A combined brief and task - level 2 desktop publishing - unit standard 2788 1. Overview - Brief Use the following information to create desktop published documents as part of your assessment for Unit Standard 2788. These documents are intended to promote Anywhere College to the parents of prospective Year 9 students. These are formal documents, aimed at the parents, not the students. 2. Source Material The text and graphics you must use are found in the G:\DTP\School folder. 3. Format You must produce three documents. The documents must be: a. a four page A5 booklet containing at least three pages of information on the school uniform b. a three-fold brochure, double-sided, introducing the school, and c. an A4 poster, advertising the enrolment evening. 4. Specifications a. Each document must contain the name of the school and the crest (image file crest.jpg provided by Mrs Muir – use approved by school management). You may use appropriate text from that which is provided (text composed by Mrs Muir); you may edit as necessary or you may provide your own text. The text in the documents must all be spelt correctly; use a dictionary if necessary. Appropriate typefaces, styles and sizes must be used for all text. The documents must contain at least two of the graphics provided (copyrighted to Anywhere School), in addition to the school crest. You should consider page layout principles in relation to all three documents. These include composition of elements upon the page, text hierarchy, consistent typography, balance, harmony, proportion, contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity. Ensure that your name appears on the document. An appropriate place is at the bottom of the first page, in small type. b. c. d. e. f. g. 5. Planning For each document, you are required to produce a plan. The plan should: a. identify the purpose of the document and its intended audience b. include a list of steps that you will take to create the documents c. what resources will you use d. how long will it take you Page 1 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority e. 6. a concept design should be drawn, it should identify the graphics and text (referenced) that are being used and their placement on the documents. It should be a clear indication of the final product. Produce the documents Produce the documents as per the plan. The documents should be saved in an appropriate format with a suitable file name and saved to a suitable folder on your student drive. 7. Evaluate and print the documents The documents should be evaluated to ensure that they communicate effectively in terms of readability, legibility and presentation. Spell-check and proofread your work to check it is accurate. Ensure that documents are modified if necessary to comply with the given specifications. Print the documents. NOTES 1. This example is also clearly intended for school use, but could easily be adapted to a tertiary provider or workplace task. 2. Full document specifications are given, but there needs to be room for creative input by the student. 3. Full requirements, as listed in the special notes of the unit standard, are included with this brief. Page 2 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority