Math 1314_45029 Syllabus HCC Juurong Hsieh_Spring 2015.doc

Spring 2015_2nd Start (Saturday)
Math 1314 -0024 (45029)
Houston Community College-Southeast
Dr. Juurong Hsieh, P.E.
Math 1314: College Algebra
Course Syllabus and Outline
Course Description: Topics include quadratics, polynomials, rational functions, logarithmic and exponential functions, system of
equations, matrices and determinants. A departmental final examination will be given in this course. 3 credits
Prerequisites: Math 0312 or its equivalent or an acceptable placement test score.
Course Intent: This course is designed as a review of advanced topics in algebra for science and engineering students who plan to
take the calculus sequence in preparation for their various degree programs. It is also intended for non-technical students who need
college mathematics credits to fulfill requirements for graduation and prerequisites for other courses. It is generally transferable as
math credit for non-science majors to other disciplines.
Course Objectives: At the completion of this course, a student should be able to:
1. Solve linear equations and set up and solve word problems involving age, motion, solution/mixture, and geometric figures;
2. Solve Quadratic Equations in one variable by the method of factoring, completing the square and the quadratic formula;
3. Solve a literal equation for specified variables;
4. Find the distance between two points in the Cartesian Plane;
5. Solve radical equations, fractional equations, and equations of quadratic form;
6. Recognize the equation of a straight line, graph the equation of a straight line, find the slope and intercepts of a line, know the
relationship between the slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines, and be able to determine the equation of a line from
information such as two points on the line, or one point on the line and the slope of the line;
7. Know the definition of a function, determine the domain and range of a function, evaluate expressions involving functional
notation, simplify expressions involving the algebra of functions, graph functions by plotting points, know the definition of
inverse functions, and given a function find its inverse;
8. Graph linear functions and quadratic functions, piece-wise defined functions and absolute value functions;
9. Solve linear inequalities and linear equations involving absolute value, state the solution in interval notation and graph the
10. Graph the solution of a linear inequality in two variables;
11. Understand vertical and horizontal shifts of graphs and stretching, shrinking, and reflection of graphs of functions.
12. Solve non-linear (quadratic and rational) inequalities, state the solution in interval notation and graph the solution;
13. Solve systems of equations in three variables by algebraic techniques;
14. Solve systems of linear inequalities by graphing;
15. Recognize the equations of, sketch the graphs of, and find the equations of circles where the center may be at any point in the
16. Understand the inverse relationship between the exponential and logarithmic equations.
Textbook: College Algebra, 8th Edition, by Ron Larson
Class Attendance & Behavior: Class is very important. If some unavoidable situation arises which causes you to miss class, then
please keep me advised at least one day earlier via phone or email. Otherwise, if you would miss in exceeding of two classes
during this course, you can expect to be administratively withdrawn (W) (and an F or FX will be issued after the final drop
date). Attendance count will begin on the second week of class. Please be on time for class. Arriving class later than 15 minutes will
be considered as “tardiness”; Leaving class earlier (more than 15 minutes before the end of class) and interruption of classmate’s
study and teacher’s lecture during the class session(s) is inappropriate and will not be tolerated. (Points deduction will be considered.)
Withdrawals: The Texas State Legislature has begun to impose penalties on students who drop courses excessively. In 2007, the
Legislature passed a law limiting students to no more than six (6) total course withdrawals throughout their academic career in
obtaining a baccalaureate degree. To help students avoid having to drop/withdraw from any class, HCC has instituted an Early Alert
process by which your instructor will "alert" you and HCC student services of the chance you might fail a class because of excessive
absences and/or poor academic performance. You should visit with your instructor, a counselor, or HCC Online Student Services to
learn about your options. Students MUST visit with a faculty advisor, a counselor or online student services prior to withdrawal from
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Math 1314 - 0024 (45029)
Spring 2015_2nd Start (Saturday)
Supplemental Materials: A videotape series is available in the library. A student solutions manual is available in the bookstore.
Student solution manual are on reserve in the library. You are encouraged to use video lectures and work out additional exercises to
improve your understanding and performance. You may also seek assistance in the Tutoring Assistance Center, FM/Room 203-202.
A schedule of tutoring hours will be posted: (click on Tutoring Center link). Houston Community College offers
FREE online tutoring in a variety of subjects, including mathematics, English and writing. To take advantage of these Online Tutoring
Services, go to .
Office Hours: Pre-arrangement agreed by professor
Calculators: Calculators may be used for homework only.
However, calculators are never to be used or allowed on quizzes, tests or examinations.
Academic Honesty: All Houston Community College System students are required to exercise academic honesty in completion of all
tests and assignments. Penalties for academic dishonesty ( cheating on a test, collaborating with others during tests, plagiarism,
collusion on an assignment, bribing, using, selling, stealing, soliciting or borrowing in whole or part of a test document from other
students for a test before it is to be administered, etc.) may include, but are not limited to, a reduced grade, or a "0" on that test or
assignment, a "W" in the course, an "F" in that course, and/or dismissal from the HCCS.
