To: Peralta Faculty conducted a Faculty Forum on May 20

To: Peralta Faculty
Dr. Michael Viera from Community College Search Services (CCSS)
conducted a Faculty Forum on May 20th, and the comments received are
attached. If you were not able to attend the Faculty Forum, Dr. Viera is
happy to receive your additional written comments. Please send your
comments directly to him at
CCSS is the Board’s search firm for the Chancellor’s position. Mr. Viera
started the forum by asking faculty to identify the challenges, issues, and
opportunities that the district is facing or will face in the near future and
over the next five years. He then invited a discussion about the professional
and personal characteristics that faculty would like to see in your next
Chancellor. He will compile all the information received from this and other
forums for integration into the Chancellor Search Brochure. The Chancellor
Search Brochure will reflect the issues and characteristics of all the
constituent groups.
Thank you for your input and participation.
David Betts
Deputy Director of Human Resources
Peralta Community College District