EED 697 Comprehensive Examination Weekly Schedule Mondays, Fall 2014 Session Content Week 1 August 25 Assignment Introduction Scope and Purpose of Course Discuss the Final Portfolio as Part 2 of the Comprehensive Examination Policies and Procedures for Submitting an Inquiry Project requirement of EED 697 APA Review No Class: Labor Day Submit CVs for Instructor review Begin Portfolio review and analysis of artifacts for evidence of SLOs 3, 4 and 5. After using the APA Corrections worksheet, edit and then submit your electronic version of Problem Statement of Project to Dr. Belgrad. Begin to create your professional Curriculum Vita (CV). For second meeting, bring 1-2 selected pieces on SLOs 1 and 2 Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Week 2 September 1 Week 4 September 15 Discuss Questions regarding academic writing/ organization of the last three sections of project. Small group exchange of selected pieces for Portfolio Reflective Practice and Theoretical Understanding No Class Week 5 September 22 No Class Portfolio Development. Select artifacts for Research Skills, Teacher Leadership and Educational Awareness Week 6 September 29 Peer Collaboration on portfolio artifacts selected for Research Skills, Teacher Leadership and Educational Awareness Planning for Faculty Portfolio Reviews to be conducted week of November 17. Continue project work—data analysis and narrative. Submit drafts via email to instructor. Individual Meetings (by appointment) on Project Methods/ Data Analysis/Summary Continue individual work on each part of the project. Email responses to edits to Dr. Belgrad or schedule appointment. Begin Portfolio Assembly Week 3 September 8 Week 7 October 6 Week 8 October 13 No Class Meeting Week 9 October 20 Week 10 October 27 Individual Meetings on Project Chapters 3-5 (Methodology, Data Analysis/ and Summary-Conclusion Class Meets on Campus Peer review of research findings report Week 11 November 3 Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Continue project work—data analysis and narrative. Submit drafts via email to Dr. Belgrad. Complete selection and reflection on portfolio artifacts for leadership, theoretical understanding and research Table of Contents Letter to Reader Acknowledgements Reflective Pieces Summary You may send portfolio copy to Dr. Belgrad for editing/comments. Computer Lab for Preparing Poster Boards/Brochures for the Showcase/Exhibition Reread papers and practice to increase fluency in discussing important ideas in papers. Complete final draft of Project and Brochures; Submit to Instructor by November Week 12 November 10 PEER PORTFOLIO SHOWCASE AND PROJECT EXHIBITION Week 14 November 17 EED MA PROGRAM PORTFOLIO SHOWCASE RESEARCH PROJECT EXHIBITION