PERALTA PERALTA COMMUNITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE COLLEGE DISTRICT DISTRICT Curriculum & Instruction Recommendations October 2012 Educational Services Office of the Vice Chancellor Presented and Approved at Board Meeting of October 23, 2012 Berkeley City College College of Alameda Laney Merritt CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS October 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Berkeley City College ........................................................................................................... 1 College of Alameda.............................................................................................................. 5 Merritt College ...................................................................................................................... 5 PERALTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS Date Submitted For: CIPD Approval: 10/1/2012 Date Submitted For: Board Approval: 10/23/12 Curriculum Item: EFF. BCC Course Change MATH 18, Real Number Systems JUSTIFICATION: S 13 Changing course description. Old Development and analysis of the structure and operations of the real number system: Number systems, set theory, logic, mathematical reasoning, and an introduction to probability and statistics. Survey course intended primarily for education majors planning to teach in the primary grades. New Structure, properties and operations of the real number system: Introduction to set theory, logic and deductive reasoning; Introduction to probability, statistics and inductive reasoning; Review of geometry in two and three dimensions (British and metric measure, perimeter, area, volume, characteristics of basic plane and solid figures). Survey course intended primarily for education majors planning to teach in the primary grades. 1701.00 BCC Course Change HIST 3C, Modern World History since 1750 3 Units, 3 Hours Lecture (GR) F 13 This course is required for the AA-T in History. History 3C is designed to provide students with an understanding of a diverse array of societies, to provide a comprehensive structure for our understanding of past and present events, and to perhaps challenge our own views regarding our place in the world. HIST 3B and 3C are the core survey classes in the History Department. These courses can be integrated well with a Cultural Anthropology and an Economics course, giving the students a global view of how history took form and shaped the contemporary moment. This course will replace HIST 3 in Fall 2013 across the district (Berkeley City College and Laney College). Survey of world history since 1750: Tracing the developments of the late modern world as shaped by social, economic, political, philosophical, and historical forces. 2205.00 BCC New Course ART 17A, History of Western Art: Prehistory through the Middle Ages 3 Units, 3 Hours Lecture (GR/PNP) F 13 Overview of Western art and architecture from prehistory through the medieval period. 1001.00 1 This course fulfills the requirement for Art majors for the Associate in Arts degree. It is part of ongoing series of art history courses from Ancient Art to Modern Art covering the major periods of artistic achievement in Western civilization. In addition, it will be used to fulfill the Transfer Model Curriculum in Art History. PERALTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS Date Submitted For: CIPD Approval: 10/1/2012 Date Submitted For: Board Approval: 10/23/12 Curriculum Item: EFF. BCC New Course F 13 ART 17B, History of Western Art: Renaissance to Contemporary Art 3 Units, 3 Hours Lecture (GR/PNP) JUSTIFICATION: This course is required for the AA-T in Art History and Studio Arts. The course allows greater concentration on the last formative 500 years in Western art than can normally be covered in the survey Art 1 course. Overview of Western art and architecture from the Renaissance to the Contemporary period. 1001.00 BCC New Course S 13 CHDEV 51, Child Growth and Development 3 Units, 3 Hours Lecture (GR/PNP) This course is required for the AA-T in Elementary Teacher Education at Berkeley City College. Adopting course from Merritt College, with their permission. Prenatal through adolescence typical and atypical human growth and development: Interrelationship of physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth and the adult role in fostering optimal development with emphasis on interactions between nature and nurture, developmental theory and investigative research, child observations and assessment, developmental milestones and individual differences. 1305.00 BCC New Course F 13 This course is required for the AA-T in Elementary Teacher Education at Berkeley City College. A laboratory course in geology will also offer students more choices for a science with a laboratory in Area 5 of IGETC. F 13 This course is needed for the Associate in Arts degree in Elementary Teacher Education for Transfer. GEOL 10L, Introduction to Geology Lab 1 Unit, 3 Hours Laboratory (GR) Prerequisite or Corequisite: GEOL 10 The laboratory component of Geology 10: Exercises on plate tectonics, analysis and identification of rocks and minerals, metamorphism, geologic structures, topographic and geologic maps, landscape development, seismology, hydrology, geological oceanography, geologic time, earth history, energy, and climate change. 1914.00 BCC New Course HIST 003A, World History to 1500 3 Units, 3 Hours Lecture (GR) Survey of the development of world civilizations to 1500. 