QUALIFICATION DETAILS Qualification Title New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Construction (Level 3) with strands in Pile Foundations, and Concrete Foundation Walls and Concrete Slab Onground Version 1.0 Qualification type Certificate Level 3 Credits 46-67 NZSCED 040399 Architectural and Building > Building > Building not elsewhere classified Strategic purpose statement This qualification is designed to provide the construction industry with trained people who have attained the practical skills, knowledge and aptitude to work professionally, constructing foundations for building projects. The qualification provides recognition of knowledge and skills for people working in construction contracting situations as foundations specialists, as well as those working in the building relocation industry. This qualification supports the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment – Building & Housing’s Builder Licensing Scheme, providing eligibility for a streamlined application process toward the Foundations Licence Class. The Foundations Licence is compulsory for those constructing building foundations from March 2012. Outcome Statement Graduate profile Graduates of this qualification will be able to: understand and operate within the regulatory environment as it applies to foundation construction work interpret approved building consent documentation to effectively plan and prepare for foundation construction work calculate, order and coordinate appropriate materials, labour, plant and equipment required to undertake foundation construction work establish and maintain professional working relationships with their team and with other trades, professions and regulatory authorities work safely at all times and manage environmental issues on site Graduates of the New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Construction (Level 3) with a strand in Concrete Foundation Walls and Concrete Slab On-ground are also able to: carry out foundation preparation and construction work for concrete foundation walls and concrete slab on ground Graduates of the New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Construction (Level 3) with strands in Pile Foundations, and Concrete Foundation Walls and Concrete Slab On-ground are also able to: carry out foundation construction work for concrete or timber pile foundations Qualification Reference 1814 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2013 Page 1 of 5 Education pathway This qualification can build on from the National Certificate in Concrete Core Skills (Level 2) [Ref: 1452] or the National Certificate in Building, Construction, and Allied Trades Skills (Level 2) [Ref: 1368], and can provide a pathway to the following: • National Certificate in Concrete Construction (Placing and Finishing) (Level 3) [Ref: 1633] • National Certificate in Carpentry (Level 4) [Ref: 0016] • National Certificate in Concrete Construction (Level 4) [Ref:1634] • National Certificate in Construction Trades (Supervisor) (Level 4) with an optional strand in Business Management [Ref: 1661] Employment pathway Graduates of this qualification will be people wishing to work in the building industry constructing foundations, or people already working in the industry as contract foundations specialists or in building relocation. Holders of this certificate will be able to apply for a Licensed Building Practitioner – Foundations licence with the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment – Building & Housing, and will be qualified to construct foundations for building projects with limited supervision. Achieving this qualification may lead to other employment and professional opportunities including those of a: • Foreman • Supervisor • Carpenter in residential and commercial construction Qualification Developer Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation Qualification Specification Qualification award This qualification may be awarded by the Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO) as the qualification developer and the industry training organisation arranging training leading to the qualification under section 5 of the Industry Training Act 1992. This qualification may also be awarded by an education provider recognised as a programme owner, accredited under section 259 of the Education Act 1989 to deliver a programme leading to this qualification. The formal document certifying the award of this qualification will display the NZQF logo and may also include the name or logo of the qualification developer and/or other awarding body. Review period 60 months Evidence Requirements for Assuring Consistency All education organisations delivering programmes that lead to the award of the qualification are required to participate in a consistency process scheduled by NZQA. This will involve review of evidence associated with graduate’s achievement of outcomes, and agreeing acceptable thresholds for qualification outcome achievement, and areas for improvement. Qualification Reference 1814 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2013 Page 2 of 5 To demonstrate how graduates are achieving the qualification graduate profile outcomes, TEOs are required to produce their own evidence in a high level report. Evidence may include the following: Programme statistics such as completion data and graduate destination data Evidence from internal and/or external moderation processes. Documentation of processes that ensure programmes continue to meet current industry needs. Regular feedback gathered from learners and employers Any other relevant evidence as appropriate. Further information about the consistency process can be found at http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/providers-partners/consistency-of-graduateoutcomes/ Credit transfer and recognition of prior learning arrangements Tertiary Education Organisations (TEOs) delivering programmes that lead to award of this qualification may transfer credit and recognise prior learning in accordance with their own credit recognition policies and procedures. Credit transfer will be automatic where assessment standards are used for assessment within programmes of study or training leading to this qualification. Recognition of current competence acknowledges the skills and knowledge gained from work and experience, or from courses or study undertaken. Assessment of recognition of current competence may be conducted by an assessor appointed by the Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation or an organisation with consent to assess. Minimum standard of achievement and standards for grade endorsements (where applicable) Achievement of the Core Components and at least one of the two strands : Other conditions for qualification All candidates must hold a current first aid certificate to be awarded this qualification. New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Construction (Level 3) with a strand in Pile Foundations = 46 credits New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Construction (Level 3) with a strand in Concrete Foundation Walls and Concrete Slab-On-ground = 67 credits TEOs offering programmes leading to this qualification must maintain currency with amendments to, and replacements of, relevant legislation, regulations, rules, and Australia/New Zealand Standards. Qualification Reference 1814 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2013 Page 3 of 5 Conditions relating to specific outcomes Qualification Outcomes (including indicative credit values for each outcome) Conditions Mandatory or Optional Understand and operate within the regulatory environment as it applies to foundation construction work. (3 credits) Programmes must reflect industry best practice and must ensure that graduates are able to meet Competency 1-3 and the related performance indicators, as specified in the Licensed Building Practitioners Rules 2007: Schedule 1 Licence Class Competencies for Foundations Class. Mandatory Interpret approved building consent documentation to effectively plan and prepare for foundation construction work. (8 credits) Unit standard Unit standard Unit standard Unit standard Unit standard Optional 12997 13040 24364 26056 27160 Calculate, order and coordinate appropriate materials, labour, plant and equipment required to undertake foundation construction work. (9 credits) Establish and maintain professional working relationship with their team and with other trades, professions and regulatory authorities. (3 credits) Work safely at all times and manage environmental issues on site. (3 credits) Carry out foundation preparation and construction work for concrete foundation walls and concrete slab on ground. (41 credits) Carry out foundation construction work for concrete or timber pile foundations. (20 credits) Programmes must reflect industry best practice and must ensure that graduates are able to meet Competency 4: Area of practice 1 and the related performance indicators, as specified in the Licensed Building Practitioners Rules 2007: Schedule 1 Licence Class Competencies for Foundations Class. Mandatory Unit standard 13009 Unit standard 13043 Unit standard 13045 Unit standard 13046 Unit standard 26048 Optional Programmes must reflect industry best practice and must ensure that graduates are able to meet Competency 4: Area of practice 2 and the related performance indicators, as specified in the Licensed Building Practitioners Rules 2007: Schedule 1 Licence Class Competencies for Foundations Class. Mandatory Qualification Reference 1814 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2013 Page 4 of 5 Unit standard 24380 Unit standard 24396 Optional Republication Information Version 1 of this qualification was republished April 2015 to update the Evidence requirements for managing consistency. Version 1 of this qualification was republished May 2015 to update the Evidence requirements for managing consistency. Qualification Reference 1814 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2013 Page 5 of 5