Student Services and Equity Committee Minutes: November 6, 2008 The Peralta Colleges Governing Board Student Services and Equity Committee Minutes Physical Plant Conference Room 333 E. 8th St., Oakland, CA November 6th, 2008 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM The meeting was called to order at 4:09 p.m. Present: Trustees Guillén, González Yuen, Handy, Student Trustee Thompson, Jeanette Dong, Kerry Compton, Jim Bracy, Josué Hoyos, President Herring, Maurice Compton, Karen Bogue, Myron Jordon, Reginald James, and Donald Moore. 1. Financial Aid Update Kerry gave an update. To date, 2,766 checks have been issued to 1,704 individual students. Another 1,500 checks will be out by Friday. By next week, all of the students who have provided all the information necessary to complete their applications will have their checks. This is about 30% complete now, and will be 40% complete by the end of this week. Regent is working better. There continue to be problems through Regent or People Soft, so the check distribution through the system is difficult. Production is now centralized with Evans consulting at Merritt College. It was asked if we have the people power to verify the records. Staffing has been an issue. Each of the specialists are holding their information a bit, as well. The non-verified students are finished which is 30%. Regent wasn’t really working previously, so the ones that should have been easily processed weren’t. It now seems to be working as it should have been. It was reported that once COA, for example, gets a check, the cashier calls the student and the student comes over immediately to get it. If the skilled staff are now working at Merritt, the colleges still need staff at the college to help students. Students are always coming in to enroll and get Financial Aid. Trustee González Yuen wants to know the scope and scale of this issue. The dollar amount of Financial Aid is about $6M. We expect all students to get their Financial Aid over time. Consultants can’t predict the final distribution dates, but it’s hoped it will be complete by the end of the semester if the work is coordinated. The Chancellor is directing the colleges to consistently work together. The specialists also need to be at the colleges to help students. 200-300 files are at Merritt at this time, brought in over the last two days. Laney has 2500 files to transfer there. Financial Aid personnel have to do some pieces of this project themselves. It’s asked if some other person could do this work instead. Financial Aid has to approve anything that goes to the student, and only a supervisor can do this. The Board feels that they had been previously told that there were adequate resources to complete the job. Can anything be done so that Financial aid personnel doesn’t get pulled to distribute the checks? It was reported that the application process is so complex that no one really knows all of the details associated with it, which is a problem. The Board is frustrated that since October 14 when the problem was discovered, that the Board was told that it would get done. The Chancellor will get a report tomorrow and decide how to proceed. Trustee González Yuen asked if we go back to the safe system, how long that would take until it’s up and running. IT reports that they don’t have the staff to implement this until January. Trustee Handy feels we can’t jump off of the Regent system and expect the safe system to start immediately. The problem now is that we need to be proficient at Regent, while at the same time, look into a future, back-up program. It is felt that this problem is an IT leadership issue. The Trustees want to know where help is needed. Kerry feels that Regent is starting to work and working faster. James Bracy feels there are three concerns 1) Evans resources Page 1 of 5 Student Services and Equity Committee Minutes: November 6, 2008 to get checks to the students that they’ve identified, and their estimation of needed resources to get the job done; 2) Contact neighboring colleges to see if there’s any availability of staffing help. There’s an assumption that there will be no help, but we haven’t asked them; 3) Future plans of what to do next semester. There needs to be an IT recommendation on these matters. We could call in Roy Bernard who is a trouble shooter. Trustee Handy is frustrated that staff isn’t getting the needed help. Tom has been assigned with the responsibility to make the necessary decisions for the colleges to get staff on the assembly line with Evans. Six weeks ago the Trustees were told that every student would have their check by the following Friday. 