10. AP 6.80 Capital Construction Planning 10-04-10

Peralta Community College District
Procedure 6.80
Administrative Procedure 6.80
September 2, 2010
Capital Construction Planning
The Chancellor directs that the following regulations apply to Capital Construction Planning
in the Peralta Community College District:
I. Integrated Educational and Facilities Master Plan. The Chancellor will annually
present to the Board of Trustees a status report on the Integrated Educational and
Facilities Master Plan including current progress and recommendations for revisions; if
II. Capital Outlay Program. The Vice Chancellor of General Services will annually report
to the Board of Trustees and to State Chancellor’s Office a five-year capital outlay
program. The program will consist primarily of the five-year implementation schedule for
major capital construction projects. In addition, the five-year capital outlay program will
include the following:
Statement of educational plans
Statement of energy plans
Statement of disabled persons’ barrier removal plan
Location of program delivery
Location of district owned lands
District priority lists
District capacity/load ratios
III. Construction Budget. The Vice Chancellor of Finance will, at least annually, present a
Construction Budget for adoption to the Board of Trustees detailing funding for each
IV. Contracts. Construction contracts will be let in accordance with Administrative
Procedure 6.82 Construction Contracts and will comply with applicable laws relating to
public works. No Construction contract shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees for
approval unless the Vice Chancellor of Finance or designee has determined that sufficient
funds are budgeted and encumbered to allow for the completion of the contract.
V. Implementation. The Vice Chancellor of General Services is responsible for the
administration of all construction contracts including insuring that all applicable laws and
regulations are followed.
Approved by the Chancellor: October 4, 2010