Fossil Fuels Solid Earth System


Fossil Fuels

Solid Earth System

Fossil Fuels

Coal solid, “rocky” material derived from land plants source: bogs and swamps high carbon content (50-90%) lump of coal

Petroleum (Crude Oil) liquid derived from marine plankton source: marine sediments mostly hydrocarbons, e.g.


Natural Gas gaseous version of oil mostly methane methane


Most organic material is rapidly oxidized

(e.g. by bacteria) into CO

2 and H and is returned to the biosphere.



Situations that lead to long term (millions of years) preservation are rare.

In addition to preservation, creation of fossil fuels requires removing water

(dehydration) and reduction (removing oxygen) from organic matter.


peat being used to heat home

Strip mining coal

other sedimentary rocks other sedimentary rocks

Coal-fired power-plant

World distribution of coal deposits

Moving onto oil …

World distribution of organic-rich sediments

linear molecules branched molecules ring molecules

About 30% of this crude oil consists of molecules that distill below 375 ° F, and thus have 12 or fewer carbons

highest organic carbon concentration at sedimentation rates of 10-100 cm/ka

Airgun and hydrophone arrays on an exploration vessel

Map of burgan field – note overall “dome” structure produces a very large structural trap

Map of burgan field – note overall “dome” structure produces a very large structural trap

Production history of the Magnus field in the North Sea

Cumulative production increases with time, but more and more slowly, until the field is exhausted

World Energy Usage
