Assessment Report July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012 Program Assessed: Sociology

Assessment Report
July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012
Program Assessed: Sociology
Assessment Coordinator(s): Jackie Bergdahl, Michael Norris, and Karen Lahm
Year ___4__ of a __4___ Year Cycle
The first measure utilized was Alumni Surveys. Notices regarding the Alumni Survey
were emailed out in Fall of 2011. Students were able to answer the survey via Survey Gizmo.
Two hundred and eighteen surveys were sent out and 37 were returned (a 17% response rate).
In addition, a senior exit focus group was assembled in the Spring of 2012. Four students
attended and two other students emailed their responses to us. This meeting lasted for about an
hour. Two faculty members were present to monitor the focus group.
The learning outcomes that were assessed were as follows:
3.1 Substantive Content and Skill Set of Sociology Program
By the time they graduate, students will demonstrate knowledge of:
a & b) The major social institutions & socialization process- (question B5 a):
86.5% strongly agree and 10.8% agree
c) The role of individuals within organizations-(question B14): 64.9%
very satisfied and 29.7% satisfied
d) Theoretical formulations- (questions B5 c): 54.1% strongly agreed and
32.4% agree
e) Basic fundamentals of social stats. and methodology- (question B4 a, c, d):
over 80% of alumni agreed about being able to create a hypothesis and
identify variables; less than 50% agreed with learning statistical software;
and over 75% agreed with being able to evaluate different research
3.2 Social Science Skill Set
By the time they graduate, students will demonstrate competence in the following set of
skills related to the major:
a) Human relations skills- (question B15): over 97% satisfied
b) Analytical skills-(question B10): over 90% satisfied
c) Communication skills- (B12 & B11): over 90% satisfied (oral
communication) and over 80% satisfied (written communication)
d) Ethical and Moral Awareness- (B13): over 90% satisfied
In summary, the Alumni Survey data showed a high rate of success in attainment of the
Learning Outcomes mentioned above and the Learning Objectives 1 (prepare students for
employment with substantive content and skill set of the social sciences) & 2 ( prepare students
for graduate training) of the program.
*For complete survey and results please refer to the attachments.
Measure 2: FOCUS GROUP
Learning outcomes 3.1 and 3.2 (as referenced above) were also assessed with a Spring 2012
focus group.
Outcomes 3.1 and 3.2: Students overwhelmingly agreed that Sociology helped them
think more critically, gave them a global view of the world, improved their written and
oral communication skills, and made them a “well rounded” student which prepared them
for graduate school and the job market. Also, students liked the service learning courses
and liked how the instructors tied in international/global issues into their inequalities
courses. All of these comments reveal that all of the components of Learning Outcomes
3.1 and 3.2 are being met as well as all four of the Learning Objectives of our program.
On the other side, several of the students did object to group work in classes and wanted
more service learning courses and more upper-level statistics. The biggest complaints
centered on the day/time of course offerings and the lack of availability of advisors.
There were also several complaints about adjuncts teaching the core Methods and
Statistics courses (disorganized, did not return tests, papers, etc.). Students were also
very interested in having more opportunities for independent studies.
*For complete focus group results please refer to the attachments.
The department is working to offer multiple sections of courses on different days and in
different time slots. This will accommodate students who cannot necessarily take classes during
the day. In addition, the department has reduced the number of adjuncts teaching core Methods
and Statistics courses. All of these courses this semester are now taught by tenure-track faculty.
The department needs to work more actively is assigning advisors and making sure advisors are
available for students to meet with.
Also, we need to work on increasing response rates with all of our assessment measures.
We have tried offering refreshments, gift certificates, etc. to student in order to increase response
rates; but these ideas have only been marginally successful.
There will be a senior exit focus group conducted in the Spring 2013 semester. Faculty
will be queried about the number of recommendation letters they have written for students
applying to graduate school. The department will be working with Sociology faculty and
students who are Sociology majors to assemble and collect portfolios as discussed in 4 (c) of the
Sociology Assessment Plan. Faculty teaching the SOC 2200, SOC 3000, SOC 3410 and SOC
3500 will be instructed to facilitate the collection the materials needed from majors in their
courses to construct the portfolios for analysis. In addition, we will discuss and plan future
assessment efforts of both Wright State University Core Learning Outcomes and University
Learning Outcomes.
Students enrolled in SOC 3410 will be utilized to collect data to assess (4) of the
University Learning Outcomes. Students enrolled in SOC 3400 will be used to assess (2) of the
University Learning Outcomes.
University Learning Outcomes: Wright State Graduates will be able to:
1. Communicate effectively.
2. Demonstrate mathematical literacy.
3. Evaluate arguments and evidence critically.
4. Apply the methods of inquiry of the natural science, social sciences, and the arts and
5. Demonstrate global and multicultural competence.
6. Demonstrate understanding of contemporary social and ethical issues.
7. Participate in democratic society as informed and civically engaged citizens.