Testing Policy: On test days the lecture will be given the first half of class and the test will be given the last half of class. This way if
a student needs extra time to finish the test, this will not conflict with the time needed for the lecture. Quiz will be given in the middle
of the class. Students are not permitted to leave the room and return once the test/quiz paper has been administered. On non-multiple
choice items, partial credit will be given for correct work only, and the amount of partial credit awarded will be determined by the
instructor. There will be NO make-up tests under any circumstances. Missing only one test will not penalize any
student. In the event that a student should miss one test, the final exam grade will be substituted in its place.
Examinations and Grading: Three tests will be given during the course totaling 40% of
your grade. A comprehensive final exam will be given which will account for 35% of your
grade. The remaining 25% will come from homework, in-class quiz and participations
and attendance.
Grading Scale: The final letter grade will be determined accordingly:
Below 60
Homework: Homework will be assigned (a total of 3 HWs) and maintained in a notebook, which must be turned in at the beginning
of the next class, if any. Homework exercises must be copied and work must be shown to receive full credit.
In case you were absent from class - it is YOUR responsibility to obtain the homework assignments
and/or catch up with teaching topics and materials from your classmate(s).
Final Exam: A comprehensive departmental exam constructed by the Houston Community College Math Department will be given..
Students who complete the course by taking the final exam will not be eligible to receive a “W” for the course.
Final Review:
Disabilities: Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, developmental, vision, hearing, etc.) who
needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Support Services (DSS) Counselor at the beginning of each
semester. Faculty members are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the DSS office. Ms. Jette Friis, the
Southeast College's DSS Counselor. Her telephone number is (713) 718-7218.
Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices: Please turn phones off or put them on vibrate mode. Listening devices, ie., ipods,
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Math 1314 -0024 (45029)
Spring 2015_2nd Start (Saturday)
MP3's, etc. are to be stored away during class time. Text messaging is not allowed during class as it can be distracting to other
students. Abusers will be asked to leave class and marked absent.
Breaks: There will be three (3) breaks during the entire 4 hours lecture on each Saturday.
Each break will be about 10 minutes by teacher’s discretion and class situation.
Students who leave class except at the authorized 10 minute break will be marked as absent. Absences will affectively lower test
grades and/or could be given a “W” or “F” (See rules listed under Class Attendance & Behavior)
Repeated Attempts:
Students who repeat a course two or more times may soon face significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public
colleges and universities. If you are considering course withdrawal because you are not earning passing grades, confer with your
instructor/counselor as early as possible about your study habits, reading and writing homework, test-taking skills, attendance, course
participation, and opportunities for tutoring or other assistance that might be available.
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Math 1314 - 0024 (45029)
Spring 2015_2nd Start (Saturday)
Basic Competencies:
Reading: You are expected to read your Math textbook before you come to class.
(Read the sections which will be covered in class beforehand.)
Writing: When doing your homework assignments, copy each problem out of the book and show all of your work. If
necessary, explain the steps taken to solve the problem.
Speaking/Participation in classroom: Discuss questions or problems with open mind and respect to each other
(regardless your suggestion or approach is better or not.)
Listening: You are responsible for any material presented in class during lectures. (No ear phone or ear piece during
the class.)
Critical Thinking: Application problems are an integral part of Mathematics .
You will be assigned numerous application problems and should expect to see similar problems on your exams.
Computer Literacy: There are numerous web sites which can help explain algebra concepts to you.
You will find a short list below:
www. An excellent resource page Tutor center for Addison Wesley
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Spring 2015_2nd Start (Saturday)
Math 1314 -0024 (45029)
Course Outline - Math 1314
February 14
February 21
February 28
March 7
March 14
March 28
April 11
April 18
April 25
May 2
May 9
May 16
Beginning of Class – Introduction, Syllabus,
R.1 – R.6
Chapter 1 & 2 Overview
Quadratic Equations (1.4, 1.5)
Other Types of Equations (1.6)
Inequalities (1.7, 1.8) Home Work 1
Functions & Their Graphs
(2.1 through 2.5) Quiz 1
Inverse Functions & Their Graphs
Test 1
(March 15 is Spring Break – No Class)
Polynomial Functions (3.1, 3.2 & 3.3)
Zeros of Polynomials (3.4)
Review Quiz 2 & Homework 2
Rational Functions (Chapter 4)
Test 2
Exponential Functions (5.1)
Logarithmic Functions (5.2)
Properties of Logarithms (5.3)
Exponential and Logarithmic Equations (5.4)
Systems of Equations & Inequalities (6.1
through 6.6)
Test 3
Matrices & Determinants (Chapter 7)
Summary of Math 1314 - Final Exam
Note: The Instructor reserves the right to make such changes to the above as may be dictated by various
circumstances. Pay attention to my instruction on calendar update during the class.
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