring consistency All TEOs either arranging training or delivering programmes that lead to the award of the qualification are required to participate in a consistency process scheduled by NZQA. TEO’s are to provide evidence from the following sources that graduates of their programmes have gained the knowledge and skills contained in the qualification’s graduate profile outcomes: Feedback from teaching staff, training supervisors and industry managers regarding trainee progression within either the TEO or the workplace. Feedback from major employers' associations, such as SARNZ and the NZ Crane Association, to determine the extent to which members involved in industries that rely on rigging specialists are satisfied with the knowledge and skill level of graduates.. Feedback from Independent surveys of graduates and employers to determine if the graduates have gained the knowledge and skills required in the workplace. Review of results of a common assessment task. For full details of The Skills Organisation arrangements for managing consistency, contact The Skills Organisation at: consistency@skills.org.nz Credit transfer and recognition of prior learning arrangements TEOs delivering programmes that lead to the award of this qualification may transfer credit and recognise prior learning in accordance with their own credit recognition policies and procedures. These policies and procedures, and information about associated fees, must be available to the applicant prior to enrolment. To facilitate credit transfer, TEOs must clearly demonstrate the equivalency or comparability between each of the outcomes in the graduate profile, and the assessment components of their programmes. Credit transfer will be automatic where standards on the Directory of Assessment Standards are used for assessment within programme of study or training leading to this qualification. Qualification Reference 2361 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 3 Minimum standard of achievement and standards for grade endorsements (where applicable) Prerequisites to meet regulatory body or legislative requirements The minimum standard of achievement required for the award of the qualification will be: achievement of all graduate outcomes in the graduate profile through successful completion of an approved programme. achievement of either the general or suspended scaffolding strand. successful completion of a common summative assessment task. To enrol in this qualification, it is expected that candidates will have existing knowledge and skills in numeracy at a level that includes/exceeds what is required in the industry. A current workplace first aid certificate covering unit standards 26551, 26552 (or equivalent) is also a requirement. The qualification includes unit standard 3789 which is a requirement for anyone directing cranes under the Department of Labour Approved Code of Practice for Cranes Nov 2009 (3rd edition) or replacements that supersede it. Other conditions for qualification Programmes leading to this qualification must reflect current industry best practice as defined in the Best Practice Guidelines for Scaffolding – or replacements that supersede it, first published by OSH (Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment) in 2002, and revised, 2009, and the Best Practice Guidelines for Working at Height in New Zealand (April 2012) or replacements that supersede it. Qualification outcomes are to be met in accordance with: – Legislative requirements dictates certain scaffolds be erected by, or under direct supervision of a scaffolder holding the appropriate class of certificate of competence. Conditions relating to outcomes Qualification Outcomes (including indicative credit values for each outcome) Conditions Comprehend and act on instructions, communicate information within a team and outside groups, complete basic workplace documentation 5 credits Programme and assessment will include the knowledge and skills required to: comprehend recorded workplace information, verbal instruction, written or drawn specifications, and signs communicate workplace information using oral communication, hand signals, written information, and drawings complete basic workplace documentation such as timesheets, log books, work plan details, hazard identification, task sheets, control plans, scaffold register and notification of hazardous work. Mandatory or Optional This outcome must be demonstrated through assessment against the following unit standard: 1277 This outcome may be demonstrated through assessment against one of the following unit Qualification Reference 2361 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 4 standards: 11097 1312 Maintain personal safety while working at heights in accordance with health and safety legislation and the best practice guidelines for scaffolding systems 27 credits Programme and assessment will include the knowledge and skills required to apply fall restraint in scaffolding contexts and construct work restraint and work positioning systems using rope access equipment. health and safety legislation and the best practice guidelines for scaffolding systems locate and interpret information from the Best Practice Guidelines for Scaffolding to suit given situations demonstrate an overview knowledge and understanding of the Crane Safety Manual for Operators/Users, obtainable from the Crane Association of New Zealand (Inc) or its equivalent interpret and apply legislative requirements in the design of scaffolding works plan loading, load, restrain, secure and unload scaffolding and equipment in a commercial vehicle use and maintain scaffolding hand and power tools and report any faults This outcome must be demonstrated through assessment against the following unit standards: 19620 23229 15757 1753 19622 This outcome may be demonstrated through assessment against one of the following unit standards: 19621 26607 This outcome may be demonstrated through assessment against one of the following unit standards: 20855 26591 Sling and prepare scaffolding and equipment for lifting by crane and communicate the lift requirements 22 credits This outcome must be demonstrated through assessment against the following unit standard: 3789 Qualification Reference 2361 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 5 General scaffolding strand Assure compliance of straightforward, proprietary and tube scaffolding structures 9 credits Programme and assessment will include the knowledge and skills required to: plan and prepare for the erection of scaffolding complete a scaffolding inspection compliance report This outcome may be demonstrated through assessment against one of the following unit standards: 20856 23228 Base-out straightforward, proprietary and tube scaffolding structures from given plans Programme and assessment will include the knowledge and skills required to: prepare a scaffolding site for the basing out of scaffolding base out tube and fitting scaffolding base out proprietary frame scaffolding base out individual component proprietary scaffolding base out returns for tube and fitting scaffolding. 39 credits This outcome may be demonstrated through assessment against one of the following unit standards: 20857 20858 20859 20860 23223 Qualification Reference 2361 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 6 Demonstrate, at height, safety procedures for the erection and dismantling of scaffolding Programme and assessment will include the knowledge and skills required to: demonstrate, at height, safety procedures for the erection of scaffolding demonstrate at height, safety procedures for the dismantling of scaffolding. 12 credits This outcome may be demonstrated through assessment against one of the following unit standards: 20861 20862 Erect and dismantle straightforward, proprietary and tube scaffolding structures from given plans 66 credits Programme and assessment will include the knowledge and skills required to: erect and dismantle standing tube and fitting scaffolding erect and dismantle mobile scaffolding erect and dismantle elementary falsework erect and dismantle standing proprietary scaffolding design, erect, and dismantle scaffolding ties use tube and coupler in standing proprietary scaffolds This outcome may be demonstrated through assessment against one of the following unit standards: 23224 23225 23226 23227 23715 19623 Suspended scaffolding strand Assure compliance of proprietary suspended scaffolding structures 10 credits Programme and assessment will include the knowledge and skills required to: plan and prepare for the erection of suspended scaffolding complete suspended scaffolding inspection compliance reports This outcome must be demonstrated through assessment against the following unit standards: 26592 26595 Qualification Reference 2361 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 7 Erect and dismantle proprietary suspended scaffolding structures, including; hand haul and powered bosun’s chairs; and swinging stages erect, operate, and dismantle bosun's chairs erect, operate, and dismantle swinging stages. This outcome must be demonstrated through assessment against the following unit standards: 26593 36 credits 26594 Transition information Replacement information This qualification replaces the National Certificate in Scaffolding (Elementary) (Level 3) [Ref: 1352] and the National Certificate in Suspended Scaffolding (Level 4) [Ref: 1771]. The last date for entry into programmes leading to the replaced qualifications is 31 December 2016. The last date to meet the requirements of the replaced qualifications will be 31 December 2019 when the qualifications will be discontinued. From that date no results can be reported against the qualifications. People currently working towards one of the replaced qualifications may either complete the requirements by 31 December 2019 or transfer their results to the replacement qualification. Qualification Reference 2361 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 8