QUALIFICATION DETAILS New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Civil Engineering

Qualification Title
New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Civil Engineering
Procurement Procedures (Level 6)
Qualification type
Approval Date
February 2016
Review Date
December 2016
December 2018
030999 Civil Engineering not elsewhere classified
Strategic purpose
The purpose of this qualification is to prepare people from the range of
sectors and diverse cultural settings in the infrastructure civil engineering
industry capable in the procurement of tenders for physical works and/or
professional services at a senior level.
This qualification is suitable for people from the range of sectors and
diverse cultural settings in the infrastructure civil engineering industry who
wish to undertake infrastructure civil engineering or NZTA procurement
Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
 demonstrate knowledge of procurement activities, conditions of contracts
in accordance with procurement, contract manuals, and ethical codes
and standards relevant to professional bodies
 initiate and manage all aspects of the procurement process in
accordance with government procurement guidelines, relevant
regulations, ethical codes, professional body standards and cultural
Outcome Statement
 consider cultural perspectives when selecting appropriate methods for
supplier selection for physical works and professional services
 evaluate tenders applying appropriate ethical standards
 communicate appropriately with stakeholders about the impact of
physical works for which tenders are sought.
Additionally, depending on their role or responsibility, graduates will be able
 prepare tender documents, or
 prepare and negotiate contracts with selected suppliers across a diverse
range of civil engineering industry applications.
This qualification may build on the National Diploma in Infrastructure Asset
Management (Level 6) [ Ref: 0761], and may lead to the New Zealand
Diploma in Engineering Practice (with strands in Civil Engineering, Electrical
Engineering and Mechanical Engineering) [Ref: 1715].
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Graduates of this qualification will likely be employed in the infrastructure
civil engineering industry whose focus is on the tender evaluators from a
range of sectors and diverse cultural settings in the infrastructure civil
engineering industry. These sectors include: Infrastructure Asset
Management; Asphalt Surfacing; Chipseal Surfacing; Civil Works and
Utilities; Civil Plant Management; Civil Works; Demolition; Pavement
Surfacing; Roadmarking; Road Works; Rural Contracting; Surveying;
Transport Management; Water; and Wastewater.
Likely contexts of work would be:
 planning and advice
 public transport services and fare subsidy
 engineering consultancy
 maintenance or asset management
 contracting
 consulting.
InfraTrain NZ Ltd
Qualification Specification
Qualification award
This qualification is delivered on-job and has no external providers.
This qualification is awarded by InfraTrain New Zealand Ltd. The formal
certification document will include the logo of InfraTrain New Zealand Ltd. It
will also bear the NZQF logo, which indicates the qualification is a quality
assured New Zealand qualification.
Review period
Two years (2013) - 24 months
Arrangements for
To ensure that candidates meet a consistent standard nationally, InfraTrain
provides trainees with best practice learning resources which have been
developed with industry, for each of the outcome areas.
Assessments towards the New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Civil
Engineering Procurement Procedures (Level 6) will be carried out by
InfraTrain's registered assessors and moderated through InfraTrain New
Zealand Ltd’s quality processes.
Each assessor is required to comply with InfraTrain New Zealand Ltd's
policies and procedures for registered assessors in accordance with the
Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR 101), which includes the
requirement to actively take part in scheduled Peer Moderation/Assessor
In addition, InfraTrain New Zealand Ltd encourages ongoing feedback from
industry through our regional staff and our website to ensure that unit
standards and resources continue to be fit-for-purpose.
Credit transfer and
recognition of prior
The New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Civil Engineering
Procurement Procedures (Level 6) will be assessed using a holistic
assessment philosophy which incorporates submission of a portfolio of
evidence and a professional interview. Evidence can take the form of
actual work outputs, testimonials, training records and certificates,
demonstration of skills and knowledge and other relevant naturally
occurring evidence.
Generally all evidence presented will have been gained within the last five
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years although evidence of significance beyond that timeframe may also be
considered valuable.
This practice allows the recognition of any relevant prior learning in the
assessment decision.
Minimum standard
of achievement and
standards for grade
(where applicable)
Prerequisites to
meet regulatory
body or legislative
requirements (where
Optional conditions
for qualification
Conditions relating to specific outcomes
Qualification Outcomes (including indicative
credit values for each outcome)
 Demonstrate knowledge of procurement
activities, conditions of contracts in accordance
with procurement, contract manuals, and ethical
codes and standards relevant to professional
Unit standard 18926
Unit standard 18928
Unit standard 18930
 Initiate and manage all aspects of the
procurement process in accordance with
government procurement guidelines, relevant
regulations, ethical codes, professional body
standards and cultural settings
 Consider cultural perspectives when selecting
appropriate methods for supplier selection for
physical works and professional services
 Evaluate tenders applying appropriate ethical
 Communicate appropriately with stakeholders
about the impact of physical works for which
tenders are sought.
(indicative credits: 36).
In a senior role will be able to
 prepare tender documents or
 prepare and negotiate contracts with selected
suppliers across a diverse range of civil
engineering industry applications.
One of the following is
Unit standard 18925
Unit standard 18927
(indicative credits: 15-25).
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Transition information
This qualification has been reviewed and replaced by the New Zealand
Certificate in Infrastructure Procurement Procedures (Level 6) [Ref: 3179]
Candidates currently working towards this replaced qualification may choose to complete this
qualification by 31 December 2019 or transfer to the replacement New Zealand qualification.
The last date for entry into programmes leading to this replaced qualification is 31 December 2017.
The last date for assessment against this replaced qualification is 31 December 2019.
It is the intention of the Infrastructure ITO that no existing trainee should be disadvantaged by these
transition arrangements. Any person who considers they have been disadvantaged may appeal to the
qualification developer – Infrastructure ITO (Connexis) at qualifications@connexis.org.nz or 04 499
Qualification Reference 1785
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2012
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