Peralta Community College District Policy 6.84 Board Policy 6.84 Contract Authorization, Chancellor It is the policy of the Peralta Community College District that the Chancellor be delegated authority to enter into contracts for District services to the District not to exceed $25,000 in unrestricted funds, which do not include bond or categories under other goods and services. The purpose of such authorization is to allow for the timely contract of necessary professional services. Contracts that either individually or in the aggregate equal or exceed an amount of up to $25,000 with a single organization, individual or vendor per fiscal year shall be subject to Board approval. It is anticipated that such supplemental requests will be rare expections and be accompanied with a justification for the increase. The law specifically forbids the practice of underbidding and/or splitting contracts to remain below the stipulated threshold to avoid initial Board scrutiny and approval of contracts. At the first Board meeting of the new fiscal year, the Board shall be provided with a list of contracts from the proceeding fiscal year that includes the date, vendor, description of service and the total amount of each contract. The Board shall annually set a maximum budget for expenditures under this policy and be provided with a quarterly statement of the names of vendors, type of service and the amounts awarded. (Gulassa) Approved by Board of Trustees: May 9, 2006 Revised: XX Last printed 6/28/2016 7:30:00 PM