Minutes: 10/15/09

5:00 PM TO 7:00 PM
Present: Trustees Withrow, Gulassa, and Handy, Alton Jelks, Joseph Bielanski, Wise
Allen, Debbie Budd, Karolyn van Putten, Chancellor Harris, Bob Grill, and Peter Dehan.
Review and evaluate a proposed Board Resolution to pursue a Paperless
Operation throughout The Peralta Colleges, with the Trustees and the
Chancellor taking the leadership role by example. (Trustee Withrow)
The Director of IT is asked to respond to this resolution. The Chancellor wants to ensure
that transition issues are easily implemented, using best practices. The faculty side of the
house needs to address this issue with the student body. Access to computers is also a
major issue. Vocational workers all work off of computers, as well. DVDs and repetitive
information need to be explored as future options. We need to effectively meet the needs
of all of our students, and going paperless is a part of this challenge. The financial issue
involved is important. TRIO grant for DSPS students help them to graduate, so we could
have a cohort with Center for independent living (CIL) with jobs and education, for
example. We need to do more partnering with agencies. It makes sense to offer some
things at CIL to be able to succeed there, rather than failing here, for some of our DSPS
students. Online courses also help the DSPS population to a world-wide campus. More
skilled counselors can provide best practices and alternative ways to others. DVDs of
classes and group counseling allow students to review materials at their own speed. The
new website will be presented to the Districtwide technology committee. Bob Grill
shared some editing ideas on the resolution. Trustee Withrow will redraft the resolution,
incorporating the suggestions.
6,000 students are taking distance education classes online. Student services are not
online, and we need to also redirect services online and web videos. We have computers
in the libraries and computer labs for students. Not all have internet access at Laney due
to the concrete, but the new building there will fix this problem. Some colleges have a
computer that students can check-out for use, such as at Ohlone college. Arizona college
learning center has hundreds of computers and students in a study hall with just a few
staff roaming the hall. It was suggested that this be added to our strategic plan. An
update with our building plan is also needed. By the end of 2012, Measure A funds will
be depleted. State matching funds for buildings depends upon state standards, and
depends upon when state funding might be available. The Laney library project is
proceeding, but is also hoped to receive state matching funds in the future. The facilities
committee examines these issues, consistent with Peralta objectives and State policies.
Dr. Ikharo can address these priorities upon request.
Review agenda, along with goals and objectives, of the scheduled 21-23 trip
to Washington, DC. (Alton Jelks)
The schedule was reviewed, and Alton will follow-up on it. Possible grants to pursue
may also be explored. If the colleges can identify grants for which they are applying, that
Board Standards’ committee meeting: October 15, 2009
would be helpful for the Labor department visit. The Department of Energy should be
added to the agenda. One of our students received leads on his Congressional Black
Caucus trip. Trustee Handy met with Assistant Secretary Jane Oats, who shared that
community colleges will receive more funding than workforce development, and she
should be contacted. The Chancellor is also working with Naomi Walker. A briefing
from the lobbyists would be helpful with earmarks and priority areas.
Discuss the status of the performance contracts and annual performance
evaluations throughout the entire structure of The Peralta Colleges
management team. Discuss methods to tie the performance contracts and
annual evaluations to annual manager employment contracts and
compensation. (Chancellor Harris)
An update was given by the Chancellor on the managers’ performance evaluations and
contracts. There was a question what percentage of the new Merritt college science
building is Measure A and State matching funds, and the allocations/amounts for each.
Concerns on the training for hiring committees were discussed. Communications are also
a problem to convey the Boards’ intent. There was a suggestion to have an explanation
as to why the VC of HR position was created. The Board wants someone at a higher
authority level who can enforce deadlines, such as performance contracts and
evaluations. Having a process of communication at the District level, such as the
Chancellor’s newsletter, are helpful tools.
Review and evaluate the modifications to short term objectives submitted by
Trustee Yuen.
Access, success and equity issues are the factors in the strategic plan. Dr. Allen met with
Trustee Gonzalez Yuen to hear his concerns about the updated short term objectives.
There is a goal to have a waitlist for the Spring or Fall, depending upon how quickly the
solutions can be addressed. Pay-to-stay may be an option, as well as other business
options, are all being considered. Increasing successful Financial Aid applications and
disbursements, and setting targets is being conducted now, which is why we don’t have
the same waiting lists we did last year. The plan is to centralize the process. There is a
short-term goal to centralize the operations, but there is currently staff resistance to make
these changes. Web software with SAFE is being negotiated. The process will also be
paperless. Audit exceptions is a high priority, and is also being worked on. The auditor
reported to the Audit and Finance committee yesterday that there are zero exceptions at
Laney, 3 Merritt, 4 COA, and 3 exceptions found at BCC. Equalization and resources
across the District was discussed. Berkeley is producing the same FTES as Merritt.
October 2008 the budget allocation model was adopted that will address this concern.
Health services implementation and the EasyPass were also raised. The short term
objectives will proceed to the next Board meeting including a matrix with Trustee
Yuen’s suggestions and then Ed Services recommendation next to that. Short-term
objectives are the domain of the Board. College educational master plans are based upon
the District strategic plan, and both are needed.
Next meeting: November 17th 4 – 6 pm Chancellor’s conference room
Respectfully submitted,
Roxanne Epstein
Assistant to the Chancellor
466-7203 repstein@peralta.edu
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