District Service Center Training on Program Review

Peralta Community College District
2015 District Service Center Administrative Program Review Training
November 17, 2015
2:00- 3:30
Agenda Item
Meeting Called to Order
Meeting began at 2:10.
Everything is on the program review website.
Handouts: Calendar and Program Review handbook. The Chancellor suggest that
each team have at least one college representative to help give input. Up to each of
you as to whether faculty, classified staff or administrative staff from the college.
Each team will
have one college
representative to
help give input.
Annual Planning, Program Review and APU Calendar: District Academic Senate
asked for this. Ongoing calendar for the next 2-3 years. Items in the left side column
are college based. Items in the right side column are District level. Bold faced dates
are hard dates.
These are all due
January30, 2016.
Planning cycles: 6 year strategic planning cycle. 3 year program review cycle. This
is a program review year. Next year you will be doing an annual program update.
Then the following year will be a program review year.
IR website will
have a section
called surveys.
Power Point presentation by LSanford.
Chancellor determines the validating body. This year it is the Program Review Task
Force. Validation committee ensures completeness of the narrative report, resource
needs template, and the goal setting portions of the document.
Completed narrative reports are all due January30, 2016.
In the narrative report goal setting and planning is via AUOs and PIOs- the goal is to
demonstrate continuous improvement.
Discussion on using previous survey results for the assessment section and/or
surveying again.
/Resolved or
Agenda Item
(Shared Agreement
/Resolved or
Pages 4, 5, 6 provide definitions and examples for AUOs and PIOs.
Submit completed narrative reports to Dr. Orkin with cc to Linda Sanford.
Any questions contact with Linda Sanford and I will work with you one on one.
Thank you to VC Ron Little for providing the delicious pizza.
Meeting ended at 3:07
Minutes taken by Laura Leon-Maurice