Unit 2786 Assessment Schedule Outcomes of assessor judgements using the following schedule will be recorded on the student results/cover sheet, if the format used in this resource is followed. As the student results sheet indicates, final assessor judgements should be at element level, once evidence indicated collectively by the performance criteria has been considered. PC Evidence Judgement 1.1 A database model has been selected Student identifies most suitable database eg flatfile. 1.2 The plan identifies the purpose and specifications required. Any appropriate wording will be acceptable as long as it indicates the purpose and specifications, a full description of the data table; a list of fields, including the field size, type, formatting and four query designs to be used in keeping with the brief. (see evidence guide). 2.1 The database fields are created and managed and checked against the plan to ensure specifications have been met. The database table is created as per the specifications given in the plan – size, data type and format. 2.2 Test records are created and checked for to ensure they are error free. Checks made to ensure all data can be read, that the table is presented professionally and that data integrity is assured (eg all DOBs are feasible, M/F and telephone data correct). All 16 required records are added to the database. (see evidence guide). All of range – accuracy, readability, presentation, data integrity in place in the student’s table. Evidence of editing will be shown by: the correction of the mistakes in the original data – spelling of Nottingham. 3.1 Records are added and deleted and fields updated as required. Database is managed. Addition of records - Roberta Tuck, Jack Baldrick; updated fields - Marion Hood; deleted records - Fleur Tuck, Robert Much. The actual evidence comes from the printouts of the database table. (see evidence guide) 3.2 Student should demonstrate how they ensured data integrity eg comparison with original source – use of peer to cross check. Updated table should be correct. Teacher should question student for practices used to ensure data integrity. (see evidence guide) 3.3 Records sorted alphabetically and numerically Printouts one and two will demonstrate sort. (see evidence guide) 3.4 Queries are applied. Four queries are produced and printed containing the requested data. (Sorting is not being tested here but all data must be correct). (see evidence guide) Page 1 ©New Zealand Qualifications Authority