2. Athletic Program Review President Herring gave a report. All of our athletic programs are underfunded. The Athletic Directors were present to comment on this. Sports are a major retention program for the students that enroll with the athletes. Trustee Guillén asked to hear the downside of having one Athletic Director for the District. He asks what support we’re getting from vendors and the Foundation to improve our athletic facilities. Monies go to maintenance and athletics, but it’s not a lot of money. Facility upgrades are bringing in new students. COA wants a Part-time trainer. The meal reimbursement schedule is very low and out dated. $4T is requested as a meal increase. A sponsor for an upcoming game is being sought, and fundraising has been very difficult. Trustee Guillén reported that Santa Barbara has a yearly golf tournament that raises $75,000. It would be nice to have a signature event specifically for our athletics program. Atheria brought to the District celebrity athletes in Oakland, which was not followed through at the time, with the thought to help improve facilities. Trustee Handy shared that no one has come to the Board previously to make these requests. The Foundation should earmark their monies for these needs. Jeanette has worked in sport philanthropy. We do have a concession’s stand, but it doesn’t create a large surplus. The attendance isn’t large. We could market our facilities for rental and control the concessions stands there, also. Student activities fee for student clubs and athletics could generate money. Pasadena City College generates $500 million in this area. How do we fund student life activities? Some of the vendors’ contributions also need to be directed here. Trustee Handy suggested that a subcommittee investigate this. Reginald James shared that the student union can help to recruit to get students to the games and buy items at the concessions. A markee could be a source of advertising revenue. Follett can sell t-shirts, and alumni can buy athletic items. Student government should also get a part of the revenues they collect. Trustee González Yuen suggests we proceed with the student activity fee process. Jeanette will present a systemic commitment, with a marketing solution. All of the Bay Area sport team leagues are begging for space for adults and children sports, that we could tap into. The COA soccer field is rented out. These monies go in part to maintain the fields, and the rest goes to the business office for underfunded needs, but it doesn’t go to athletics. Maurice listed all of the prices necessary for the programs. President Herring reported that all of the fees to join the associations have also raised dramatically. Karen sees the highest risk students on our campuses, and has tried to do a lot of health events for students. Trustee Guillén sees athletics as a retention and student success issue. Clubs and peers make students more successful. There should be a referendum to see if students want this or not. Trustee Handy feels that we have student programs growing now that currently need funding. It is asked that this be re-agendized. Bill Patterson and Atheria Smith will be asked to attend the next meeting. A recommendation to the Board is needed for the current, emergency needs. Trustee González Yuen feels this has to be part of the Educational Master planning process. Trustee Guillén asked what percentage increase is this request. Trustee Handy feels it should be brought to the Board for discussion. Trustee González Yuen feels we need to come with a more general discussion with some specific proposals. A specific increase is needed Page 2 of 5 Student Services and Equity Committee Minutes: November 6, 2008 for this year’s budget for action. Staff needs to get a proposal for the Board. Dr. Herring and Jeanette will work on this. It will be placed on the Board agenda for discussion. 3. Latino Student Recruitment/Retention Issues a. Subcommittee Meeting – Monday, November 17th 3:00- 5:00 PM Location: Chancellor’s conference room 4. AC Transit Update a. Linking to registration to passport system 1212 passes have been sold. 97 have dropped below the required 12 unit number, so they are deactivated. A survey is being done as to why they dropped out. One Merritt college glitch was reported where the student swiped the card and it didn’t work with the magnetic strip. We need some temporary passes where there is a glitch in the system. President Herring doesn’t feel the students are ready to vote on a referendum yet. If elections are held in April, a major publicity campaign is needed. Financial Aid has impacted the numbers of students that might buy the bus passes. We need to check to see if a student is interested in easy pass if it is possible when enrolling, and if the fee can then included in what they pay. The price/student for an easy pass is $21. There is data that is being collected on ridership. Trustee González Yuen feels we need the data from AC Transit. Reggie feels our elections’ process needs to be improved in general. He feels we have the necessary data now, and that the matter can be negotiated sooner rather than later. Trustee González Yuen feels it should be decided now. President Herring will let the Chancellor know that some one else needs to proceed with this project. Reggie suggested a timeline. It won’t be ready by Wednesday, but there is a willingness and desire at AC Transit to proceed. Minh will do assist with this when he can. The Board wants this to be a priority. This is part of student administration programming. A link needs to direct people to the easy pass on our website and marketing needs to assist. Somebody needs to reach out to the current 1200 users to help them with their renewal. Kerry will follow-up on this and report back to it. 5. Update on Student Health Initiative a. Student Health Survey Update b. Funding for Health Planning i. Data Analysis ii. RFP Design iii. Capital Planning Report from Kerry. Surveys are being prepared for the consultant in randomly selected classes. Trainings occurred for students who will be going into the classrooms. Data will return in December, with a report at the Board meeting. Jeanette spoke about funding. CA endowment fund