DAS Mtg Agenda 9-2-14

Peralta Faculty Connected and Working Together
Karolyn van Putten
Cleavon Smith
Vice President
Tae-Soon Park
Trulie Thompson
Recording Secretary
District Academic Senate Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, September 2, 2014, 2:00 – 4:00 PM
District Administration Center Board Room
Joseph Bielanski
Past President
Call to Order: Agenda Review
Approval of Minutes from previous meeting(s) – 3/18/14, 4/1/14, 5/6/14 and 5/20/14
DAS New Members Welcome and Officers Election
Cleavon Smith
Standing Items:
a. Treasurer’s Report
b. Accreditation (Reports and Updates)
i. District level coordination (Interim AVC Sanford)
c. DAS President’s Reports to the BOT (6/10/14)
d. Learning, Service Area & Administrative Outcomes Assessment
i. SLO-Net Report (Shanoski – written, in packet)
e. Instructional Technology and Interactive Learning Environments District-wide
f. Peralta Triple SP (3SP) Update (AVC Esquivel-Swinson)
g. BOT1 Policies (BP4) and AP2 Review/Recommendation/Updates/Proposed revisions
i. AP 7121 revision progress
BOT Watch and DAC3 updates (e.g., policies, procedures, processes):
a. PBIM Governance: District Technology Committee (DTC), District Facilities Committee
(DFC), District Education Committee (DEC), Planning and Budgeting Council (PBC)
b. PeopleSoft/Oracle IT Projects (AVC Madlock)
For Discussion and/or Information:
a. DAC Screening Committee Appointment Requests (2)
b. Development of Enrollment Management Plans and Contingencies
c. PASS proposals/status and Faculty Participation/Review of same
d. Student Equity Plans: Faculty Participation/Review and CCLC Equity Summit 2/192/20/15 Westin LAX
e. Capturing instructional technology uses in CurricUNET (continued)
f. CurricUNET Meta: Status and VCES response to DAS memo (VCES Orkin)
g. Distance Education Evaluation Resources from CCCCO
h. RP Group Strengthening Student Success Conference 10/8/14 – 10/9/14 (10/10/14 Post
Conference Workshops - http://www.rpgroup.org/sssc14/post-conference-workshops)
i. Student Support (Re)Defined (RPG Report )and Student Success (3SP) – What else can
we do?
i. Student Support (Re) Defined Practitioner Manual
For Consideration:
a. DAS meeting time change request from Merritt members
b. Forming a District Instructional Technology Group (to be proposed to the DEC)
c. Developing AP 2510 to support BP 2510 – Participation in Local Decision-Making
New Business/Announcements
Senate President, BCC
Kelly Pernell
Senate Vice President, BCC
DAS Representative, BCC
Trulie Thompson
Senate President, CoA
Senate Vice President, CoA
William R. Andrews
DAS Representative, CoA
Lisa R. Cook
Senate President, Laney
Tamika Brown
Senate Vice President, Laney
Karolyn van Putten
DAS Representative, Laney
Tae-Soon Park
Senate President, Merritt
Audrey Trotter
Senate Vice President, Merritt
Marta Zielke
DAS Representative, Merritt
Peralta Community College District
333 East Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94606
(510) 466-7200
9. Adjournment
Awaiting Attention:
DAS Original Constitution Update Rationale and Process
DAS Ethics Committee formation
BOT is Board of Trustees; 2AP is Administrative Procedure(s); 3DAC is District Administration Center; 4BP is Board Policy; 5PBC is
Planning and Budgeting Council