MPH Attachment A

College of Health and Human Sciences
Purdue University
Student Name:
A. Agency Name:
B. Preceptor:
Mailing Address
Telephone #
E-mail Address
Fax #
C. Site Description:
Mission statement
Staff overview/description (public health /MPH roles and responsibilities)
Populations served
Programs and services provided
D. Practicum Description: (1-2 paragraphs which describe)
Activities and experiences which MPH students might typically anticipate
Typical/general student responsibilities
Potential research and evaluation opportunities
Career development and job placement enhancement opportunities (i.e., contact
and/or participation in professional organizations and conferences, networking,
references and recommendations, job search assistance and placement)
E. Core Competencies: Describe in 1-2 paragraphs how the following core
competencies will be addressed.
1. Identify and critically evaluate quantitative and qualitative data and information that can
be used for assessing the health of a community
2. Identify and critically evaluate the social, political, policy, economic and environmental
trends affecting the health of a community.
3. Describe public health as part of a larger inter-related system of organizations that
influence the health of populations at local, national, and global levels
4. Describe how public health sciences (e.g., biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental
health sciences, health services administration, social and behavioral sciences, and
public health informatics) are used in the assessment, policy development and assurance
of Public Health activities
5. Identify and critically evaluate the social, political, policy, economic, environmental
factors and technological tools that drive and limit public health policy and practice
6. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of theories, models and best practices used to
address public health issues
7. Design approaches to prevent, mitigate or correct public health problems.
8. Propose and demonstrate approaches for disseminating public health data and
information (e.g., social media, newspapers, newsletters, journals, town hall meetings,
libraries, neighborhood gatherings)
9. Incorporate diverse perspectives in developing, implementing, and evaluating policies,
programs, and services that affect the health of a community
10. Incorporate ethical standards of practice into all interactions with individuals,
organizations, and communities
F. Student Prerequisites and Qualifications:
Time commitment (minimum # of weeks/hours)
Degree status (number of semesters completed, essential coursework)
Skills and certifications
G. Financial Assistance (optional):
Stipends, housing, travel or other forms of assistance available
H. Application Procedures:
Identify the on-site contact person (name, address, telephone #, email), preferred method
of contact (telephone, onsite visit, interview), desired materials (cover letter, resume,
letters of recommendation, professional portfolio), other
I. Application deadline:
J. Is this the student’s current employer?
K. Is the preceptor’s resume also attached (required)?