February 4, 2016 Dear Graduate Students: Templin Graduate Student Research Award.

Department of Health and Kinesiology
February 4, 2016
Dear Graduate Students:
Please consider submitting an application for the Templin Graduate Student Research Award.
Made possible by the generosity of two long-time members of our Health and Kinesiology
family, Dr. Thomas Templin and Mrs. Sarah Templin, this award provides one or more $1,000
scholarships for the support of graduate research and/or travel activities. Health and
Kinesiology graduate students within any degree program and from any program area are
eligible to apply. An application form is attached.
Please submit your application to Mrs. Christy Daugherty, Graduate Program Coordinator, in
the Graduate Studies Office (LAMB 115) or via email (hkgrad@purdue.edu). Applications are
due March 25, 2016, after which a faculty committee will evaluate the materials and designate
the award recipient(s). The winner(s) will be announced at our annual spring awards gathering.
David B. Klenosky
Director of Graduate Studies
Lambert Fieldhouse  800 W. Stadium Avenue  West Lafayette, IN 47907-2046
(765) 494-3170  Fax: (765) 496-1239  www.hhs.purdue.edu
Templin Graduate Student Research Award
The Templin Graduate Student Research Award provides one or more $1,000 scholarships to
graduate students in the Department of Health and Kinesiology to support graduate research
and/or travel activities.
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Area of Study: _______________________ Degree Objective: ____MPH ____MS ____PhD
Major Professor: ______________________________________________________________
Date of Filing Plan of Study: _____________________________________________________
GPA/Number of completed hours: _________________ / ________________
Please include the following items with this cover form:
□ A summary of the research or travel activities to be supported by the award. This
summary should not exceed one-page (single-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-point font).
□ An itemized overview of your expected research or travel expenses.
□ Your curriculum vitae (3 pages maximum).
□ A support letter from your major professor.
Application Due to Graduate Studies Office on March 25, 2016