is interested in helping us with funding. As the survey is completed and data becomes available, we can ask for additional resources. Trustee Handy feels we started out running on this project, and that the surveys have hijacked the issue. The county wants to help us, and the interest has not waned. Trustee Guillén wants a resolution from the Board to solidify the Board’s intent and to recommend action. Trustee González Yuen shared that the Board wants this to proceed. A funding plan needs to be placed on a future facilities agenda. The consultant is used just for the survey. Trustee Guillén shared that $20,000 funding is needed from Peralta as a partnership with the county. The issue of mental health is an easy entry into the discussion of other health matters. Jeanette will call the Page 3 of 5 Student Services and Equity Committee Minutes: November 6, 2008 county tomorrow. The Board wants to examine relationships with the county to make this more effective. County is also looking to take the pressure off of their hospitals in this partnership. Facilities master planning process should include physical funding improvement to our sites to fund these improvements. A Board resolution is needed on this issue. Kerry and Jeanette are helping to move this issue forward. The survey was paid from the Chancellor’s budget. The resolution can include a date certain to direct the Chancellor to proceed with this issue and the RFP. This should be included in the Facilities Master Plan. Karen wants to ensure that the nurses continue to be involved in this process, as they’ve been involved in the survey formation. April 14 and 15th are Spring break in the student elections code. It’s better to give them an extra week to campaign, which should be the last week in April. It is requested that the minutes note who will follow-up on items. If Kerry drafts an amendment to the code, then it can be placed on the agenda, at the next policy review meeting. 6. Spring Student Elections a. AC Transit Referendum b. Health Services c. Student Activities Trustee González Yuen asks that each has a dollar cost to it, and feels it should be spread out over time strategically. Donald argues the opposite, that students should be given one price tag with all of the items there at once to build a big coalition on all of the issues. If we can put that money to student body life, it would help tremendously. Most colleges charge $10/semester that can go to different programs that need funding. It may be $50/semester for all of the fees. We could have the costs as mandatory or opt-out fees. Yvonne shared it was mandatory to pay $5 of the $10/semester, and Financial Aid can help to cover this. Students want more health care and more activities, and she feels it’s time to ask for its funding. Trustee González Yuen shared that De Anza pays about $40/quarter. Bus pass is $35/semester at least. The estimate is $60/semester. Trustee Guillén feels that the student health services and student activities fees should move forward. Reggie says it’s historic the numbers of students voting. Election results aren’t being clearly communicated. Trustee Guillén wants the issue to come back with a number and how to move it forward, with a description of how that money will be used for clubs, sports, and intramural sports. Josue’ feels that the student bodies of each campuses have to agree to the fees, which can take awhile. Yvonne can assist with that process. Reggie sees this as an opportunity to bring students up to speed on these issues. Reggie suggests bringing all of the students together in one meeting place in a central group. Students need to come to the Board to make this happen. AC Transit students pass users will certainly vote for this, which is 1200 students. If students are invited, refreshments need to be served. If the matter is on the committee agenda, then students have to be present. 7. Laney College Special Elections A new Laney college president was elected after controversy in the elections. The outcome was different. There are still some complaints on the process that is being investigated by the college. A memo was distributed to report on the process., and the protests were all rejected. Trustee González Yuen asked about the failure to document eligibility beyond proper identification. Peralta shows a picture ID, then last 4 of social number. The Board policy tells who is an eligible student to vote. Yvonne observed some voting irregularities, and Reggie said that no one asked him for his ID. Trustee Handy feels that the close numbers warrant a check. The process of a list of eligible students needs to be created. Yvonne feels if you don’t have a Peralta ID, that you can’t vote. Trustee Guillén requests that there’s enough ambiguity involved to warrant checking all of the Page 4 of 5 Student Services and Equity Committee Minutes: November 6, 2008 voters. Trustee Guillén will help to verify voters to rule out any fraud, in an open, observable setting. Candidates or their representatives need to know that it was done fairly, and representatives can be present for the re-count. The committee would like a report back at the next meeting. This Board approves undoing what’s been done. 8. Process for replacing a student trustee mid-year if this is ever needed? This issue has been referred to the policy review committee to place into a policy. Respectfully submitted, Roxanne Epstein 466-7203 Page 5 of 5