February 14, 2014

Meeting of Friday, February 14, 2014
Attendance. Chancellor Clyde Sakamoto convened the meeting of the Executive Committee at
9:30 a.m. Also present were: Nicole Beattie; Interim Vice Chancellor Cathy Bio; Ann Emmsley; Kim Gray;
David Grooms; T. Karen Hanada; Vice Chancellor John McKee; Diane Meyer; Brian Moto; Kī‘ope
Raymond; Angela Gannon; and Susan Wyche.
Legislative Developments. The Chancellor reported on communications with legislators and
others regarding the UHMC budget. Due to lower power projection costs, UHMC’s request for
additional General Funds has been reduced from $1.5 million to $1.25 million. UH System’s position is
that resources should be allocated among the community colleges in accordance with System allocation
criteria. UHMC’s recent enrollment declines were discussed.
Special Assistant to the Chancellor Position. [Brian Moto excused from this portion of the
meeting.] The Committee discussed the establishment and recruitment of a new temporary UH position
of Special Assistant to the Chancellor. The position is currently an RCUH position. The Committee
recommended approval for offering of a change of the current RCUH position to a temporary UH
Communications. Chancellor Sakamoto led a discussion regarding WASC accreditation and the
upcoming WASC accreditation team 2½ day site visit on April 2, 3, and 4. Diane Meyer is checking all
links and materials that have been posted in preparation for the site visit. Because lecturers do not
usually attend Academic Senate or department meetings, it was suggested that an effort be made to
communicate to them, and our outreach centers, about the WASC accreditation visit and related
Preserving Our Recollections. A special reception has been scheduled at 2 p.m., Monday,
February 24, 2014, to celebrate the recording of more than 300 interviews and to mark the retirement
of Darrell Oishi, longtime host of Preserving Our Recollections.
RDP Closeout. The Rural Development Program, a Department of Labor earmark grant program,
will be closing as of the end of February, with a 90-day closeout period following. Files relating to the
program will be preserved electronically. The Committee discussed the possible reallocation of RDP
office space and the need for lecturer office space.
Science and Capitol Days. Nicole Beattie reported that, on March 18, 2014, from 9 a.m. to noon,
there will be a UH Community Colleges Day at the State Capitol with exhibits and tables. UHMC’s
Culinary, Dental Hygiene, Nursing, Hawaiian Studies, and four-year programs are anticipated to
Progress on Retention and Persistence, and Preparation for Summer Session and Fall Semester.
UH administrators have been asked to examine student retention and persistence and ways to incent
student enrollment and graduation. Cathy Bio reported on survey data indicating high school student
interest in science-related summer classes. The data also indicates possible strong interest among local
high school students in obtaining four-year degrees through UHMC and its programs. More students are
being placed in internships this summer.
Hotel HA. Chancellor Sakamoto reported on matters relating to the bond financing of the
Hospitality Academy renovation. UHMC administrators are in communication with the State Budget and
Finance Director to resolve outstanding issues.
Instructional and Academic Support Program Reviews. Vice Chancellor McKee led a discussion
regarding instructional and academic support program reviews. The SPAM (Strategic Planning and
Assessment Meetings) group has been meeting. SPAM has used a rubric with weighted elements to
guide the process, which was piloted the previous year when strategic planning and assessment were
two different groups. The SPAM group is now doing work done by the assessment group last year. The
SPAM group has identified potential overall goals. The plan for next year is to have other UHMC
programs (administrative services, student services, IT services) presented to the SPAM group. McKee
has not yet met with individual program coordinators regarding the program reviews.
McKee distributed copies of a “2012-13 UH Maui College Degree Program Review” document.
Most of the goals identified therein are program specific. The Program Review includes elements with
columns for weighted average, element weight, maximum applied weight, and applied element weight.
The “Engaged Community” element has the highest weighted average.
Subsequent pages of the Degree Program Review document are organized by element (e.g.,
Environment for Achievement: Retention, Persistence and Graduation Rates; Outcome and Goal
Through this Program Review faculty members are able to read about other programs, and a
greater awareness is fostered about the college as a whole and its programs.
David Grooms reported that a good response has been received from outreach centers and their
coordinators, who want to be part of the discussion.
The SPAM group also considered other goals that emerged from the Degree Program Review
process, including increased support for students with special needs and the recruitment and filling of
faculty positions in under-supported programs (e.g., Business Technology, Business Careers, New
Student Orientation). Goals may help guide budget decisions.
The Degree Program Review handbook is online.
Commencement. T. Karen Hanada reported on plans for commencement, which has been
scheduled for Sunday, May 18, 2014. It will be outdoors in the MACC amphitheater. A committee is
working on commencement details.
Creative Media Program. McKee reported that a meeting was held with Chris Lee, Director of
Creative Media, to coordinate a system-wide media program. Previous UHMC efforts at launching a
creative media program faced a lack of resources and faculty. UHMC has the technology in place for
such a program, but not the requisite position count or money. Chris Lee has filled nine of ten available
positions for the system-wide program, and has one position left. UHMC has requested that position,
but there are competing requests. Lee has funding and it is possible that UHMC could obtain funding, if
not the new position count, if a vacant UHMC position could be identified for the media program.
Statistics Pathway. McKee reported on discussions relating to the creation of a Statistics
Pathway due to the increased recognition of the value of statistics, in comparison to other courses.
Meetings are being held to discuss this possibility. Pathway does not eliminate algebra, but it does
change the focus to statistics.
Hawaii Student Suites. Bio reported that the new owner of the Maui Beach Hotel has
committed to set aside about one-fourth of the Hotel’s rooms for college students, including those
needing short-term stays, beginning late 2014 or early 2015.