Qualification details

Qualification details
New Zealand Certificate in Electricity Supply (Cable Jointer High Voltage)
(Level 4) with an optional strand of 33kV.
Qualification type
202 [+35 credit for optional strand]
Engineering and Related Technologies > Electrical and
Electronic Engineering and Technology > Power Line Installation
and Maintenance
Qualification developer
Infrastructure ITO
Next review
December 2019
Approval date
November 2014
Strategic purpose statement
The purpose of this qualification is to provide the electricity
supply industry with people who have sufficient knowledge,
practical skills and experience to gain electrical registration as a
cable jointer and undertake cable jointing on cables up to and
including 11kV.
Electrical Workers Registration Board [EWRB], under the
auspices of the Electricity Amendment Act 2006, sets out in the
Rules of the EWRB, the requirements/standards for registration
and limits of work for registration as a Cable Jointer. This
qualification supports the EWRB requirements, and leads to
eligibility for registration as a cable jointer.
Graduates will be capable of working to industry standards,
taking responsibility for their own work and that of others, and
capable of working independently, whilst ensuring safety.
Graduates who meet the requirements of the optional strand
graduate profile outcome will be able to carry out cable jointing
on power cables up to and including 33kV.
Graduate profile
Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
Outcome Statement
- Apply industry standards and follow procedures when
performing the duties of a cable jointer undertaking work on
power cables up to and including 11kV.
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- Apply electrical theory to construction, preparation and industry
rules, and the principles of generation, transmission and
distribution in the electricity supply industry.
- Apply a range of communication skills relevant to the role of a
registered cable jointer including those required to carry out
- Ensure that health and safety requirements are met in the
workplace environment as required for the range of work
undertaken by a registered cable jointer.
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- Undertake testing procedures that facilitate the process of cable
jointing work on power cables up to and including 11kV.
- Apply theory, codes, legislation and industry procedures to the
planning, jointing, testing and commissioning of cables in an
electricity distribution network to the standards required for
EWRB registration as a cable jointer.
Graduates of this qualification with the optional strand [33kV] will
be able to:
- Apply industry standards and follow procedures when
performing the duties of a cable jointer undertaking work on
power cables up to and including 33kV.
Education pathway
This qualification will equip graduates with the skills, knowledge
and competencies to become a registered cable jointer.
This qualification builds on the:
- New Zealand Certificate in Electricity Supply (Introductory)
(Level 2) [Ref: 2136].
- New Zealand Certificate in Electricity Supply (Cable Jointer)
(Level 3) [Ref: 2228].
Graduates may progress to additional Level 4 certificates for
additional electricity supply roles:
- New Zealand Certificate in Electricity Supply (Line Mechanic
Distribution) (Level 4) [Ref: 2197].
- National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Distribution Faultman)
(Level 4) with strands in Line Mechanic, and Electrician
- National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Field Switcher) (Level
4) with optional strands in Distribution Networks, Transmission
Networks, and Operational Co-ordinator Planning Use [Ref:1117]
And progress on to the following higher qualifications:
- National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Line Mechanic
Distribution) Live work Glove and Barrier up to 33kV (Level 5)
- National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Power Technician)
(Level 5) with an optional strand in Generation and Sustainable
Energy [Ref: 1260].
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Employment pathway
Graduates of this qualification may be embarking on a career as
a registered cable jointer in the electricity supply industry, or may
be changing their career path from elsewhere in the electricity
supply industry. Line mechanics may diversify into cable jointing
work, but people may chose to go directly into cable jointing.
Some electricians may also diversify into cable jointing.
Graduates will be eligible to apply for EWRB registration as a
cable jointer. As a registered cable jointer they can work in the
distribution sector of the electricity supply industry on low and
high voltage equipment, in an intermediate level position, mostly
working without supervision and with some supervisory
responsibility. They may progress to senior positions within the
electricity supply industry, with additional training. Alternatively,
with additional training, they may diversify into other roles such
as: distribution line mechanic, field switcher, or, faultman.
