Qualification Title
New Zealand Certificate in Baking (Level 3)
Qualification type
110107 Food, Hospitality and Personal Services > Food and Hospitality >
Baking and Pastry Making
DAS Classification
1903 Manufacturing > Food and Related Products Processing > Baking
Next Review
December 2016
Approval Date
July 2015
Strategic purpose
This qualification is an introductory qualification for people intending to work
in the baking industry.
Graduates will be able to work safely, with limited supervision in a plant or
craft baking environment.
Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
 Follow health and safety, and food hygiene processes and procedures
related to baking industry standards.
Outcome Statement
 Apply basic baking skills to produce biscuit, bread, cake, or pastry
products in accordance with industry standards.
 Work as an effective member of a team to produce required bakery
 Use literacy and numeracy skills to produce required bakery products.
 Communicate clearly and appropriately in group and one-on-one situations.
The qualification provides a pathway for people wanting to progress from
secondary education into the baking industry. Graduates may progress to
one or more of:
 New Zealand Certificate in Baking (Generalist) (Level 4) [Ref: 1842]
 New Zealand Certificate in Trade Baking (Craft) (Level 4) with strands in
Bread, Cake and Biscuit, and Pastry [Ref: 2698]
 New Zealand Certificate in Trade Baking (Plant) (Level 4) [Ref: 2697]
Graduates of this qualification may obtain employment as apprentices or
trainee bakers or in similar entry level roles in the baking industry.
Qualification Specifications
Qualification award
This qualification will be awarded by an organisation which has an approved
programme, or industry training programme leading to the qualification.
The certificate will display the logos of the NZQF and Competenz; and may
display the name and/or logo of the awarding body.
All TEOs either arranging training or delivering programmes that lead to the
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requirements for
award of the qualification are required to participate in a consistency process
scheduled by NZQA.
This will involve reviewing evidence associated with graduate’s achievement
of outcomes, and agreeing acceptable thresholds for qualification outcome
achievement and areas for improvement.
To demonstrate how graduates are achieving the qualification graduate
profile outcomes, TEOs are required to produce their own evidence in a high
level report.
Evidence will include the following:
Employer surveys to determine if graduates of the qualification meet
the graduate profile outcomes.
Evidence of effective processes to ensure programmes continue to
meet current industry needs.
A range of workplace evidence demonstrating that graduates meet
the graduate profile outcomes.
Any other relevant evidence as appropriate.
Further information about the managing consistency process can be found on
the NZQA website.
Minimum standard
of achievement and
standards for grade
Achievement of all outcomes. There are no grade endorsements for this
Other requirements
for the qualification
regulatory body or
There may be legislative and health and safety requirements associated with
some of the unit standards. Should unit standards be specified in a
programme or industry training programme leading to this qualification,
please consult the explanatory notes section of the unit standards concerned.
General conditions for the programme leading to the qualification
General conditions for programme
Conditions relating to the Graduate profile
Qualification Outcomes
Follow health and safety, and food hygiene
processes and procedures related to baking
industry standards.
Credits 9
Apply basic baking skills to produce biscuit,
bread, cake or pastry products in accordance
with industry standards.
Trainees must select at least one of: biscuit, bread,
cake or pastry products.
Credits 40
Work as an effective member of a team to
produce required bakery products.
Credits 4
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Use literacy and numeracy skills to produce
required bakery products.
Credits 3
Communicate clearly and appropriately in
group and one-on-one situations.
Credits 4
Transition information
This qualification replaced the National Certificate in Baking (Level 2)
[Ref: 0588].
This qualification is substantially different in design and content to Ref: 0588. Therefore, it is
recommended candidates currently enrolled in programmes leading to that qualification complete their
existing programme by 31 December 2019. However, they may choose to transfer into a programme
leading to this qualification.
The last date for entry into programmes leading to Ref: 0588 is 31 December 2017.
Main changes in version 2:
- education pathways between this qualification and new New Zealand qualifications [Refs:
2696, 2697 and 2698] were included
- evidence requirements for assuring consistency (formerly the arrangements for managing
consistency) were updated.
Republication information
Version 2 of this qualification was republished in May 2016 to extend the last date of enrolment into
programmes leading to the National Certificate in Baking (Level 2) [Ref: 0588] from 31 December 2016
to 31 December 2017.
Qualification Reference 1841
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
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