TITLE: ESTABLISHING FORMAT FOR POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Effective Date: 06/07 Reviewed: 09/2013 I. POLICY NO: P-005 SUBMITTED BY: C. CONNER APPROVED BY: D. SABEL Supersedes No: 03/84 Page No 1 of 3 Purpose To establish the format, content and approval requirements for developing policy and procedure bulletins. II. Scope This procedure covers all Procurement Services policy and procedure bulletins. III. Responsibility The Director of Procurement Services is responsible for this procedure. IV. Definitions Although to some extent the content of policy and procedure bulletins tends to overlap, the basic definitions are: A. Policy: A statement of a goal objective of the University. B. Procedure: A statement of the prescribed means of accomplishing policy. The policy statements contained in this manual represent the basic intention of the University business policies. They represent the philosophy upon which the University operates, and are expected to be relatively independent of the changing technologies and methods used to carry them out. To support this view, all policy bulletins are contained in the first section of this manual. V. General The following material describes the structure and content of a bulletin: A. Mast Head: Each page of a bulletin will contain the following information: 1. Policy or Procedure Number: The number is assigned after the title has been established to fit alphabetically into the table of contents of the section of the manual in which it is to reside. TITLE: ESTABLISHING FORMAT FOR POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Effective Date: 06/07 Reviewed: 09/2013 POLICY NO: P-005 SUBMITTED BY: C.CONNER APPROVED BY: D. SABEL Supersedes No: 03/84 Page No 2 of 3 2. Title: The title is selected to act as a “theme key” to the subject matter relative to the other bulletins contained in the section of the manual in which it is to reside. 3. Submitted By: Regardless of the intent of the original author of a bulletin, the fact remains that his/her background, experience and point of view will be reflected in the bulletin material. For this reason, the name of the principal author or the bulletin is to be shown on the bulletin. 4. Approved By: For each bulletin an approval sheet is to be prepared. The approval sheet must include the names of all levels of management that have a direct or indirect concern for the material covered in the bulletin. The senior person on the approval sheet is to sign his approval on the approval sheet and the bulletin only after all other approval signatures are obtained. 5. Effective Date: The date the bulletin is to be effective is established by the individual who gave final approval to the bulletin. 6. Supersedes No.: If the bulletin replaces a previous version of the same bulletin, the date of the replaced bulletin is entered. If the bulletin replaces another bulletin number, the old bulletin number is entered. If this is a new bulletin, the space is left blank. 7. Page No: The page numbering must include all forms and exhibits that are part of the bulletin. B. Format: The format of each bulletin will contain the section names listed below. The bulletins will be maintained by the Procurement Business Process Manager of Procurement Services and stored for future updates. 1. Purpose: A brief statement of the purpose of the bulletin. TITLE: ESTABLISHING FORMAT FOR POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Effective Date: 06/07 Reviewed: 09/2013 POLICY NO: P-005 SUBMITTED BY: C. CONNER APPROVED BY: D. SABEL Supersedes No: 03/84 Page No 3 of 3 2. Scope: A statement of the area covered by the bulletin. Recommended statements of scope are: All Employees, Departments, Areas, Individuals, etc. If a bulletin is not globally applicable, the area of reference should be as objective a statement as possible as to the area of intended coverage. 3. Responsibility: Identifies the individual or individuals responsible for the maintenance and enforcement of the bulletin. 4. Definitions: An optional section of the bulletin used to describe terms used in the bulletin that may be unfamiliar to the reader. 5. General: The main title for the subject matter of the bulletin. Alternately, the bulletin may use topical section titles that are more meaningful to the subject matter. C. Delegation of Duties: In the description of duties to be performed and the delegation of work, reference to individuals shall be made using the titles listed in Policy P-220, Organization.