Qualification specifications
Qualification award
This qualification will be awarded by Infrastructure ITO as
developer of the qualification and any TEOs accredited to
deliver a programme leading to the qualification.
The formal documentation certifying the award of this
qualification bears the Infrastructure ITO and NZQF logos
and, where applicable, the name and logo of the Tertiary
Education Organisation offering the programme of training
leading to the award of the qualification. In addition it will
have the full qualification title and the NZQF reference
number, plus the date of the award of the qualification.
Evidence requirements for assuring
All graduates must meet the EWRB requirements for
attaining registration as a cable jointer. Therefore outcome
five, below, will be a key focus for assuring consistency.
- Apply theory, codes, legislation and industry procedures to
the planning, jointing, testing and commissioning of cables in
an electricity distribution network to the standards required
for EWRB registration as a cable jointer.
EWRB will use capstone assessments of mandatory unit
standards for testing performance for registration.
Tertiary Education Organisations (TEOs) that own and
deliver programmes are responsible for ensuring the
consistency of assessment within their programmes. They
must be able to demonstrate the alignment of their
graduates’ outcomes, to the qualification graduate profile
Evidence of consistency of graduate outcomes must include:
- An audit trail of graduate programme results and
subsequent employment outcomes.
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- Evidence of employer support of the graduates of this
programme and their feedback that the graduates display
the graduate profile outcomes.
Use of existing programme data will be encouraged
wherever possible.
All TEOs either arranging training or delivering programmes
that lead to the award of the qualification are required to
participate in a consistency event scheduled by NZQA.
The purpose of the consistency event is to:
 review evidence associated with achievement of
qualification outcomes at the level of the
 identify issues or opportunities associated with
outcome achievement.
Further information can be found on the NZQA website.
Credit transfer and recognition of
prior learning arrangements
Credit transfer will be recognised for any of the unit
standards that have the same unit standard number as
those that appear in the conditions of this qualification’s
graduate profile outcomes.
Any recognition of current competency or recognition of prior
learning must follow the policies and procedures outlined in
the accredited TEO’s programme procedures and must be
aligned with EWRB requirements for registration as a cable
Minimum standard of achievement
and standards for grade
Achievement of outcomes. There are no grade
endorsements for this qualification.
This qualification has an optional strand graduate profile
outcome, that when achieved recognises capability for
working on live electricity supply from 22kV to 33kV.
Entry requirements (including
prerequisites to meet regulatory body
or legislative requirements)
Candidates must gain a EWRB Trainee Limited Certificate
within 3 months of commencing a programme to gain this
qualification, for their experience to be acknowledged
towards registration. The following unit standards meet
these requirements: 26551, 26552, 10507, 28020, and
18038. They are typically achieved during completion of a
programme leading to the New Zealand Certificate in
Electricity Supply (Introductory) (Level 2) [Ref: 2136].
In addition the following unit standards achieved during
completion of a programme leading to the New Zealand
Certificate in Electricity Supply(Cable Jointer) (Level 3)
[Ref:2228] will be required for eligibility for EWRB
registration as a cable jointer.
28277, 18273, 18274, 28110, 19950, 23896/28276
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Qualification conditions
Overarching conditions relating to the qualification
Conditions for programme
This is a safety sensitive industry and providers of programmes
leading to this qualification must ensure that:
- Candidates have sufficient language, literacy and numeracy skills to
meet all the requirements of a cable jointer for reading and
understanding written instructions, interpreting sketches and data and
communicating orally and in writing.
- Candidates are aware that most employing organisations have drug
and alcohol free policies in their operating procedures with reference
to the Health Safety & Employment Act 1992.
Conditions for programme
Candidates are typically employed in the electricity supply industry as
a cable jointer or a trainee cable jointer.
Other conditions
Candidates must not be colour blind.
Specific conditions relating to the Graduate profile
Qualification outcomes
Apply industry standards and
follow procedures when
undertaking the duties of a cable
jointer undertaking work on
power cables up to and including
These unit standards must be
used to assess these
10547, 17027, 28193 19950,
20061, 20071, 20072, 20535,
28111, 28194.
