NZQA registered unit standard 28786 version 1 Page 1 of 3 Title Demonstrate knowledge of the purpose and impacts of urban pest management Level 3 Purpose Credits 3 The purpose of this standard is to provide the urban pest management (UPM) industry with technicians who can provide an overview of the purpose and impacts of UPM. The standard outlines the learning outcome, the assessment evidence and the performance standard required to show a trainee can explain: the social, economic and environmental purpose and impacts of UPM and, the broad best practice principles of integrated pest management. Technicians will understand the general purpose and impacts of UPM. They will be able to explain to consumers and clients the role of pest technicians and integrated pest management within a built environment. Classification Pest Management > Urban Pest Management Available grade Achieved Explanatory notes Definitions Best Practice Principles refer to generally accepted principles in the urban pest management industry. General economy should be understood in the broadest sense possible including the impacts on personal and/or business economies. General health and wellbeing should be understood in the broadest sense possible and may include a general reference to impacts on public health and safety issues. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is constantly evolving; the most current IPM practices should be described and used in the evidence presented for assessment against this standard. Community Support Services ITO Limited SSB Code 101814 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NZQA registered unit standard 28786 version 1 Page 2 of 3 Outcomes and evidence requirements Outcome 1 Demonstrate knowledge of the purpose and impacts of UPM. Evidence requirements 1.1 The purpose of UPM in terms of general health and wellbeing is explained. 1.2 The purpose of UPM in terms of the impacts on the general economy is explained. 1.3 The purpose of UPM in terms of the impacts on the environment is explained. Outcome 2 Describe the broad best practice principles of integrated pest management. Evidence Requirements 2.1 Describes integrated pest management in the UPM industry in terms of best practice principles. Planned review date 31 December 2020 Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process Version Date Last Date for Assessment Registration 1 16 April 2015 N/A Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference 0004 This CMR can be accessed at Please note Providers must be granted consent to assess against standards (accredited) by NZQA, before they can report credits from assessment against unit standards or deliver courses of study leading to that assessment. Industry Training Organisations must be granted consent to assess against standards by NZQA before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards. Providers and Industry Training Organisations, which have been granted consent and which are assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards. Requirements for consent to assess and an outline of the moderation system that applies to this standard are outlined in the Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMRs). The CMR also includes useful information about special requirements for organisations wishing Community Support Services ITO Limited SSB Code 101814 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NZQA registered unit standard 28786 version 1 Page 3 of 3 to develop education and training programmes, such as minimum qualifications for tutors and assessors, and special resource requirements. Comments on this unit standard Please contact the Community Support Services ITO Limited if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard. Community Support Services ITO Limited SSB Code 101814 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016