2205.00 2 PERALTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS Date Submitted For: CIPD Approval: 10/1/2012 Date Submitted For: Board Approval: 10/23/12 Curriculum Item: EFF. JUSTIFICATION: BCC New Course HIST 3B, Modern World History: 1500-1750 3 Units, 3 Hours Lecture (GR) F 13 This course is required for the AA-T in History. History 3B is designed to provide students with an understanding of a diverse array of societies, to provide a comprehensive structure for our understanding of past and present events, and to perhaps challenge our own views regarding our place in the world. HIST 3B and 3C are the core survey classes in the History Department. These courses can be integrated well with a Cultural Anthropology and an Economics course, giving the students a global view of how history took form and shaped the contemporary moment. S 13 The Arts and Cultural Studies Department would like to diversify its offerings.This course fulfills American Cultures requirements at the UC level. The exact same course has already been articulated at other community colleges (CSU GEArea C2 and IGETC 3B). S 13 As the number of levels of pre-transfer-level mathematics an entering community college student must complete increases, the likelihood that the student will ever successfully complete a transfer-level mathematics course decreases according to large research studies conducted both inside and outside of California. By offering “Algebra for Statistics” the mathematics department aims to provide students with an opportunity to follow a more fruitful path into transfer-level Math 13, Introduction to Statistics. Contextualizing the algebra curriculum and focusing instruction on the skills, methods and ways of thinking needed for understanding statistical applications is expected to ignite student interest, increase retention and success, and prepare students to succeed in Math 13 the following semester. Not for science, technology, engineering, mathematics, nursing or business majors. Institutionalizing MATH 248UP Survey of world history from 1500 to 1750: Tracing the developments of the early modern world as shaped by social, religious, economic, political, philosophical, and historical forces. 2205.00 BCC New Course HUMAN 5, Storytelling in American Culture 3 Units, 3 Hours Lecture (GR/PNP) Storytelling among different ethnic groups within the United States: How collective memories are selected, organized, transformed, contested, and retold as origin myths, multicultural histories, family lore, heroic epics, trickster tales, traumatic experiences, slave narratives, immigrant testimonies, spectacular events, war memorials, celebrity biographies, urban legends, animated fairy-tales, or science fiction films. 4903.00 BCC New Course MATH 206, Algebra for Statistics 5 Units, 6 Hours Lecture (GR) Prerequisite: MATH 253 Not recommended for science, technology, engineering, mathematics, nursing or business majors. Integrated mathematics for statistics: Exploratory data analysis and principles of data collection and calculation; ratios, rates, and proportional reasoning; fractions, decimals and percents; evaluating expressions; analyzing algebraic expressions of statistical measures; modeling bivariate data with linear and exponential functions; graphical and numerical descriptive statistics for quantitative and categorical data. 1701.00 3 PERALTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS Date Submitted For: CIPD Approval: 10/1/2012 Curriculum Item: Date Submitted For: Board Approval: 10/23/12 EFF. JUSTIFICATION: BCC New Program Associate in Arts Degree in Elementary Teacher Education for Transfer AA-T Degree The Associate in Arts Degree in Elementary Teacher Education for Transfer is designed to prepare students for a seamless transfer with junior status and priority admission to their local CSU campus to a program or major in Elementary Teacher Education or similar major for completion of a baccalaureate degree. Students are required to complete: (1) a minimum of 54 semester units in the major with a grade of C or better while maintaining a minimum grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in all CSU transferable coursework; (2) 60 semester CSU-transferable units using the California State University-General Education-Breadth pattern (CSU-GE Breadth); (3) No more than 60 semester units are required. The Associate in Arts Degree in Elementary Teacher Education for Transfer will also assist Elementary Teacher Education major students to transfer to a U.C. or other baccalaureate institutions. Students are advised to consult with a counselor to verify transfer requirements. Note: IGETC cannot be used for this degree. Required Courses BIOL 010 Introduction to Biology CHEM 030A Introductory General Chemistry CHDEV 051 Child Growth and Development COMM 001A Introduction to Speech EDUC 001 Introduction to the Field of Education ENGL 001A Composition and Reading ENGL 001B Composition & Reading ENGL 005 Critical Thinking in Reading and Writing GEOG 003 World Regional Geography GEOL 010 Introduction to Geology GEOL 10L Introduction to Geology Laboratory HIST 003A World History to 1500 HIST 007A History of the United States to 1877 MATH 018 Real Number Systems PHYS 010 Introduction to Physics POSCI 001 Government and Politics in the United States ART 001 Introduction to Art History 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 4 3 3 54 Additional courses to complete CSU GE Breadth requirements. Additional Humanities requirement (3 units) Additional "Lifelong learning" requirement (3 units) 6 60 Total Units 4 PERALTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS Date Submitted For: CIPD Approval: 10/1/2012 Curriculum Item: COA Course Deactivations Date Submitted For: Board Approval: 10/23/12 EFF. JUSTIFICATION: S13 The college has no plans to offer these courses in the future. BIOL 23, Introduction to the Human Body BIOL 24, Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 26, Human Biology BIOL 27, Human Sexuality ESL 21A, Writing 5 (Composition and Reading) ESL 21B, Writing 5 (Composition and Reading) ESL 23, Reading 5 ESL 200A, Speaking 3 ESL 200B, Speaking 4 ESL 201A, Writing 3 ESL 201B, Writing 4 ESL 202A, Grammar 3 ESL 202B, Grammar 4 ESL 202C, Grammar 5 ESL 203A, Reading 3 ESL 203B, Reading 4 ESL 250A, Speaking 1 ESL 250B, Speaking 2 ESL 251A, Writing 1 ESL 251B, Writing 2 ESL 252A, Grammar 1 ESL 252B, Grammar 2 ESL 253A, Reading 1 ESL 253B, Reasding 2 Merrit College New Course S 13 ESL 215A, Intermediate Grammar 4 Units, 4 Hours Lecture (GR/PNP) Prerequisites: ESL 252B or 284B or placement through multiple-measures assessment process Intermediate level of English grammar: Introduction to complex grammar structures and sentence patterns. 