Apply electrical theory to
construction and preparation of
power cables, and industry rules,
and the principles of generation,
transmission and distribution in
the electricity supply industry.
Candidates must be able to
apply knowledge and
understanding of:
or Optional
- the basic composition and
properties of electricity
- power transformer theory
- the principles of electrical
circuit protection
- the process behind the
installation of power cables
and telecommunication cables
- how low and high voltage
power cables are constructed
- the theory of cable
These unit standards may be
used to assess these
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18273, 23896, 12296, 20073,
18274, 28110, 28277, 12295
Apply a range of communication
skills relevant to the role of a
registered cable jointer including
those required to carry out
Candidates must demonstrate
ability in the following
communication skills:
- Reading and following
manufacturer specifications
and instructions
- Reading, understanding and
communicating permits
- Observing and reporting on
safety procedures in the work
- Applying communication
skills effectively to confidently
take responsibility for their
own safety and the safety of
others when undertaking the
range of work carried out by a
cable jointer.
The following unit standards
may be used to assess these
10543, 17027, 18026, 28193,
28110, 28109, 28278.
Ensure that health and safety
requirements are met in the
workplace environment as
required for the range of work
undertaken by a registered cable
Candidates must:
Undertake testing procedures
that facilitate the process of cable
jointing work on power cables up
to and including 11kV.
- Consistently follow required
health and safety
requirements in the workplace,
display an attitude that
demonstrates awareness of
risk to themselves and others;
and must be confident enough
in their own knowledge to deal
with emergency situations.
Apply theory, codes, legislation
and industry procedures to the
planning, jointing, testing and
commissioning of cables in an
electricity distribution network to
the standards required for EWRB
registration as a cable jointer.
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- Meet all the EWRB cable
jointer registration
requirements, independently,
consistently and safely.
EWRB capstone assessments
for registration require the
following unit standards:
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10507, 10508, 10543, 12300,
17026, 17602, 18026, 18038,
18275, 20074, 28280, 20092,
28276, 28279, 23897, 24152,
26551, 26552, 28020, 28109,
Optional strand [33kV]
Apply industry standards and
follow procedures when
undertaking the duties of a cable
jointer undertaking work on
power cables up to and including
These unit standards must be
used to assess this graduate
profile outcome:
10550, 20063, 28281.
Transition information
Replacement information
This qualification replaced the National Certificate in Electricity Supply
(Cable Jointer – High Voltage) (Level 4) [Ref: 0870]
All existing candidates may either complete the requirements of the replaced qualification or transfer to
this qualification according to programme availability. Candidates awarded the replaced qualification
who subsequently apply for registration as a cable jointer, may be required to complete mandatory unit
standards that are requirements for eligibility of the revised EWRB registration as a cable jointer.
Those candidates that have achieved the National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Level 2) with
optional strands in Electrical, Electrical Fitter, and Line Mechanic [Ref: 1293] and the National
Certificate in Electricity Supply (Cable Jointer - Low Voltage) (Level 3) [Ref: 0869], may cross credit
any unit standards with the same ID.
The last date for assessments to take place for the National Certificate in Elect ricity Supply (Cable
Jointer High Voltage) (Level 4) [Ref: 0870] is 31 December 2017.
It is anticipated that no existing candidates will be disadvantaged by these transition arrangements.
However, anyone who feels that they have been disadvantaged may appeal to Infrastructure ITO at the
address below. Appeals will be considered on a case by case basis.
For further information contact:
Infrastructure ITO
PO Box 2759
Wellington 6140
04 499 9144
04 499 9145
Email qualifications@infrastructureito.org.nz
Website http://www.infrastructureito.org.nz
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Republication information
Version 1 of this qualification was republished in January 2015 to correct the credit value of the
qualification from 210 to 202 credits and update the indicative credits for outcomes 1-6.
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