CODO-IN (Change of Degree Objective) Survey 2015 - 2016 1. CODO-IN College/Program/School: Health and Human Sciences 2. What year did you first enter Purdue University? 2015 -2016 2011 2014 2010 or earlier 2013 2012 3. In what college/program/school are you currently enrolled? 4. What is your current major? _____________ _____________ 5. What is your overall grade point average as of your most recently completed academic term? (mark one) 4.00 2.00 – 2.49 3.50 – 3.99 1.50 – 1.99 3.00 – 3.49 1.49 or less 2.50 – 2.99 6. Your sex: female male 7. Are you: (mark all that apply) African American American Indian Asian American Caucasian American Hispanic American Other 8. What CODO is this for you? first second third or more 9. Mark all the colleges/programs/schools you have been enrolled in at Purdue (mark all that apply). Agriculture Health Sciences circle all that apply - A, F Liberal Arts Consumer & Family Sciences Management Education Nursing Engineering Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences circle all that apply – AAE, ABE, CE, Polytechnic Institute (before spring 2016 -Technology) CNE, FYE, CHE, ECE, IDE, IE, ME, MSE Science Exploratory Studies (before fall 2013 - USP) Technology Health and Human Sciences Veterinary Technology Please complete the other side. CODO-IN (Change of Degree Objective) Survey 2015 - 2016 10. Before your CODO to __________ today, did you… (mark all that apply) meet with an academic advisor in __________? attend a CODO information meeting for __________? None of the above. 11. How did you find out about the __________ CODO requirements? (e.g. gpa, course, or credit hour requirements) advisor in current major college/program/school/university website advisor in major of interest course – please specify _____________ CODO brochure/flyer friend CODO information meeting other _____________ 12. How did you learn about the __________ academic advising office? (mark all that apply) advisor in current major Dean of Students Center for Career Opportunities (CCO) family member CODO information meeting friend college/program/school/university website other ______________ course – please specify _____________ 13. What is your new Health and Human Sciences major? _____________ 14. What factors influenced your decision to change your major? (mark all that apply) advisor in current major results from career assessment/inventory Center for Career Opportunities (CCO) shadowing/volunteer/work experience college/program/school/university website the major best fits my interests course – please specify _____________ the major best fits my abilities family member the major is congruent with my career goals friend other _____________ not eligible to continue in my current program 15. List three expectations you have of your academic advisor. 1. 2. 3. Please complete the other side.