

Company Name

Division or Address

Customer Supplied Product

Doc. No. Rev. No.

Division or Address

ISO Procedure

Date: 10.04.2020

Customer Supplied Product

Approved : title


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Approved : title


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Company Name

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Division or Address

Customer Supplied Product

Doc. No. Rev. No.

Date: 10.04.2020 Page 2of x

1. Purpose

• To ensure customer-supplied product is protected against loss or deterioration.

• To maintain records of customer-supplied product.

2. Scope

This procedure covers product supplied by the customer for incorporation into their product.

3. Responsibilities

<Job title> inspects customer-supplied product upon receipt of the item.

<Job title> inspects customer-supplied product during inprocess production.

<Job title> ensures customer-supplied product is safe from deterioration, damage, or loss.

4. Procedure

4.1 General

The following items are supplied by the customer:

• <item>

• <item>

4.2 Receiving

<Job title> is responsible for receiving customer-supplied material and verifies the purchase order for part number, description, and quantity and the condition of the packaging.

<Job title> records the receiving information onto the <name of form> and enters the date and <inspection data>. <Job title> approves the

<name of form>.

The receiving status of the customer-supplied product is identified by


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Company Name

Division or Address

Customer Supplied Product

Doc. No. Rev. No.

Division or Address Date: 10.04.2020 Page 3of x

If a problem is found during receiving, <job title> informs the customer of the non conformance. <Job title> determines the corrective action and records the corrective action onto <name of form>.

<Job title> is responsible for ensuring the corrective action is implemented.

4.3 Incoming Inspection

For parts that require inspection, the material is inspected against quality and engineering criteria to <inspection level>.

The inspection is recorded onto <name of form> and includes

<information>. <Job title> approves the <name of form>.

The inspection status of the customer-supplied product is identified by


If a problem is found during the inspection, <job title>informs the customer of the non conformance. <Job title> determines the corrective action and records the corrective action onto <name of form>.

<Job title> is responsible for ensuring the corrective action is implemented.

4.4. Inprocess Production Control

<Name of procedure> describes how the customer-supplied product should be identified. <Job title> is responsible for generating the procedure. The procedure is in the document control system.

Inspection records for each step in the process requiring inspection are maintained. <Job title> performs the inspections and records the results onto <name of form>.

The inspection status of the customer-supplied product is identified by


If a problem is found during the inspection, <job title>informs the customer of the non conformance. <Job title> determines the corrective action and records the corrective action onto <name of form>.

<Job title> is responsible for ensuring the corrective action is implemented.

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Company Name

Division or Address

Customer Supplied Product

Doc. No. Rev. No.

Division or Address

4.5 Storage Control

Date: 10.04.2020 Page 4of x

The storage location of customer-supplied product is recorded on

<location>. <Job title> is responsible for maintaining and identifying the location of stored product. The customer-supplied product is identified by


Access to the storage area is controlled by <activity>. Procedures for controlling product that requires special environmental conditions are generated by <job title>.

The shelf life of the product is monitored using <marking>. <Job title> is responsible for ensuring shelf life has not expired.

<Frequency>, <job title> inspects stored product to detect deterioration.

The inspection is recorded onto <name of form>. <Job title> approves the inspection form. The inspection form is stored <location>.

4.6 Security

The security of customer-supplied product is maintained through

<activity>. <Name of record> indicates the location of product. <Job title> reviews the records to ensure all product that is signed out is returned.

4.7 Control of Damaged or Lost Product

In the event of damage to the product, the <name of procedure> is followed. <Job title> is responsible for generating the procedure. The

<name of procedure is in the document control system.

Damage or loss is recorded onto <name of form> and includes


Corrective action is implemented to prevent recurrence and/or to fix the problem.

<Job title> informs the customer of the non conformance. <Job title> determines the corrective action and records the corrective action onto

<name of form>.

<Job title> is responsible for ensuring the corrective action is implemented.

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Company Name

Division or Address

Customer Supplied Product

Doc. No. Rev. No.

Division or Address Date: 10.04.2020 Page 5of x

Insurance is in place in accordance with the customer's contract to cover the loss or damage.

5. Related Documentation

<Receiving record>

<Inspection Record>

<Procedure for damaged product>

Contract Review


Inspection and Testing

Corrective and Preventive Action

Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation, and Delivery

<list of work instructions>

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