Pre-conditions for Successful Sustainable Investment “Financiación del acceso a servicios públicos básicos para todos” Brasília, 11-13 Diciembre de 2006 Hélène CONNOR, Ph.D The C -INVESTOR ATTITUDE “Without local institutions, a nation has not got the “spirit of liberty” and might easily fall victim to despotic tendencies”. Alexis de Tocqueville “Cela est bien dit, répondit Candide ; mais il faut cultiver notre jardin”. Voltaire C -INVESTMENT for ECODEVELOPMENT FIRST! PROMOTER’s PROMOTOR’S SATISFACTION SATISFACTIO s SUCCESSFUL CO-INVESTMENT ATTITUDE LOCAL POPULATION SATISFACTION Host-investor provides natural capital, local manpower and land Promoter-investor brings financial capital and appropriate technology Both investors benefit when both are satisfied that inputs are equal: the co-investment is based on collaborative intelligence C -INVESTMENT for ECODEVELOPMENT FIRST! Draft checklist preliminary prior to investment decision PRE-CONDITIONS FOR SUCCESSFUL SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENT CHECKLIST PRELIMINARY BEFORE A - DECISION TIME B - DURING C - AFTER D - PRELIMINARY RESEARCH DECISIONMAKING PROTOCOL BLUEPRINT FOR IMPLEMENTATION MONITORING PROTOCOL AND VALORISATION PLAN POPULATION 1. ASSESSMENT OF LOCAL NEEDS AND CONTEXT DEVELOPMENT FIRST 4. EARLY INFORMATION AND ONGOING CONCERTATION 7. NURTURING PARTNERSHIPS & STAKEHOLDERS' INVOLVEMENT 10. COLLABORATIVE MAINTENANCE AND OWNERSHIP CIVIC APPROPRIATION AND MONITORING COUNTRY 2. INVESTIGATION OF NATIONAL INVESTMENT CLIMATE 5. FIT WITH THE NATIONAL STRATEGY OF ECODEVELOPMENT (AGENDA 21) 8. ECODEVELOPMENT IN ACTION 4 PILARS 11. LONG-TERM SUSTAINABILITY via MATURE ENERGY STRUCTURES & GOVERNANCE INVESTMENT 3. TECHNOLOGY SELECTION AND CALIBRATION 6. COLLABORATIVE INVOLVEMENT AND RESPONSABILITY 9. FLEXIBLE IMPLEMENTATION (Trying-TestingTiming) 12. INNNOVATION AND REPLICATION OF ECOCO*INVESTMENT TO A PLANNED CO- INVESTMENT BEFORE the C -INVESTMENT: Preliminary Research on: Local Needs and Context 1. Identification and assessment of local needs 2. Democratic and cultural traditions, institutions, existing users’ councils CUB & CUBE 3. Existing consultation/involvement procedures 4. Quality of local manpower 5. Scoping of possible partners find a local project « champion » BEFORE Preliminary Research on: National Investment Climate 1. In-depth knowledge of the territory 2. Predictable regulatory climate 3. Fiscal and legal framework e.g. anti-corruption laws 4. Existing node of development or ecodevelopment cluster 5. Local banks involvement 6. Well-publicised sustainable development strategy BEFORE Preliminary Research on: Technology Selection and Calibration 1. Effectiveness for the needs expressed locally 2. Fit with Millennium Development Goals and local sustainable development strategy 3. Small footprint: green, clean and lean 4. Possible leap-frogging - search for excellence DECISION Decision-Making Protocol Preparation: Early information and on-going concertation to create collective intelligence and ensure success Fit with strategy of eco-development (Agenda 21) to ensure sustainability Collective ongoing involvement and responsibility to ensure collaborative ownership and civic coherence DURING Blueprint for Implementation: Nurturing Partnerships 1. Dissemination and transparency of information 2. Genuine stakeholder involvement 3. Collective learning, both traditional and modern 4. Training of skilled labour DURING Blueprint for Implementation: Eco-development in Action on four Pillars 1. Level-playing field 2. On-going balanced capacity-building 3. Appropriate institution-building 4. Long-term sustainability DURING Blueprint for Implementation: Flexible Implementation 1. Appropriate timing and scheduling/no rush 2. Possibility of testing/retrying/improving 3. Technology improvements decided locally AFTER Feedback Cycle : Monitoring, Improving, Scaling Up Collaborative Maintenance and Ownership 1. Create local networks for civic ownership and monitoring 2. Forecast improved training 3. Stimulate collective intelligence, promoting long-term public interest AFTER Feedback Cycle : Monitoring, Improving, Scaling Up Long-term sustainability 1. Implementation of the long-term goals of the national eco-development strategy 2. Mobilisation of local private sector capital to free public funds 3. Appropriate regional integration of energy systems (for efficiency) 4. Policy and structural autonomy AFTER Feedback Cycle : Monitoring, Improving, Scaling Up Replication, scaling-up and innovation 1. Update local technologies and promote innovation appropriate to local circumstances and needs 2. Stimulate local R, D&D policies in coooperation with population and NGOs 3. Transfer appropriate knowledge and organise replication of projects for climate-proof development CO-INVESTMENT for ECODEVELOPMENT FIRST! Muito obrigada por su atencion! Para mais informacion, visitar : y