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Ideas for assessing against unit standard 2780

US 2780 Version: 6 Level: 1 Credits: 3

Demonstrate and apply knowledge of a personal computer system

Candidate Name: _________________________

This assessment assesses all five elements 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of 2780

These questions are designed for candidates in a situation where a verbal approach is most appropriate.

See Special Note 2: “Demonstration of knowledge can be appropriate to the assessment situation”.

Candidate is to demonstrate knowledge and understanding by either physically showing or verbally explaining or writing.

The tutor/assessor will dismantle the components of the candidate’s personal computer system. The system must contain at least five of system unit, keyboard, monitor, mouse and power leads, digital camera, scanner, portable external storage, modem, connection of a network or the Internet..

Questions Acceptable answers – evidence and judgements PC

Show how to connect the basic components of your personal computer system.

Show how to power up the system.

Show me or describe an input device.

What does this input device do?

The candidate correctly assembles the components.

The candidate correctly powers up the system.

Candidate identifies mouse, keyboard, scanner, digital camera or any other input device by pointing to or touching device.

Any statement that indicates information is input or entered into the computer


5 components must be connected


1.1 

1.1 

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© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2009

Ideas for assessing against unit standard 2780

Show me or describe an output device.

What does this output device do?

Show me or describe a storage device.

What does this storage device do?

Show me or describe the processing device. Candidate mentions or shows the location of the CPU. .

What does this processing device do? Any statement that indicates that information is processed by the device.

What is RAM and what does it do? touching device.

Any statement that indicates information is stored or saved permanently by or on the device.

Any statement that indicates an understanding that RAM - Random access memory: - is usually used for primary storage in computers to hold active information such as data and programs whilst the computer is switched on. If the computer loses power, data stored in RAM is lost. RAM is managed by the operating system.

What is ROM and what does it do?

Candidate identifies monitor, printer or any other output device by pointing to or touching device.

Any statement that indicates information is output (shown, printed, displayed) from the computer.

Candidate correctly identifies zip disk, disk drive, CD ROM, CD drive, back up tape drives or any other storage device by pointing to or

Any statement that indicates an understanding that ROM - Read-only memory:- is nonvolatile and it retains its contents regardless of whether the computer is on or off. For example ROM stores instructions for the computer to start up when it is turned on again.

1.1 

1.1 

1.1 

1.1 

1.1 


1.1 

1.1 

1.1 

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© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2009

Ideas for assessing against unit standard 2780

NB The motherboard is not a processing device. The motherboard is the main circuit board of the computer. It provides all of the links

(connectivity) for power supply and communication between components which are part of, or plugged into the motherboard.

Any statement that indicates the candidate understands how data is input, processed and then output through the identified components.

6 components required

1.2  How does information flow through the components you have identified?

The computer you are using has which operating system software?

Describe the purpose and operation of system software.

How does this interact with the application software?

Name four different application software

Candidate must mention the correct OS software on their current machine.

Any statement that indicates the candidate understands that the operating system software provides the interface between the application(s) and the computer hardware/software (I/O management, device drivers, memory management, CPU management, hardware).

The operation of the OS is carried out by the user based on GUI’s and or quick keys. For example when a document in a word processing application is to be printed, the print icon (GUI) or quick key is selected and initiates a request from the application, to the operating system, to print the document currently being viewed. The OS completes the operation or advises the user that an error exists eg printer offline.. .

The candidate may correctly demonstrate how to open any application, or make a statement which indicates how the system software manages the features of the application, eg saving, printing etc.

At least 4 different examples are given along with their purpose - eg

2.1 

2.1 


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© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2009

Ideas for assessing against unit standard 2780 packages which are on your machine, or which you know of.

What is the purpose of each of these?

Print out data or a file from your computer from four different applications.

What does the message “Paper tray is empty” mean?

How do you fix this problem?

Photoshop, QuarkXPress, Flightcheck, Eudora, Netscape etc. eg, imaging, layout, pre-flight, imposition, email, browsers etc.

Candidate has correctly printed the data from their computer onto paper (from a minimum of four different applications).



What does the message “(name of printer) could not be found” mean?

Any statement/action that indicates there is no paper in the tray that the operator is trying to print from.

Any statement/action that indicates the candidate knows to put paper of the correct size into the correct tray, or change to the correct tray selected to print from.

Any statement/action that indicates the candidate knows the printer is not switched on not connected or set up correctly ie correct PPD.

If another problem occurs when printing out the file/data, the candidate is expected to recognise the problem, correct it and print out the data/file correctly.

3.2 

Two remedies must be demonstrated or explained

Demonstrate how you use your computer with regard to safe ergonomic principles.

Principle one


Three of these principles must

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© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2009

Ideas for assessing against unit standard 2780

What should you consider in relation to desk dimensions?

How should you sit in your chair?

How high should the seat be for you?

Principle two

Where should you have your feet?

Principle three

How far away should your monitor be?

How far away should your keyboard be?

How should you position your mouse?

Principle four

Students answer demonstrates understanding: desk height should be adjustable, a good fit should be provided between the user and desk, the top should be as thin as possible and deep enough to contain all the VDU equipment and wide enough to contain all necessary clerical equipment and allow for good posture, there should be sufficient leg space under the desk.

Describes or demonstrates correct position, arm, leg body joints should be at 90º.

Describes or demonstrates correct position, so feet on floor or footrest so that thigh and leg at 90º.

Describes or demonstrates correct position. Feet on floor or footrest so that thigh and leg at 90º.

Describes or demonstrates correct position. At least one arm length from the face.

Describes or demonstrat es correct position. Elbow joint at 90º, and no undue stress on wrist.

Describes or demonstrates correct position. Elbow joint at 90º, and no undue stress on wrist. be explained


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© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2009

Ideas for assessing against unit standard 2780

How often should you get away from the computer?

How often should you have micro-pauses?

Demonstrate or describe two exercises that may help when using the computer.

Describe two environmental conditions you need to consider when positioning your system.

Every hour or as per company policy.

Every ten minutes or as per company policy.

Describes or demonstrates two appropriate exercises eg hand/arm stretches, neck rolls, eye exercises.

Show how you take care of your personal computer system

Any statement that indicates how any two of space, housekeeping, atmospheric conditions, lig hting, noise, décor, printer location can be addressed.

Student demonstrates maintenance of one of each of hardware and software – eg cleaning, replenishing consumables, use of system protection or maintenance utility software.

If it has not occurred naturally during the assessment the teacher/assessor is to disconnect and or loosen plugs or create other simple hardware faults for making a component faulty. Student to identify and correct or report the fault to the appropriate personnel.




Minimum of three faults identified and reported

Date of assessment: __________________________ Tutor/assessor: ______________________________________


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