4930.87 5 To meet the needs of ESL students who are at the intermediate level of English proficiency, to improve their ability to interpret what they read and express themselves accurately orally and in writing. PERALTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS Date Submitted For: CIPD Approval: 10/1/2012 Date Submitted For: Board Approval: 10/23/12 Curriculum Item: EFF. New Course JUSTIFICATION: S 13 To meet the needs of ESL students who are at the intermediate level of English proficiency, to improve their ability to interpret what they read and express themselves accurately orally and in writing. S 13 Intermediate level of reading and writing. It includes critical reading of adapted and unadapted essays, short stories and academic text, and the writing of paragraphs, reading responses, narratives, and simple essays. S 13 This course is intended for learners of English as a Second Language whose competency is at the intermediate level. It includes critical reading of adapted and unadapted essays, short stories and academic text, and the writing of paragraphs, reading responses, narratives and simple essays. S 13 This course provides intermediate level ESL students with essential practice in listening and speaking. ESL 215B, Intermediate Grammar 4 Units, 4 Hours Lecture (GR/PNP) Prerequisites: ESL 215A or placement through multiple-measures assessment process Continuation of intermediate level of English grammar: Introduction to complex grammar structures and sentence patterns. 4930.87 New Course ESL 222A, Intermediate Reading and Writing 6 Units, 6 Hourse Lecture (GR/PNP) Prerequisites: ESL 285B or 251B or placement through multiple-measures assessment process Intermediate level of reading and writing: Academic vocabulary and critical thinking skills using intermediate-level ESL reading materials; expanding paragraphs into simple narratives and essays. 4930.87 New Course ESL 222B, Intermediate Reading and Writing 6 Units, 6 Hourse Lecture (GR/PNP) Prerequisites: ESL 222A or placement through multiple-measures assessment process Continuation of intermediate level of reading and writing: Academic vocabulary and critical thinking skills using intermediate-level ESL reading materials; expanding paragraphs into simple narratives and essays. 4930.87 New Course ESL 232A, Intermediate Listening and Speaking 4 Units, 4 Hours Lecture (GR/PNP) Prerequisites: ESL 250B or 283B or placement through multiple-measures assessment process Intermediate level listening and speaking: Improving fluency and accuracy in American English through listening comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, idioms, pronunciation, and presentation skills. 4930.85 6 PERALTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS Date Submitted For: CIPD Approval: 10/1/2012 Curriculum Item: New Course Date Submitted For: Board Approval: 10/23/12 EFF. S 13 This course provides intermediate level ESL students with essential practice in listening and speaking at the college level. S 13 This course is intended for learners of English as a second language whose competency is at the highbeginning level of reading and writing. It includes reading and writing basic informational and fictional texts, as well as practical reading and writing skills for the workplace and community. S 13 This course is intended for learners of English as a second language whose competency is at the highbeginning level of reading and writing. It includes reading and writing basic informational and fictional texts, as well as practical reading and writing skills for the workplace and community. ESL 232B, Intermediate Listening and Speaking 4 Units, 4 Hours Lecture (GR/PNP) Prerequisites: ESL 232A or placement through multiple-measures assessment process Continuation of intermediate level listening and speaking: Improving fluency and accuracy in American English through listening comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, idioms, pronunciation, and presentation skills. 4930.85 New Course ESL 285A, High Beginning Reading and Writing 6 Units, 6 Hourse Lecture (GR/PNP) High beginning level of reading and writing: Fiction and non-fiction readings adapted for ESL; writing short narrative and descriptive paragraphs. 4930.86 New Course JUSTIFICATION: ESL 285B, High Beginning Reading and Writing 6 Units, 6 Hours Lecture (GR/PNP) Prerequisites: ESL 285A or placement through multiple-measures assessment process Continuation of high beginning level of reading and writing: Fiction and non-fiction readings adapted for ESL; writing short narrative and descriptive paragraphs.4930.86 Merritt New Course S 13 This course, which is offered by the Oakland Fire Academy in collaboration with Merritt College , provides the student with the skills essential to be employed by the Oakland Fire Department as an entry-level firefighter. FISCI 211, Firefighter Academy 9 Units, 6 Hours Lecture, 9 Hours Lab, (GR/PNP) Meets Firefighter I, Rescue Systems, Confined Space, and HAZ MAT FRO certification requirements. Manipulative and technical training in the use of firefighting equipment, fire attack procedures, and rescue operations: Hose and ladder evolutions, fire protection systems, basic salvage and overhaul techniques; forcible entry; wildland, interior, house and flammable liquid fire-attack procedures; and fire control, ventilation, and extinguishment techniques for various situations. 2133.50 7