OnePurdue BW Naming Standards - Quick Reference InfoProvider Naming Web Template Naming Zmmff_xnn mm = primary module (FI, HR or ST) ff = functional area (minus hyphens, i.e. CO-PA use CO) x = type of infoprovider, o M = MultiProvider o C = InfoCube o R = RemoteCube o V = VirtualCube o I = InfoSet. nn = two-digit number Example: ZFICAC02 The standard naming convention is to use the technical name of the query but replace Q with a T to designate a template and add _nn, (nn = twodigit sequential number). InfoSource Naming The format of the name will be as follows: Transaction Data: InfoSource = DataSource Technical Name Long Description = DataSource Description Master Data: Select InfoObject, the technical name and description will be assigned from the InfoObject. Example: A web template based on query YZIC_C51_Q5001 would have the technical name YZIC_C51_T5001_01 Report Naming Super User reports: Zcube_Rnnnn cube = InfoProvider Name R = constant for reports nnnn = four-digit sequential number (range 5000 to 9999) Power User reports: Ycube_Rnnnn_DDD_III cube = InfoProvider Name R = constant for reports nnnn = four-digit sequential number (range 5000 to 9999) DDD = Department abbreviation III = username of power user DataStore Naming Zffff_Onna mm = primary module (FI, HR or ST) ff = functional area (minus hyphens, i.e. CO-PA use CO) nn = two-digit number a = A, B, C, D, etc for multiple DataStore object’s that feed the same InfoCube A custom DataStore object has a limit of 8 characters for the technical name. If a limitation occurs when naming the DataStore object please try the following: 1. Eliminate the 0 after O, i.e. ZFIPUO1A InfoObject Naming Custom InfoObjects should always start with a Z. When a standard SAP InfoObject is copied the 0 should be dropped from the name and be replaced by Z. A fully customized InfoObject should also begin with a Z followed by a logical name to describe the InfoObject. Restricted Key Figure Naming RKcube_nnnn cube =InfoProvider technical name nnn = sequential number starting at 5000 Example: Custom restricted key figure for InfoProvider 0FIFM_C01 would have the technical name RK0FIFM_C01_5000. Calculated Key Figure Naming CKcube_nnnn cube = InfoProvider technical name nnnn = sequential number start at 5000 Example: Custom calculated key figure for InfoProvider 0FIFM_C01 would have the technical name CK0FIFM_C01_5000. Variable Naming Query Naming Y_nnnnn Super User queries: Zcube_Qnnnn cube = InfoProvider Name Q = constant for queries nnnn = four-digit sequential number (range 5000 to 9999) Power User queries: Ycube_Qnnnn_DDD_III cube = InfoProvider Name Q = constant for queries nnnn = four-digit sequential number (range 5000 to 9999) DDD = Department abbreviation III = username of Power User Query View Naming The standard naming convention is to use the technical name of the query but replace the Q with a V to designate a View and add _nn, (nn = twodigit sequential number). Example: A query view based on query ZZIC_C51_Q5001 would have the technical name ZZIC_C51_V5001_01 Y: o S = Selection option variable (range withinclude/exclude/insert) o I = Interval variable, i.e. the user enters a range of entries o M = Multiple single values o P = Parameter variable (single value) o V = Precalculated value set variable o T = Text variable o F = Formula variable o H = Hierarchy variable o N = Hierarchy node variable nnnnn: Meaningful name based on the InfoObject for which the variable is used T, F, H and N variables describe the variable type. Whereas S, I and P variables are both of the type characteristic and the acronym stands for the type of selection criteria. The abbreviations used by SAP for various terms in the standard variables should be used where possible. Variables are InfoProvider independent and should therefore not contain the names of any InfoProviders. D:\612930127.doc Derived from Q:\Data and Infrastructure\Data Warehouse\Blueprint Documents\OnePurdue BW Naming Standards.doc OnePurdue BW Naming Standards - Quick Reference Structure Naming Scube_nnnn cube = infocube technical name nnnn = sequential number starting at 5000 Example: A structure that is used in the Sales and Distribution InfoProvider 0SD_O01would have the technical name S0SD_O01_5000. InfoPackage Naming DataSource _tttt_X tttt – Type of data (TRANS – transaction, TEXT-Text, ATTRAttribute, 01-Heirarchy (02, 03 for multiple hierarchies) X for Type of Update o I = delta Initialization. o F = full Update. o D = delta Example: InfoSource 0MATERIAL would have an InfoPackage of 0MATERIAL_ATTR_I for the initialization and an InfoPackage of 0MATERIAL_ATTR_D for the delta loading of data. Process Chain Naming Z_ddddddddddddd dddddddddddddddddddddd = description of process Examples: Z_LD FICO MD D – Delta load of masterdata for FI Application Component Naming Application components should be named Z*. There is a textual description that should explicitly provide information on the function. Example: ZPOCAREA Custom Generic Extractor Naming Z_xx_(ffff + description if transactional),(InfoObject if masterdata) xx for type of extractor o Tr = transactional data. o M = masterdata attributes. o Tx = masterdata Text ffff = functional area or InfoObect Example: Z_M_ZPLANT DataSource Naming The format for a custom datasource should follow the naming convention of the custom generic extractor, or if the datasource is created from a business content extractor the format will be: Zdatasource_xxxx • xxxx = TRAN, TEXT, HIER, ATTR • Example: Z_M_ZPLANT D:\612930127.doc Derived from Q:\Data and Infrastructure\Data Warehouse\Blueprint Documents\OnePurdue BW Naming Standards.doc